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23956. iiibbb - 4/21/2008 10:23:40 PM

from wiki

The Geva correction to the validity of Murphy's Law states that "Murphy's Law applies only in Murphy's systems, i.e. systems in which Murphy's Law is known". In simpler words: if you do not know about it, Murphy's Law does not apply. In a system that comprises only perfect idiots Murphy's Law is invalid, and the system will work perfectly even if it is severely flawed.

23957. magoseph - 4/22/2008 8:11:04 PM

Hang there, iiibbb!

23958. thoughtful - 4/22/2008 8:17:57 PM

isbs that suggests that ignorance is not only bliss but perfection!

Old story my FIL used to tell about engineers trying to design an airplane and the wings kept falling off, no matter what they tried. Then an old, been around a long time, engineer comes along and says it's very simple. Drill a hole every 10" along the seam where the wings meet the plane body. They thought he was nuts but he assured them it would work.

So, desperate as they were, they tried it, and sure enough the wings stayed on. When they asked him how he knew to do that, he replied, "It's very simple. Nothing ever tears along the perforation!"

23959. enigma - 4/23/2008 11:52:54 PM

WizardOfWhimsy, this is Enigma, the chair is against the wall, I repeat, the chair is against the wall. Look towards the NEPAconservative. That is all.

23960. JJBiener - 4/24/2008 4:07:47 AM

Greetings Moties. I realize it has been a long time since I posted here, but I dropped by to see if you guys could do me a small favor.

I have a video in the Obama in 30 Seconds contest at Moveon.org. As improbable as that sounds, I really did it more as an artistic endeavor rather than a political one.

In order to get to the next round of the competition, I need as many votes as I can get for my video. I am contacting every one I can think of and I hope some of you guys will be willing to help me out.

Here is the link:

It's not about the race

If you know of anyone who would enjoy the video and would be willing to support my efforts, please pass on the link.


23961. wonkers2 - 4/24/2008 2:10:50 PM

Will do. We've missed you in the Mote. You're back just in time for the election. Give us a call next time you're in Detroit!

23962. wonkers2 - 4/24/2008 2:29:22 PM

It's Not About the Race

23963. wonkers2 - 4/24/2008 2:34:33 PM

Nice video, JJ. Great campaign idea by Move On for Obama.

23964. JJBiener - 4/24/2008 3:19:54 PM

Hi Wonk. I am glad you liked the video. I had a couple other ideas I wanted to do as well, but I was limited with what I could do with public domain video. I really didn't have a budget to buy stock video.

I have been wanting to come up to your area for a while now, but I haven't had the opportunity. I don't really get to travel much these days. The last trip I took was back to St Louis to visit my daughter and my grandkids. It is hard to believe that my little girl (remember Teen Angel?) is grown, married and has two kids.

If you want to hear some samples of music I've done recently, check out my web site.

23965. judithathome - 4/24/2008 3:55:28 PM

Well, I'd like to vote but my speakers are on the fritz and they won't let you just vote for one ad...so I can't hear any of them and don't want to just vote on looks along.

I loved yours, JJ, but they have the voting process fixed so that friends can't just come in and vote for their pals. They pick which top five to show you and you vote on those.

Very professional looking ad, yours was! I just wish I could hear it...ha!

Sick around for a bit and let us know what's going on with you and yours.

23966. JJBiener - 4/24/2008 3:57:21 PM

Sorry for the bad link.


23967. JJBiener - 4/24/2008 4:01:39 PM


If you scroll down, it will ask you for your name, email and zip and the two hidden words. I know it asks you to rate other ads, but you don't have to. After you vote, you will get an email to confirm your vote.

It is too bad you can't hear the audio on the ad. I think it came out quite well.

23968. judithathome - 4/24/2008 4:17:20 PM

Oh, I did that...but I wasn't certain it took.

I'll get Keoni to hook up the speakers tonight so I can hear it...we got a cat and she fancies herself quite the computer geek. Heh.

23969. judithathome - 4/24/2008 4:18:12 PM

Oh, I did that...but I wasn't certain it took

Meaning I voted for yours but didn't for the others.

23970. jexster - 4/24/2008 4:32:26 PM

Excellent video JJ.

Am spamming MyBo list servs now

23971. JJBiener - 4/24/2008 4:37:04 PM

Judith, If you got the email and clicked on the link, then the vote counted. If not, you may need to try again.

Jex, Thanks. I appreciate any help I can get.

23972. judithathome - 4/25/2008 12:58:51 PM

I got the email!

Won't be around today....huge multi-person garage sale so watch the weather channel to see us rained out...ha!

23973. wabbit - 4/26/2008 12:15:52 AM


23974. JJBiener - 4/26/2008 2:11:50 AM

Wabbit!!! I stopped by for a little shameless self-promotion. Check out post #23960 and vote for my video.

How are things with you?

23975. arkymalarky - 4/26/2008 2:34:52 AM

It's great to see you in here, JJ. I owe you an apology. I don't remember now what I posted, but I do remember intending to apologize to you for it.

Can you vote for that if you're not a member of MoveOn?

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