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24340. arkymalarky - 9/4/2008 11:51:58 PM

No, that's a great description of your first day! Are you going to keep a journal of the year? I want to keep one of my last year, if I know when I'm in it. If your first year is like most, it'll be hard to make time for it, but you'll never forget it. After 28 years, my first year is the clearest of all of them. I'll be interested to see if by the end of the year 5th period isn't your favorite group.

Sounds like you're off and running. I'm no expert, but email me if you're ever inclined.

24341. arkymalarky - 9/4/2008 11:53:00 PM

That is a great picture, Anomie!

24342. Ms. No - 9/5/2008 7:02:13 AM

Thanks, Arky --- I'm sure I will email you, but I can tell you right now that I already think 5th period will be my favorite. They were a whole new class today --- courtesy of desk rearrangement and a seating chart.

We had a gas-leak scare in first period which took us out on the blacktop for about 30 minutes. This gave me a bit of a skewed idea of what the rest of the day would be like since we didn't finish what I had planned for the day. When I got to 3rd period I figured we'd end right on time, but I forgot to take into account that a lot of the time element depends on how vocal the students are in discussion.

Yeesh, that was a crazy period when I realized I was pretty much done and we still had 20 minutes of class left. I had them work on their journals for fifteen minutes and then they had the last five free.

5th period was my most participatory class and I was really impressed with them. I got answers from them that the other two classes hadn't come up with and I was just so proud of them. My hooligans had mostly calmed down since they were fairly separated and two of them were absent.

One of my kids who had been rambunctious on Tuesday was front and center so I could keep him on task and as I suspected even on Tuesday, he's talkative because he's excited.

All in all, 5th period was the best of the day.

I had my first staff meeting after school today and it was a nice surprise in that it ran pretty much on time and it didn't get bogged down. We had three students on the agenda who are in danger of not graduating for one reason and another --- turns out I've got all three of them and two of them are in my 5th period class.

One of them got a referral to the office from another teacher on Tuesday and he'd given me some problems as well, but today he was golden and after getting a little more information on him and how other teachers have helped keep him on task I'm feeling really enthusiastic about having him in my class.

I was hoping to review the cumulative files on my students, but it turns out that they aren't very informative since we draw students from all over the county and don't have a lot of their records or saved work or anything from before they got to our school.

Ah, well. I did take time during the gas scare to chat with a few of my students and get to know more about them.

I'm still terrified of next week --- I promised them a syllabus for Monday. This weekend will be hectic trying to put a curriculum together, but I think I should at least be able to give them a bare bones syllabus which is subject to change. I'll feel much better once I've got my lessons planned out a couple of weeks in advance. ;->

All in all a really productive day, but man am I staying far, far away from caffeine and refined sugar. I'm bone tired but I can't sleep for stress right now.

Journal of my first year? Heck, that's what the Mote is for, right?

24343. alistairconnor - 9/5/2008 8:45:12 AM

That's exactly what it's for Nyetskaya... among other things.

Just wondering if it's a thread.

24344. Jenerator - 9/5/2008 12:43:39 PM

Ms. No,

Get to know the other theatre teachers in the area, they may be the best resource for you. They can share syllabi, projects, ideas, what not to do, etc., etc..

24345. Jenerator - 9/5/2008 12:58:39 PM

My biggest challenge this year is getting help for the seniors who need it. I know that I have some who have undiagnosed problems, but they're ignored because of their grade level.

24346. judithathome - 9/5/2008 4:20:00 PM

Jen, I hope you stick around....I think WC is gone for good.

24347. Ms. No - 9/5/2008 5:03:13 PM


Heck, I could make a thread. It would keep me out of folks' hair as I ramble on. (I'm well aware that a little of this goes a lonnnnng way for most people) Also, it would be easy for me to compile stuff later if I want.

24348. Ms. No - 9/5/2008 5:07:57 PM


Thanks! Yes, I will be contacting them. A couple of them are actually old classmates of mine so it'll be good to hook up with them anyway.

Last night I tapped a couple of folks over at the university to plant the seed that they might come and be guest speakers. I think it'll mean a lot to my students since both the Chair and the Chair of the Masters program are African American women with doctorate degrees. The University Chair is near retirement, but the Masters Program Chair is younger than I am. Talk about somebody who'll make you feel two days behind when you first roll out of bed in the morning. ;->

Anyway, I'm excited about it. Although we won't have any guest lecturers until I'm sure my classes can behave for them.

24349. judithathome - 9/5/2008 6:02:20 PM

I think the idea of a thread for your "adventures in teaching" would be great! I'd certainly read it and as you say, it could serve as a diary.

24350. Jenerator - 9/5/2008 7:33:00 PM

Thanks Judith. You think it's really gone or just really messed up for now? Either way, they've never been down this long, have they?

24351. iiibbb - 9/5/2008 10:52:31 PM

Nice picture.

Pretty bummed out this week, but at least this time it's not because of my marriage.... more work-related. I just don't feel like I've gotten any traction on my job. I don't have enough interaction with my "co-workers" and don't feel like I'm getting enough done. I'm not working well in a vacuum. I need to get my shit back together.

This election has me depressed as well. I probably need to stop talking politics with people. It is too frustrating.

I've just been really tired lately.

24352. Jenerator - 9/5/2008 11:09:17 PM

Take a break this weekend, iiibbb. You deserve it.

24353. arkymalarky - 9/6/2008 12:08:54 AM

Oh yes, a thred please!!

24354. wabbit - 9/6/2008 4:57:43 PM

iiibbb, I gave up talking politics a few years ago when I realized that very few people are actually interested in discussion. Most people want someone to agree with them and tell them how insightful they are, not be challenged or open to the possibility that they could be off-track. Dittoheads are on both sides of the aisle and I've lost interest in the frustration of trying to get anyone to have a fresh look at something that they've already made up their mind about. It just isn't worth the aggravation.

Good luck on both the job and personal fronts. I feel sure something positive is in store for you eventually.

24355. wabbit - 9/6/2008 4:58:31 PM

thread, thread, thread, thread!!!!

Sounds like a great job for you, Ms. No, and I agree with everyone who has said they are lucky to have you. You are going to be one of those teachers that students never forget.

24356. judithathome - 9/6/2008 5:24:46 PM

My little 6 year old boyfriend next door just came over dressed in camoflage vest and helmet with a toy gun and all the accoutrement of a child MP...complete with hand-held walkie-talkie and hand cuffs. His uncle, Steven, the kid I watched grow into manhood from the age of five, sent him the outfit from Fort Bragg, where he is awaiting transfer to Afghanistan in November.

Francisco rang the doorbell and waited from me on the little chair I have just for him on the front porch...he said "You're gonna want to take a picture of me in this." And he was right. ;-)

24357. Ms. No - 9/6/2008 5:40:39 PM

Okay, a thread it will be! Coming soon to a Mote near you.

24358. robertjayb - 9/6/2008 6:00:09 PM

Yea, Yea, Yea...

24359. magoseph - 9/6/2008 6:52:33 PM

Oui, Oui, Oui...

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