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24300. arkymalarky - 8/16/2008 8:17:56 PM

Almost everyone I know, including my own husband, has said the same thing. He isn't going anywhere, and I'll bet none of our friends, nor your wife will either.

Hang in there--time's moving on and y'all will be relocated soon.

24301. judithathome - 8/16/2008 9:21:27 PM

Arky, we have had our credit rating ruined by the dealership (they claim it was corporate that did it) submitting the check I left for them for the full amount of the car with the understanding they'd wait to submit until our check was in the bank...I called them throughout the week keeping them updated on the situation: the check to us wasn't mailed until YESTERDAY but my check was submitted to my bank last week! So there goes our "excellent" credit report for the next twenty years...ha! (I honestly believe it was corporate that did it because both Wayne and the finance guy understood our problem with the mail, etc.)

Wayne (our salesman) was mortified that it happened and I'm going to the bank on Monday to clarify how it occurred...I don't expect much sympathy from the bank OR from the dealership...they offered us financing on the spot and in retrospect, I wish to hell we'd taken their offer. Ah well...all will be fine by the end of this week and I blame the assholes at Prudential for refusing to do a wire transfer in the first place. This is OUR money, for cripe's sake!

Thankfully, this will never happen again...ha!

24302. judithathome - 8/16/2008 9:23:07 PM

3i3b, trust me, if people didn't move to Canada when they swore they would after the last two elections and after the past 8 years, they won't do it THIS time, either...just remind your wife that even if McCain wins, we still have Congress!

24303. thoughtful - 8/17/2008 1:13:36 PM

Sorry, isbs, but it sounds like she's working your every nerve and pulling your strings. But remember, you can control your reactions to the situation.

By these notes, i'm guessing you've not gone for help. you need some, buddy, to help you gain perspective and replenish your tool kit for dealing with all the ambiguity. Please do yourself and your honey a favor by going. My recommendation is to look for someone who does cognitive behavioral therapy...they have a great track record esp. compared to others.

24304. arkymalarky - 8/17/2008 3:02:31 PM

Man, that sucks, Judith! Hopefully they'll straighten everything out and it will go back the way it was.

We got in at 1:30 am last night. The Korean student knows almost no English and her bag was lost in Houston. She didn't sleep any last night, and I didn't sleep much. But today I called and they called right back and her bag is found. She is so happy. We left for Little Rock at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, and I've got to take the students to their host homes today.

I'm ready for school to start so I can get some rest.

24305. judithathome - 8/17/2008 11:25:51 PM

Arky, I'm going to the bank in the morning to get it straightened out....I've calmed down considerably since that post....ha!

24306. judithathome - 8/18/2008 10:43:42 PM

Check's here...overnighting a cashier's check tomorrow and already have the title so I'm good to go!

24307. arkymalarky - 8/18/2008 10:51:58 PM

Good for you!

24308. judithathome - 8/22/2008 3:24:15 PM

My car is all legally registered and has Texas plates (I got to keep the ones from the Jag and got new ones for Leslie) and is paid for...I am so pleased with this car!! And Leslie now owns the Jag...I just hope he's as pleased as I am when something goes wrong with his new car...ha!

Arky, when you see Ronnie, tell him we're thrilled with the car and that my BMW-owning friend is envious of the color AND the fact I have as many options as he does at a third of the price!

24309. arkymalarky - 8/23/2008 1:29:21 AM


My car is going to be free, but I'm not getting it until tomorrow.

24310. judithathome - 8/27/2008 12:12:15 AM

I drove to Dallas today for Leslie's follow-up appointment with the neurologist...he's been released to go back to work tomorrow! He was very impressed with my GPS all the way over there...

We had a great time: went to a Harley-Davidson dealership that has been featured on the Discovery Channel...saw some awesome custonm bikes. Went to lunch and had a great time with my son...he has a wicked sense of humor.

The doctor was smiling the entire appointment...he is so proud of the work he has done to make my kid better...and justifiably so!

Our favorite moment of the entire day: someone who had an appointment at the same medical facility had come in a 1955 baby blue Rolls Royce! It was a joy to see such a glorious automobile amongst the Porsches and Mercedes that pulled up...I'll never forget how beautiful that car looked in the sunshine. Although my car looked pretty damned good, I must say!

Leslie bought two Harley-Davidson decals for the front and back winshields of (now) HIS Jag...I just had to bite my tongue. ;-)

24311. judithathome - 8/27/2008 12:13:29 AM

errata: custom

24312. thoughtful - 8/27/2008 11:10:28 PM

I had the pleasure of sitting the driver's seat of a 1967 rolls...there's nothing quite like it...the smell of the leather, the long, long hood reaching out in front...amazing.

We go to cruise nights on occasion with our Jeep. Last weekend, the photographer happened to catch hubby eying that souped-up Model A...our jeep is the cranberry colored fender on the left.

24313. Ms. No - 8/30/2008 12:57:06 AM


Just got a job teaching Drama at a local high school! I find it funny that I'm going to be employed in a position that is generally really hard to find rather than as an English teacher which is so much more likely.

Anyway, I'm hyper as a chihuaha on crack right now and am off to spread the word, but wanted to drop my news here.


24314. arkymalarky - 8/30/2008 3:56:23 AM

Oh man, that's FANTASTIC!

24315. alistairConnor - 8/30/2008 9:32:40 AM

Way to go Nyetskaya!
My elder daughter is starting high school on Tuesday, she chose the school because there is a drama option.

24316. judithathome - 8/30/2008 4:30:10 PM

Congrats, MsNo!!! They got a good deal when they hired you!

24317. Ms. No - 8/30/2008 4:54:53 PM


Yeah, I've been a little stressed out of late to say the least. It took a long time for the budget to go through and this year seems to have a glut of full-credential English teachers who legally must be hired before Interns get a shot.

I had interviewed for the English position that this school had about two weeks ago. I knew I hadn't gotten the job so I was surprised when the principal called me (he wasn't at the initial interview). He said I'd gotten high marks from the interviewing panel and he wanted to know if I'd come back and interview for their Drama position.

The bad news is that it's only a 60% position right now. This is woeful news to my bank account because 60% of not much to begin with is Ramen Noodle City and a roommate, however, on the two days a week that I'm not teaching my own classes I can sub for other teachers at the school which will bring my salary up to just manageable.

They expect the Drama program to expand next year to a full time position, but even if it doesn't, their student body is growing each year so they'll need me to teach English.

As it stands for the moment I can't "officially" teach my classes until I get fingerprinted and cleared through the District which could take up to 5 days. So, when classes start on Tuesday I'll be teaching with a certified substitute in the room to satisfy the law. Crazy, eh?

24318. arkymalarky - 8/30/2008 5:32:01 PM

Oh you MUST make time to let us know how the first days go! I'm SO excited for you!!

24319. Ms. No - 9/3/2008 3:18:55 AM

Okay, first off, my feet hurt, but not as much as I thought they would.

The day went pretty well --- actually it went really well if I think about all the ways I could've been prepared and wasn't.

We operate on a block schedule --- all 6 periods on Mondays and then Tuesdays and Thursdays are 1, 3, 5 (my classes) and Wednesday and Friday are 2,4,6.

This means our classes on most days are 100 minutes long. Yes, 100 minutes. One. Hundred. Minutes.

I didn't get my textbook or even know what it was until I got to campus this morning and they don't yet have a teacher's edition for me nor do they have the curriculum from the Drama class last year. They're trying to hunt it down, but in the meantime I'll get to meet with the English teacher who heads up the Drama Club tomorrow and I should be able to get some great info from her.

I had no idea who my students would be until ten minutes before my first class, so seating charts were out as were student files. This wasn't too awfully bad, but I'll definitely have charts for Thursday.

My first period classroom only just seats all 30 of my students and there's not a lot of space for movement although we do have access to the stage when we want it. first period students were pretty good overall. There was more random chatter than I would've liked, but they were good about calming down when asked. Some jokesters but nothing malicious and I think we'll all get along great.

Third period was in a different classroom --- much larger and a few extra desks so we've got plenty of room to move when we need. This class was much more focused and less prone to chatter and outbursts for which I'm grateful since there are 34 of them.

Lunch came and fortunately there was someone to let me into the teacher's lounge since I don't yet have keys. This means I also have to find a buddy if I want to use the bathroom. Joy.

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