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24198. judithathome - 6/22/2008 7:18:41 PM

His demeanor has changed considerably within 3 days...he's sort of resigned to them keeping him there another day or two. And he's thinking more clearly and has apologized for his behavior the other day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be the day they release him...after changing it THREE times.

24199. arkymalarky - 6/24/2008 12:30:31 AM

Well, I'm at Disney World. I'm too tired to enjoy it right now, and I'm not happy with the hotel--they don't even have wireless. But I hope to get a good night's sleep. Bob's out with his supt right now, and she's a live wire. My commute went okay today, and that was the biggest stresser. We're going to stay two nights on the beach on the way home, and we're going to Epcot tomorrow and Wed. It's the first non-Colorado vacation we've been on since we went to Europe ten years ago. The working part of this working vacation has been good for both of us so far--lots of useful stuff.

24200. wonkers2 - 6/29/2008 9:42:59 PM

Last week we lost our beloved 21-year-old cat, Sparky. He stopped eating and drinking. We fed him by squirting water and food into his mouth with a syringe for several days but he didn't improve. We took him to the local vet who said it was unlikely he would get better so we had him euthanized. After a week we still miss him. Sad.

24201. arkymalarky - 6/30/2008 4:59:51 AM

Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that, Wonks! I didn't realize y'all had a 20+ year old cat, as well.

24202. arkymalarky - 6/30/2008 5:02:36 AM

We used to have a dog named Sparky.

Mom and Dad kept Hobo while we were gone. Dad said we need to name him Wiley (sp?) because he looks like a coyote. He may be part coyote. I go pick up Mazie from the vet tomorrow, where we kenneled her. She's too high maintenance for my parents.

24203. Ms. No - 6/30/2008 7:22:39 AM


I'm so sorry about your kitty. Give the Missus my best. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet.

24204. wonkers2 - 6/30/2008 12:08:04 PM


24205. thoughtful - 6/30/2008 3:10:46 PM

My condolences Wonks...so hard to lose a loved one, even if it has 4 legs.

24206. wonkers2 - 6/30/2008 4:33:50 PM

Tnx. He was a great little cat.

24207. judithathome - 6/30/2008 11:24:12 PM

Wonks, my condolences...see Good Life for our experience.

It's so hard to believe these little furry "friends" become so much members of our families. We mourned when Klaus had to go and even though I act like Harley is the pet from hell, I know I would mourn her loss, too.

24208. arkymalarky - 7/1/2008 12:18:55 AM

Hey, Judith, how are things?

24209. judithathome - 7/1/2008 12:26:17 PM

I'm driving Leslie to Dallas today, if that is any answer. You be the judge...I've never been the one "driving" there.

He, however, is doing great. Said he sat down and came up with 40 phone numbers of friends the other day from memory...I'd say that's pretty good work for someone 4 to 5 weeks after major brain surgery!

24210. judithathome - 7/2/2008 5:37:54 AM

Trip to Dallas was great...we had lunch and still got to the doctor's office 45 minutes early...and he saw us immediately. He started out by saying he'd been anticipating this appointment all day.

He was bowled over by how well Leslie is doing and he said he didn't need to do outpatient therapy at all. Just come back in 4 weeks and to get a CTA scan a couple of hours before his next appointment.

That doctor couldn't stop smiling the entire time...you could just tell he was thinking "I did this!"

24211. thoughtful - 7/2/2008 2:07:06 PM

Wow...great news! Congrats!

24212. vonKreedon - 7/2/2008 3:19:19 PM

That is such good news Judith! I love the image of the doctor experiencing why it is that he loves his work.

24213. arkymalarky - 7/2/2008 4:39:55 PM

Hey VK!!

That's fantastic, Judith!

24214. vonKreedon - 7/2/2008 7:45:30 PM

Hey Arky. How'd you end up liking Disney World?

24215. arkymalarky - 7/2/2008 9:51:42 PM

It was okay, but not nearly as fun as I remembered it eighteen years ago when I went with a group of seniors on a senior trip. I wouldn't go out of my way to go on my own money, but if Bob or I had to attend another conference there (Bob did this time), I'd be glad to go, as long as our only expense would be getting into the parks. Food prices were outrageous and there were no extras in the hotel. I wouldn't stay on the site if I had a choice.

I also had a long commute to UCF to a workshop of my own, and that probably affected how much I enjoyed it--two hours of commuting daily makes the idea of "having fun" in the evening pretty unappealing.

24216. wonkers2 - 7/2/2008 10:09:33 PM

Great news Judith!

24217. iiibbb - 7/3/2008 6:48:35 PM

Haven't been in here in a while.

I hope everyone is doing well. Life is busy here. Still messy, but calmer. The latest in the saga here is that the university reneged on the job for my wife... not really the fault of the people that wanted to hire her, but they did majorly drop the ball by not keeping her appraised when they thought the offer might be in jeopardy (university politics).

We cobbled together a stop-gap so she won't be unemployed.

Although it is stressful, the upshot for me has been that I've been very supportive of her. I've basically earned a lot of points back for sticking up for her and getting my university contacts involved. I also unequivically told her that because of event I don't feel obliged to stay here and we can start working on the next step this October.

So she doesn't get mad at me anymore.

Secretly I'm still glad I did all of this. As much as she hates it here. As much trouble it has caused. We would've been worse off if we'd stayed. This move has vastly improved my odds finding work where she wants us to go. If I'd said "no" tho this job the one chance I had, we would've both been unemployed for several months. She would never acknowledge this... and it would be counter-productive of me to press the point... so I must have no regrets in secret, and cross my fingers that I can find some work up North despite the probable early withdrawal.

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