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24433. judithathome - 9/20/2008 6:15:09 AM

Well, my son went to the races today...NHRA races going on this weekend. He had a blast and called me about 7 times so I could hear the "awesome noise" of certain cars. I had to laugh...he was as excited as a 17 year old at his first drag race.

Arky, you have averted certain mayhem and didn't even know it. Remember that lady I called when we were up there in August...she was the one who nearly sold us a condo in "the old folks home" and who was in Hot Springs the same time we were at your place. She went to Jim's sister's gallery and spent 2 1/2 hours there...she LOVES Jim's sister and bought several of her things, and not just jewelry!

Anyhow, we went to an open house for my friend's new real estate agency last night and Linda (the lady I called) came running across the room and went on and on about how wonderful the gallery was and how thrilled she was to have learned of it. And after our second glass of wine, she had decided Keoni and I and she needed to come up there for the Gallery Weekend in October...we planned everything, from staying at your friend's motel to doing the gallery crawl all weekend. Ha!

Waking up this morning and checking my calendar, I realized it was impossible to go because we have tickets for the final play of the summer on that weekend...and Keoni's nephew from Hawaii will be in town for a football game with TCU. So I emailed her and told her we can't go but that if she is in Hot Springs next year when the "bash" is going on, she could come to the party and meet y'all. (Hope that is okay...the odds of it happening are pretty slim, though...she will probably be deep into opening the "old folk's home" by August.)

24434. arkymalarky - 9/20/2008 6:20:52 AM

Hey, if she'd be into it, it's fine with us. That's fantastic about Jim's sister! It'd have been great if y'all could have come in October. I'm hopeful of having a pretty fall this year, but you never know.

24435. judithathome - 9/20/2008 6:34:34 AM

Well, I can promise you, whenever we come the next time, I'm driving!! ;-) I absolutely LOVE my new car! It's almost sinful, the way I feel about that thing...or it would be if I believed in "sin" per se.

24436. wonkers2 - 9/20/2008 12:47:28 PM

Mago, that's one of the funniest and sad but true videos on the election I've seen. I forwarded it to a whole bunch of people, Dem and Gopers. One of the GOPers not known for his sense of humor said he found it offensive. Can you imagine!?

24437. judithathome - 9/20/2008 3:57:12 PM

I can't see ANY videos on my computer...and I can't find the Adobe thing to see why. Keoni said he would fix it...three days ago!

I'm going to have to backtrack A LOT to see all these great videos everyone is finding...

24438. arkymalarky - 9/20/2008 5:28:31 PM

I can't watch them well on satellite, so I don't even try any more. We're getting either offline completely or back on dialup next month. We both have internet on our phones now, and texting's a pain, but functional, and I'm getting better. I need to abbreviate more, but it's good practice spelling everything oiut, I guess.

24439. arkymalarky - 9/20/2008 5:30:26 PM

Wonk, did you mean No? I'll try to watch it at my parents'.

24440. jexster - 9/21/2008 2:32:45 AM

WHEW Arky's safe!

The PoHlees just raided an Evangelist's compound near Texarkana ...sexual abuse ...I'm worried about Jen

24441. magoseph - 9/21/2008 2:58:05 AM

Arky, I think that Wonk meant this one: Message # 24410

24442. Jenerator - 9/21/2008 3:11:28 AM

Don't worry about me, Jex, I'm not the one in a cult.

24443. wonkers2 - 9/21/2008 4:27:06 AM

Arky, here's the link to which I was referring:
Gay? or God's Plan

24444. jexster - 9/21/2008 4:42:07 AM


When Alamo said that he hated the Catholic Church and homos,I worried

24445. Jenerator - 9/21/2008 1:31:40 PM

Quit being such a drama queen Jexster. I don't hate the Catholic Church, homosexuals or even YOU. The list of what I hate is fairly short.

24446. arkymalarky - 9/21/2008 3:06:15 PM

Thanks for the link, guys!

And how do you know I'm not posting on my blackberry from a holding cell, Jex?

24447. arkymalarky - 9/21/2008 3:07:23 PM

The Alamo group has been a controversial cult in AR for literally decades--30 years or more. In fact, I had a student asking about them just the other day.

24448. jexster - 9/21/2008 5:35:20 PM

Apparently the Evangelicals just moved into Fouke in 1999 (or is it Fcuk?) ..at least according to the Little Rock TV bit I saw on it...

Hey you got some connects there Arky? You Jen? Sure would appreciate it..sounds like a fun place!

24449. jexster - 9/21/2008 5:37:10 PM

Got me there Arky....What was your role, children supply to the evangelicals?

They espouse the same beliefs as Sarah Palin's Assemblies of God (heretical sect of the AG)

Sorry I had you two confused Jen

24450. jexster - 9/21/2008 5:38:14 PM

In fact, I had a student asking about them just the other day.

Better hope the FBI isn't lurking

24451. Jenerator - 9/21/2008 6:05:12 PM


Why don't you read up on what differentiates a cult from regular religion. Get back to me after that.

24452. Ms. No - 9/23/2008 2:32:26 AM


So glad you liked it! I edited my email lists of anyone I thought might be offended and didn't get any complaints --- although it's fairly innocuous overall. When he stutters over the Boy Scouts I nearly fell out of my chair.

Just watching my brother slouch and try to pooch out his stomach reminded me of when he was a kid and he'd do "Before! After! Before! After!" with his non-existent belly.

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