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23732. thoughtful - 3/5/2008 3:28:23 PM

J@h, yes it's the stuff on a brush. I find it's fussier than the powdered foundation I was wearing, but I find it makes my skin look a lot fresher and more natural. Still it takes less time than the liquid foundation followed by powder that I used to do in the old days.

I refused to do bare escentuals because they lock you into the auto delivery stuff which I hate. I've since found the regular cosmetics are carrying mineral stuff now. The one I got is from L'Oreal and is very nice.

What lipstick brand do you use? I'm terrible about reapplying mine during the day and could use one that lasts.

23733. thoughtful - 3/5/2008 4:32:13 PM

Arky, I iron, but not often. Depends on how wrinkled the shirts come out of the dryer and how much time I have in the am.

I remember when we were first married and hubby expected me to iron, fold and bag his shirts. I laughed heartily and said, here, let me show you how to iron a shirt. He's been doing his own ever since, and when i'm really short on time, he'll even iron one for me, though he complains about pleats and darts and such in women's clothing.

But I swear I have some old shirts...I mean really old shirts...from 1970s that feel like cotton shirt material, are very comfortable to wear...not polyester or anything harsh or unbreathable like that...wear like crazy and never ever need ironing. If they could make the fabric back then, why on earth can't they make it now!

23734. judithathome - 3/5/2008 5:17:02 PM

You don't have to be locked into that delivery system for BEs...just cancel it. I did that for a bit and finally told them to cancel it altogether. You can order the BEs online and here, they even sell them OTC at Ulta....from which you can also order on line. I've tried other, less costly brands and find the BEs to be the best.

I'm using Revlon Colorstay Overtime liquid in a tube with liquid gloss in the other end right now...it's the best of all that I've tried. Second choice would be Almay (same type). What I do is apply the color and immediately after, the gloss. After a minute or two, I blot once. That keeps it supple and it lasts until I forcibly remove at night with a smear of baby oil. The directions say to wait to apply the gloss and to leave it on but I've found my method works better even though it stains the brush in the gloss tube. For some reason, waiting until it dries to apply the gloss leaves your lips more dried out later on. And I've never cared for that goopy, gleaming-like-a-wet-otter look that the gloss gives. By blotting, you get the benefit without the wet look.

23735. judithathome - 3/5/2008 5:19:06 PM

Here, standardized dress is different from uniform.

Well, what I'm seeing may be standardized dress but the parents have to purchase it at a certain store and it all looks exactly alike. To me, that says uniform...shirts with the school name, etc.

23736. jexster - 3/5/2008 6:57:53 PM

ust ran across a cousin of mine from LA who have seen only twice in 30 years..at parents' funerals

That sum bitch is LOADED. Hasn't worked in 15 years Now in its FOURTH edition at $144 a pop, the best selling of a couple other books
Damn thing is, in our family, not regarded as the sharpest pencil in the family box

His latest best seller

Graphical Approach to Precalculus, A (4th Edition) (Hornsby/Lial/Rockswold Series) (Hardcover)
by John Hornsby (Author), Margaret L. Lial (Author), Gary K. Rockswold (Author)

Searched John Hornsby on Amazon...251 math texts

23737. jexster - 3/5/2008 7:18:02 PM


23738. thoughtful - 3/5/2008 8:11:52 PM

Thanks juds, i'll give 'er a try!

23739. arkymalarky - 3/6/2008 2:48:09 AM

Bob says get him a free copy, Jex. ;->

23740. Ms. No - 3/6/2008 3:14:20 AM


It just occurred to me that all of these stay-on-til-you-take-it-off lipsticks were likely developed initially for the porn industry.

That gives me a chuckle. ;-)

23741. alistairconnor - 3/6/2008 11:47:10 AM

Girlfriend learned yesterday that they are sending her on a two-week mission to Country X.

As it happens, we have some neighbours from that country, and we had them to dinner a few days ago. So we had them back last night, and among other things, she asked them to find her the cheapest hotel she could decently stay in.

They settled on a $30 hotel, after some negotiation about the acceptable size of the cockroaches.

The profit on her per diem should just about pay for her new teeth. (Isn't life sordid?)

23742. David Ehrenstein - 3/6/2008 8:39:03 PM

23743. thoughtful - 3/6/2008 9:19:19 PM

sparks memories of all those old helen keller jokes, of which there were many including, how did HK's mother punish her? She rearranged the furniture!

Funny, she doesn't look like Patty Duke!

23744. David Ehrenstein - 3/6/2008 10:12:54 PM

Actually she looks like Abigail Breslin.

23745. judithathome - 3/6/2008 11:07:51 PM

Annie, however, looks like John Malkovich!

23746. Wombat - 3/6/2008 11:09:43 PM

How did Helen Keller burn her fingers? Trying to read the waffle iron.

23747. judithathome - 3/6/2008 11:14:56 PM


23748. arkymalarky - 3/7/2008 12:16:42 AM

What's it doing your way, Judith?

23749. judithathome - 3/7/2008 12:25:33 AM

We have about a inch or two of snow on the ground...sticking, in fact.

23750. judithathome - 3/7/2008 12:27:15 AM

That picture of Helen looks like the girl from Big Love who married the Harry Dean Stanton character and later ran away to try her luck at a career in singing.

23751. Ms. No - 3/7/2008 9:37:41 PM

I'm actually ranted out for the time being so you guys get the abbreviated version.

My brother and his wife are splitting up which came as rather a shock to the whole family --- even me and I knew some of the problems that had existed.

A week ago when I found out I was devastated in general -- mostly on behalf of the children -- but whatever faults my sister in law has I was also aware that my brother encouraged and enabled a lot of those faults.

However, now I've got new information and I'm pretty much just disgusted with the self-absorbed, petty, childish bitch.

She pulled the incredibly grown-up "Leave my journal on my husband's side of the bed in plain view with a pen marking the passage I want someone to 'accidentally' read so I can say what I want and not be confronted with it because he'd have to admit to reading my private journal" move.

There was plenty of ridiculous stuff in it about how she's practically a single mother --- she's not. She's a stay at home mother which she chose to be and which my brother has nearly broken his back to allow her to be. The generally absurd shit about how she's made all the sacrifices and nobody takes her into account and nobody ever does anything to make her happy blah blah blah. (Does she sound like a petulant 12yo? Good, then I got the tone right)

But the clincher is how much she resents having to have anything to do with my brother's oldest son -- her stepson -- who she doesn't even like.

He's seven fucking years old. She's known him since he was born. He's been a major part of my brother's life the entire time she's been with him. Paxton has always been there. What did she think? That once she had a baby my brother would toss his other son away?

I've always been leery of her attitude toward Paxton especially once his little brother came along and J so clearly favored her own son. And this isn't just biological impulse, either. This is constant dwelling on how perfect her son is and where Paxton is lacking.

And all the while here's this little boy who's known her and loved her all his life. Desperate to please her, devoted to his little brother and now his little sister and she's taken the two youngest and moved five hours away and if it weren't for my brother she'd probably never have anything to do with Paxton again.

I swear to god I want to take her out to the woodshed and beat the ever-living shit out of her for being so fucking selfish and petty as to be jealous of a child.

And what's more, Paxton and Maddox are incredibly close. She doesn't even really think about how much it's going to hurt her own son not to see his brother regularly.

God I'm so mad I could spit.

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