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24501. arkymalarky - 10/12/2008 6:59:59 PM

I don't know. My blackberry's functional here and Bob just bought an iphone, so we'll go with those unless or until we get frustrated and go back to dialup.

24502. arkymalarky - 10/12/2008 7:00:38 PM

Got it and replied, Judith!

24503. arkymalarky - 10/12/2008 7:10:50 PM

With Wildblue I thought I'd watch more videos and get more out of the internet with downloads, music, graphics, etc. I got none of it. Without all that, all I really do is read, which is still the greatest thing about the internet, imo. I can see pictures that are sent on mine or Bob's phone, I can get high speed at work or at my parents' house, and website stuff I do for work can't be done on satellite internet, either. The iphone is also great for videos, music, etc.

My advice to anyone considering satellite internet is DON'T. I was stuck with an 18 month contract and it was more frustrating by far than dialup, because with dialup I knew I couldn't do things I expected to be able to on Wildblue. For $50 a month after about $200 or more to set it up, plus $150 for a router so we could be on at the same time, it was absolutely not worth it. If I had lots of kids and family sending lots of pictures it might have been worth it.

We just need civilization to creep a little further this way: Natural gas and DSL would be nice one of these days, but they're not worth moving for.

24504. judithathome - 10/12/2008 7:23:53 PM

If you ever get the idea of moving, call me and I will talk you down!

24505. iiibbb - 10/12/2008 7:29:43 PM

I don't like forced contracts a la cell phones and satilite TV. We got satellite when we moved here and although it's mostly better the 24 mo. lock-in sucks. When we move north I'm going to dump direct TV like a ton of bricks.

I'll wait and see about cell phone. P and I have different opinions about services.

24506. arkymalarky - 10/13/2008 12:51:34 AM

Thanks Judith! We need the gardening space now that this economy is tanking.

I love my Dish satellite, but we've had that so long I don't remember when our contract ran out. I hate the cell phone trap, too, but we're going to have cell phones, and because we're in such an awkward location service is iffy and we've been stuck with contracts we didn't want before.

24507. iiibbb - 10/13/2008 1:06:21 AM

The cable tv here sucks. Only 1 HD channel which is why we went with Direct... but they lock you in for 2 yrs if you want a DVR. Pretty good customer service, but I really hate lock-ins.

24508. Jenerator - 10/14/2008 3:29:05 AM


I am LOVING the Pillars of Heaven! I am trying to find time to read more in each sitting.

24509. anomie - 10/14/2008 9:23:52 PM

Glad you like it Jen. I'll save my comments til you're done. VK's recommendation of Iain Pears worked out. I've finished "The Immaculate Deception", a good fun mystery, and am saving "...Fingerpost" for a trip next month.

24510. thoughtful - 10/14/2008 10:00:58 PM

"We need the gardening space now that this economy is tanking."

Return to the land.
Figure out how you're going to feed yourselves and your families!

24511. iiibbb - 10/15/2008 4:36:20 AM

This election/economy crap is messing with my head. I need to quit going to so many news sites... and especially discussion sites.

I'll still hang out here... yutzes everywhere else.

24512. alistairConnor - 10/15/2008 8:16:08 AM

I hear you iii...
Same for me, and I don't even have the excuse of being American.

24513. iiibbb - 10/15/2008 4:24:49 PM

We're all linked AC. If it gets ugly here... it's going to get ugly everywhere.

24514. thoughtful - 10/15/2008 6:51:52 PM

well the tanking of the stock market has significantly changed my plans for retirement...my new plans are now to work until I'm 85!

24515. wonkers2 - 10/15/2008 7:14:29 PM

Me too!

24516. thoughtful - 10/15/2008 7:24:11 PM

so much for worrying about the shrinkage of the american labor force as us baby boomers retire!

Watching the stock market, for some reason, that song from the poseidon adventure keeps going through my head: there's got to be a morning after....

24517. iiibbb - 10/15/2008 9:01:14 PM

However, working you til you die might save social security.

24518. thoughtful - 10/15/2008 9:24:49 PM

social security ain't the issue, never was.

medicare/medicaid is the nut to crack.

24519. iiibbb - 10/15/2008 9:27:32 PM

Too bad all the ice is melting... we could've just adopted the Inuit version of senior care.


24520. iiibbb - 10/15/2008 9:31:40 PM

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