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23791. thoughtful - 3/13/2008 9:15:14 PM

yum or slice, sprinkle with some oil and salt & pepper and roast in the oven turning halfway through...makes a nice 'chip'.

The evidence Taubes presented in his book on good calories bad calories suggests that a lot depends on what you eat and he had evidence that people on low/no carb diets could actually eat more calories and lose weight vs. people on lower calorie diets that included carbs. Go figure.

Also fats and water are very important to metabolism speed which could help with weight reduction.

23792. judithathome - 3/13/2008 11:54:33 PM

Gads, I don't see how I could have more water than I currently drink every day!

23793. arkymalarky - 3/14/2008 1:54:43 AM

I've done well on the weight this year, but no way when my thyroid was messed up, so it's well worth looking into. And I felt so awful.

I actually reduced the water I was drinking because I was feeling water-logged. Exercising is my weakness. Spring break is next week, and I'm going to try to get into a routine. I would like to lose more weight faster, but I was gaining no matter what I did, and progress of any degree is a huge improvement over last year.

23794. thoughtful - 3/14/2008 2:28:37 PM

J@h, what about your breakfasts...what are you eating?

23795. judithathome - 3/14/2008 4:43:11 PM

Western omelets made with egg beaters (green peppers, red peppers, onion, shredded cheddar sprinkled on top...no slasa)...some days I vary that with a real poached egg. Whole grain English muffin or a slice of something called "double fiber" bread. (I use butter on those...can't eat "dry" toast!) A tangerine or a few strawberries. Black coffee. If I have it handy, I may have some ham with that omelet or a sliver of smoked turkey but not every day.

Some days I have a cup of oatmeal with nothing but a teaspoon of butter (real) and a dash of salt.

I always have breakfast, though...

23796. thoughtful - 3/14/2008 5:00:16 PM

That's good...i'd just skip the egg beaters and eat real eggs. Helps add fat to the diet and a real egg is actually a very balanced food. On average, an english muffin is the equivalent of 2 slices of bread, so you might opt for the bread more often or switch to half an english muffin. Adding butter is just fine.

Sounds to me like you're doing a lot of the right things. Stick with it and it will pay off.

And get your thyroid checked.

23797. arkymalarky - 3/14/2008 10:23:02 PM

I'm pissed. The satellite internet is down and they won't be out to fix it until the 25th. I have six months on the contract and I'm canceling. Not worth the money.

23798. arkymalarky - 3/14/2008 10:26:44 PM

Wabbit, how is your mother?

23799. Jenerator - 3/15/2008 4:57:22 PM


It sounds like you're eating the right things. Try switching meal times, though. Eat protein *after* you workout. Also, don't give up! Three weeks is awesome, but it really take (unfortunately) six weeks.

Keep it at!

23800. judithathome - 3/15/2008 11:36:28 PM

God, I am sick of salads.

I had a little beef last night, though...and will on Sunday, also.

Good news is I've lost 2 pounds...fianlly!

Thanks for the support, guys!

23801. judithathome - 3/15/2008 11:37:39 PM

Oh, And I won't be buying the English muffins any longer...I really like the South Beach whole grain tortillas better, anyhow. ;-)

23802. thoughtful - 3/17/2008 6:21:24 PM

J@h, if you're sick of salads, why not opt for cooked veggies. One of my faves is rutabaga...I had some for breakfast this am...warm and soft, it's almost like eating a cooked cereal. Of course I had it with scrambled eggs and whole grain rye bread and butter and V8 juice and decaf. I also like eating the mixed veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and carrot blend, and cauliflower can be cooked and mashed like a mashed potato for a nice change of pace.

Glad to hear the weight is finally easing off.

23803. arkymalarky - 3/18/2008 5:53:43 AM

I'm mad at Bro. Y'all may remember my parents won a Harley. Dad refused to give it or sell it to Bro, who wanted it bad.

Well, Bro bought one last week. And the musician broke his hand in two places today. Don't know if he's going to get rid of it, but he has no business with a motorcycle. He has enough trouble staying focused driving a car.

Speaking of that, my dr, who's very pretty, had a cycle accident last monthiia bicycle. She flew over the handlebars and landed on her face. She had to have 25 stitches.

23804. alistairconnor - 3/18/2008 10:56:43 AM

Oh ouch!

Ouch for bro (I've got a brother like that... though he gave up the motorbike antics at age 20 or so... having survived that long by a series of miracles)

Ouch for the doc...

Though in abstract terms, I am fairly unsympathetic to people who have bicycle accidents. My philosophy is that if you're going to ride a bike in a hostile environment (i.e. anywhere but a dedicated bicycle track or on private property) then you'd better assume that everyone else is out to kill you, and that anything that happens to you is your own fault.

23805. judithathome - 3/18/2008 3:34:41 PM

It's raining today and I have to go to Dallas with my son this afternnon. I will be a nervous wreck after we get through Dallas traffic twice...even with my son driving and us being in a HUGE truck that could probably crush any smaller car that challenged us.

23806. judithathome - 3/18/2008 3:35:39 PM

What is about early mornings that makes you read "afternnon" as okay until right before it posts onto this screen and it's too late to change it?

23807. arkymalarky - 3/18/2008 4:43:45 PM

I'm sympathetic to typos since everything I'm doing now is texting. I've made a bunch of them and a lot have gotten through, tho I've caught a bunch of them.

23808. alistairconnor - 3/18/2008 5:04:25 PM

Oh shitty shitty fuck.

He's done it. The stepson has been drop-kicked out of his high school.

His behaviour is way out of order. It might just about be non-expulsion grade in one of the rougher public schools, but this is a fairly snotty catholic school. And other kids' parents have been complaining about him.

And it happened on Friday, and we learned about it today.

The worst of it is, I'm part of the problem, from his point of view... I come between him and his mother... bad experience with a previous stepfather... he has never known his father.

So I've decided we have to address that aspect at least. The father is apparently living with his mother, and a young Congolese wife, in Barcelona. I've been talking about setting up a meeting, I think I'm going to force the issue and take him there this Easter weekend. (We were planning a family bike trip, but the weather's going to be crappy anyway.)

Might make a good road movie.

23809. arkymalarky - 3/18/2008 6:11:36 PM

Good luck. Bro is going thru a similar situation with one of his three stepsons and it's very stressful. The dad has been zero help.

23810. iiibbb - 3/18/2008 6:56:11 PM

My weight loss has come in spurts over the past 2 years. My worst weight was about 210 lb, but I usually hovered in the 200-205 lbs range.

I quit drinking soda (I was drinking way too much during the PhD) and was down to 195 within a month. I started swimming (built up to about 2 k, but generally swim 1-1.5 k 3 times a week, and try to do that within 30-45 minutes). I have changed my diet gradually, mostly by reducing portion size and after dinner snacking. I never really ate dessert before. After a year, year and a half I was hovering from 180-185 lbs

Last September I added running 1-3 miles 2 times a week to the routine. It used to kill my knees, but I was jealous of my wife's portable exercise. It helped buying some quality running shoes. I also started eating yogurt for dessert. That took me down to about 176-180 lbs.

Around Christmas, I dropped another 5 for no apparent reason except that I've settled into a routine. I think my metabolism has caught up with my activity level. I now exercise 3-5 times a week. I allow myself a soda every once in a while, mostly on trips. It's interesting that now the caffine jolt actually works now.

I am now hovering in the 172-176 lb range. I attribute the vast majority of my weight loss to regular cardio exercise and reducing junk food. I haven't tried to restrict specific things from my diet... I might be eating less starch (bread), less rich stuff like ice cream (which I have a weakness for). I generally don't take seconds.

I dunno. It's taken a 2 years to lose this much. The losses definitely came in spurts rather than a steady decline. The last 5 lbs were a surprise and I could stand to lose another 5 lbs, but I'm very happy with where I've gotten given the rather simple changes I had to incorporate to my life. I'm glad I stuck with them. I will say that my goal was more about improving my cardio-vascular condition than weight loss.

Be patient and good luck.

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