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23777. iiibbb - 3/12/2008 12:02:04 AM

I've lost 35 lbs since I was married and my ring has been fitting really loose lately, and sometimes gets itchy.

I've developed a bad habit of taking it off and quickly forgetting it's not on.

I hope to develop the habit of putting it on the opposite hand when it gets uncomfortable.

23778. Ms. No - 3/12/2008 1:49:24 AM

Excellent news, iiibbb! How about on a chain around your neck when you have to take it off? That way you may forget that you haven't put it back on, but you'll never have to worry that you've left it someplace.

23779. alistairConnor - 3/12/2008 1:51:57 AM

... and if it's too heavy, I'll carry it for you, Mr Frodo.

23780. Wombat - 3/12/2008 3:53:19 AM

The jeweler soldered a little metal strip inside the ring. Now it fits fine. Glad you found it iiibbb.

23781. arkymalarky - 3/12/2008 4:05:01 AM

Great 3i3b!

LOL, Alistair!

23782. alistairconnor - 3/12/2008 11:41:52 AM

I surpassed myself this morning.

Girlfriend worked the night shift, she got home just as I was getting out of bed, and went straight to sleep. I had breakfast and dressed discreetly, then let myself out. The instant I pulled the door to, I knew I'd left my phone and keys behind.

I started to leave the building... changed my mind (expecting phone calls)... went back and rang the doorbell, wearing a contrite expression.

She didn't answer the door. Then I realised I'd closed the hallway door, to protect her from noise, and wouldn't hear the doorbell unless she was awake.

I'll go back at lunchtime and try my luck.

23783. Magoseph - 3/12/2008 4:23:45 PM

How did you start your car if you left your keys inside?

23784. alistairconnor - 3/12/2008 5:29:01 PM

I rode my bicycle to work, my dear. Like I always do.

Well actually, I don't always ride my own bicycle. Often, I take a public bike from the stand in front of the apartment building.

23785. alistairconnor - 3/12/2008 5:30:04 PM

... The kicker (you can probably guess...)

... is that I woke her up, she did indeed come to the door, but I'd gone by then.

23786. judithathome - 3/13/2008 4:23:30 PM

I have discovered the secret to enjoying salad if you have to eat it every single day as a meal...delay your meals until you're literally starving.

Just kidding...but I have been eating a LOT of salad lately in an attempt to lose a few pounds. It hasn't worked. I honestly think my thyroid is "off"...because I am being scrupulous about adding up my calories, so much so that I fear becoming obssessed over them. I am NOT glopping salad dressing onto my healthily structured salads...using lemon juice or measuring out carefully only two tablespoons of low fat dressing. (I have never like a huge amount of dressing on my salads...always have it "on the side" at restaurants.)

My salads are different each day...I add fresh steamed green beans to some of them or steamed cauliflower. I add cucumber or shaved carrot or shredded cabbage to my mixes of romaine, field greens, mixed "European greens", butter lettuce...I have grape tomates and sugar snap peas, grapes, sliced strawberries...I've varied my salads every day.

And for protein, I eat less than four ounces of broiled steak or smoked turkey or steamed salmon. I have canned tuna...in water, not oil...or canned Alaskan salmon.

I eat 2 pieces of fruit a day and I have one slice of whole grain bread or a whole grain tortilla. No chips, no desserts, no sugar or added salt. I drink water or iced tea...no cola.

Only once a week do I eat something that might be considered bad for me: biscuits on Sunday morning. And I only have two at most...Arky can tell you how difficult THAT is, limiting myself to two small ones. Keoni makes these special small ones just for me, too...he uses a juice glass to cut them.

I keep my calorie intake to 1200-1300 a day and have done so for the past 3 weeks...in a sane world, I should have lost 5 pounds in three weeks...that's not an excessive estimate at all. But I haven't lost any and have even gained 2 pounds.

I'm really at a loss to explain this...I'm swimming and doing water aerobics at least three times a week, too. I know it is more difficult to lose when you're older and especially when you can't do regular exercise. I'm going to start my daily walking next week...have had some bone problems lately and haven't been able to walk much since early in the year.

It's demoralizing...I could see where I couldn't complain if I'd been whipping up to Taco Bell every other day or scarfing down cookies and ice cream. But I don't do that. I do everything you're supposed to do and nothing is working. It's pretty depressing when you're getting no results...I feel hopeless about it. And I'm not obese...I just want to lose a little bit of weight.

23787. thoughtful - 3/13/2008 4:39:31 PM

Sounds to me like you're not getting enough fat in your diet. I'd skip the low fat dressing and put olive oil on your salads. Fat is essential to the diet, including saturated fats.

Also, are you using artificial sweetener in your tea? If so, switch to sugar or drink it without. Drink more water. Do you drink fruit juice?

You might also add more protein. 6 oz per day is considered minimum for the average woman.

You might also try to substitute the whole grain bread with a starchy vegetable like peas, or sweet potatoes.

If it is a thyroid problem, it's easy enough to check with a blood test...ask for a T3, T4 and a TSH.

23788. thoughtful - 3/13/2008 5:57:34 PM

Also, the other thing you may want to try is weight-bearing exercise. I know you have physical issues you have to be careful of and walking will certainly help, but any kind of weight lifting you can do...even if its just soup cans while you're sitting in a chair...will help. Muscle burns more calories and weight lifting is the best way to add lean muscle, which declines drastically with age.

Perhaps you might consider spending time with a physical therapist to get suggestions for what you can and shouldn't do given your history...they can get pretty creative in safe ways to do things.

23789. anomie - 3/13/2008 7:04:33 PM

Judith, could it be that you're losing fat and gaining heavier toned up muscle?

23790. judithathome - 3/13/2008 7:42:51 PM

Anomie, I wish...I am gaining some muscle (that I lost during the winter) but it is hardly enough to account for the no loss or same weight.

Thoughful, I do have a little fat...sometimes I use olive oil with the lemon on my salads. But I might not be getting enough...I have noticed my face feels very dry lately. Highly unusual for my face to be flakey. I think I'll increase my protein, though. I had been thinking along those lines, anyhow.

I don't use ANY sweetner in my tea or coffee...never have.

And speaking of sweet potatoes, I'm going to steam some today and chill them and have them as snacks!

23791. thoughtful - 3/13/2008 9:15:14 PM

yum or slice, sprinkle with some oil and salt & pepper and roast in the oven turning halfway through...makes a nice 'chip'.

The evidence Taubes presented in his book on good calories bad calories suggests that a lot depends on what you eat and he had evidence that people on low/no carb diets could actually eat more calories and lose weight vs. people on lower calorie diets that included carbs. Go figure.

Also fats and water are very important to metabolism speed which could help with weight reduction.

23792. judithathome - 3/13/2008 11:54:33 PM

Gads, I don't see how I could have more water than I currently drink every day!

23793. arkymalarky - 3/14/2008 1:54:43 AM

I've done well on the weight this year, but no way when my thyroid was messed up, so it's well worth looking into. And I felt so awful.

I actually reduced the water I was drinking because I was feeling water-logged. Exercising is my weakness. Spring break is next week, and I'm going to try to get into a routine. I would like to lose more weight faster, but I was gaining no matter what I did, and progress of any degree is a huge improvement over last year.

23794. thoughtful - 3/14/2008 2:28:37 PM

J@h, what about your breakfasts...what are you eating?

23795. judithathome - 3/14/2008 4:43:11 PM

Western omelets made with egg beaters (green peppers, red peppers, onion, shredded cheddar sprinkled on top...no slasa)...some days I vary that with a real poached egg. Whole grain English muffin or a slice of something called "double fiber" bread. (I use butter on those...can't eat "dry" toast!) A tangerine or a few strawberries. Black coffee. If I have it handy, I may have some ham with that omelet or a sliver of smoked turkey but not every day.

Some days I have a cup of oatmeal with nothing but a teaspoon of butter (real) and a dash of salt.

I always have breakfast, though...

23796. thoughtful - 3/14/2008 5:00:16 PM

That's good...i'd just skip the egg beaters and eat real eggs. Helps add fat to the diet and a real egg is actually a very balanced food. On average, an english muffin is the equivalent of 2 slices of bread, so you might opt for the bread more often or switch to half an english muffin. Adding butter is just fine.

Sounds to me like you're doing a lot of the right things. Stick with it and it will pay off.

And get your thyroid checked.

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