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24412. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 4:30:02 AM

Well, we've been out of electricity almost all day. The wind is crazy and we went to check on Bob's mom, who's ok but with no electricity either, and it's now too dangerous to go to my parents' who have electricity. Judith, what's it done your way? I can't get weather on the Blackberry from here for some reason.I'm about to try again.

24413. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 12:32:08 PM

Still out. I know shit happens, but I am not happy.

24414. Jenerator - 9/14/2008 1:51:07 PM

It wasn't bad in DFW. Out to the East, around Tyler, Ike hit pretty hard.

24415. iiibbb - 9/14/2008 2:49:36 PM

One of the worst times a hurricane ever got me my power was out for a week and the storm never really touched us. What was worse, I was in this tiny isolated block. The apartments 2 rows up had power, and 2 rows down. It was just one breaker. I took forever for the power company to come because we constituted a small number of customers and they were definitely taking the approach of whatever job helps the most people is what gets done first.

24416. iiibbb - 9/14/2008 2:51:04 PM

That was the late 90's. I didn't even have a cell phone... luckily I know to always have at least one phone in the house that doesn't need A/C power.

24417. judithathome - 9/14/2008 2:58:07 PM

As Jen said, we got nothing but a steady rain all day...no gusting winds, nothing but gentle rain. East of Dallas trees were uprooted, etc.

The only Ike wreaking havoc around here is Leslie's new black and white male kitten...he came by my friend's house on Friday and fell in love with the little scamp. Decided to name him Ike so he'd remember when he got him...ha!

24418. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 3:49:40 PM

We had high winds, trees down, etc. 3i, that sounds like here. We were out 11 days in an ice storm once. "Generator" is being tossed around again, but Bob isn't going for it. You don't even want to get me started on THAT. But we have a well, so no water. My food is thawing and I HATE staying with other people unless it's a social visit. And now, unsurprisingly, I have a migraine. I might have handled it more magnanimously had it just stayed off and not teased us with two long periods of electricity--just long enough to get a load of clothes sopping wet and dishes halfway through a cycle. And the humidity is kiler trying to sleep.

Sorry--I have to vent to someone other than Bob.
And I need coffee.

24419. jexster - 9/14/2008 3:56:38 PM

From an email:

Seen on a bumper sticker in Northern VA yesterday:
So many men, so many reasons to sleep alone.

Rejoice in God's righteous judgment Arky take 3 asprin kiss a water moccasin and call us in the morning

24420. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 4:10:28 PM

Hahaha! Just like a coonass.

24421. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 4:24:08 PM

Yay!! Electricity's back. Thanks for the long-distance voodoo, Jex!

24422. jexster - 9/14/2008 9:31:19 PM

Wanna cat?. She's discovered toilet paper. So I removed from the roller. Put it on top of toilet. Next to the sink.

Back from Venerating the Relic of the True Cross (1672nd year of the Feast)

All over the floor

Next the medicine cabinet...Surely she won't figure that out

24423. arkymalarky - 9/14/2008 9:56:49 PM

My dogs would think I'd brought them a treat.Toilet paper's problematic--you've got to keep it out of her reach but in yours.

24424. thoughtful - 9/16/2008 10:00:24 PM

jex your cat is channeling our young cas...he went through the t-paper phase also...for about 2 weeks, we'd come home and find it dragged all over the house. He soon got bored with it and we got our toilet paper back.

But then he got into 'fishing' in the toilet bowl...fascinated with the flushing action he almost fell in several times. Ugh!

24425. Ms. No - 9/17/2008 11:57:55 PM

Sorry to post this in two places but I wanted to spread it around.

This is a video that my brother and two of his improv friends put together. Go have a laugh and vote!

funnyordie.com -- McCain Palin Flashcards for God's Plan

My brother plays the "heavy"

24426. judithathome - 9/18/2008 9:05:54 PM

This is WAAAAY more than a peeve...it is a full-on rant: my son works for one of THE major aeronautical industries in this country; he has worked for them for almost 20 years. They have a "club" called the ConTrib club that is supported by involuntary contributions from everyone who works there: every single person who works there has money taken from every single paycheck each month. There is no opting-out...everyone pays into this fund.

The fund is used to support workers in time of need...say someone has a major stroke and has to miss work because in the aftermath of that stoke, they require major brain surgery and a long recuperative period before returning to work. This club is there to pay their cost of living while they are incapacitated.

Leslie met with the officers of the club this week and took in the three months' worth of bill receipts that I and his father covered while he was out of work. His utilities, his truck payment, etc. They told him they would let him know this afternoon how much he would receive in reimbursment. They assured him he'd get it.

He just called and informed me that they had denied him anything. Their reasoning? His bills had been paid!

I am so pissed off at this...what was he supposed to do? Get out of his hospital bed and bring in his bills? Let the utility companies turn off his electricity, his gas, his phone, and water?

This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! He has told me that this company treats their workers like shit and now I believe him...he was so furious, he left work an hour early which is probably just as well...he might have hit someone otherwise.

Oh, and the brilliant part? They told him to bring in his bills for THIS month and they would pay them. He is already back at work. He said he told them to shove it...he'd pay his own bills and pay his parents back for the rest of it on his own.

24427. magoseph - 9/18/2008 10:37:26 PM

I hope that he changes his mind and brings them his bills from this month, Judith.

24428. judithathome - 9/18/2008 10:57:40 PM

He did...and is going to.

And he will pay his father and me back; it will just take a little longer than he'd planned.

Luckily, neither of us is in any hurry for the money.

24429. arkymalarky - 9/19/2008 3:51:43 AM

I'd send them my bills as long as they'll pay them. That's unreal.

24430. alistairConnor - 9/19/2008 1:53:56 PM

Ooooh boy. When I've stopped hyperventilating, I'll tell about my adventures buying tickets to take my kids back to New Zealand for Christmas.

Serves me right for being cheap. Still...

24431. arkymalarky - 9/19/2008 2:02:18 PM

So evidently in bad economic times, instead of pulling together, people try to screw you over more than usual.

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