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24597. iiibbb - 10/28/2008 11:18:03 PM

Message # 24594

Tell him you're against gun control...

...then lock the psycho-traitor up.

24598. iiibbb - 10/28/2008 11:23:08 PM

Message # 24596

I've still got a Job Jex... my wife was screwed over here and me taking this job was contingent on her having a job worthy of her degree. They reneged, so we're trying to make something happen to get us to the Northeast rather than the deep South. She's a yankee girl, so it's been a rough year.

24599. jexster - 10/29/2008 2:28:38 AM

Wonks will set yall up in Dee-troit

24600. wonkers2 - 10/29/2008 3:59:23 AM


24601. judithathome - 10/29/2008 4:33:08 PM

Good morning....got the news yesterday that Keoni needs a CT scan of his chest because an "abnormality" showed up on his annual x-ray.

Needless to say, I am bothered by this.

24602. alistairconnor - 10/29/2008 6:06:52 PM

What sort of abnormality? Did they say? Heart stuff?

24603. judithathome - 10/29/2008 6:14:37 PM

No, I think it's lungs.

I'm just telling myself the last 2 visits to doctors involving "unusual" things in x-rays turned out to be much ado about nothing and that this one will result in the same.

It did rather miff me a bit that I got this call cold from the doctor...Keoni had forgotten to mention they would be calling with an appointment.

24604. arkymalarky - 10/29/2008 6:36:33 PM

Bob and I will be thinking of y'all Judith. Keep us posted.

24605. wonkers2 - 10/29/2008 7:18:37 PM

Testing is the way hospitals make their money! When in doubt about the budget round up a few more subjects for tests at $1500 a crack.

24606. wonkers2 - 10/29/2008 7:19:04 PM

Doctors also order tests to avoid lawsuits.

24607. anomie - 10/29/2008 10:25:27 PM

Because lawsuits make sure doctors run the tests they SHOULD run without the threat of lawsuits. Or something.

24608. judithathome - 10/30/2008 4:14:52 PM

Okay, I have a gripe. Keoni and I pay $60 a month ($30 each) to go to LA Fitness to work out. I swim and he uses the machines and sauna and swims in the pool, too. He's a serious swimmer and the pool is set up for serious swimmers.

Ever since we joined, we've had good experiences with the pool and the people who use it. The pool is set up with roped-off lanes...I use the first lane for my aerobic exercises and my swimming laps and Keoni usually works out while I'm swimming and comes in later to the pool, after I've gone home. Last night he decided to swim while I was in the pool because he was so glad I went. (I slacked off all last week.) So we were using the same lane...him swimming and me doing my exercises.

These two guys come into the pool area with their little boys. The age limit for the pool is 18 unless the child is with an adult. These two boys were about 10 years old, at most.

They started to yell and run and jump in and out of the pool, acting like it was a water park. I was finishing up but Keoni was still doing laps...these little punks kept jumping in the lane Keoni was swimming in...while the "adults" they were with lounged in the hot tub off to the side.

I got dressed and went to the desk on my out and asked the manager what the age limit is for the pool...then I complained about the little idiots acting like the pool was an extension of Wet'n'Wild...he said if it happens again, I have to complain while it's going on...in other words, I have to get out of the pool and walk dripping wet to the front desk and lodge a complaint!

I should have gone to the "owners" of the kids and told them to control the little beasts. Which is what I plan to do the next time this happens. And lest anyone think I am just a bitchy old lady who hates kids, there have been others who bring their children into the pool and keep them in line...teaching them to swim, watching over them, and making them behave.

I've never had a problem with that...except for the squick factor of thinking about kids peeing in the pool.

24609. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/30/2008 4:39:20 PM

24610. wabbit - 10/30/2008 6:11:30 PM

My niece works in a pet store. People regularly drop their kids off, then go shopping elsewhere, leaving the kids to run around and demand to play with the kittens or rabbits. I told her next time it happens, call the police and report an abandoned child. Let them track down the parent.

Best wishes to Keoni, keep us posted.

24611. Jenerator - 10/30/2008 8:28:58 PM

You should have dealt with them directly.

I bet if you had gone to the kids and the dad and said, "Hi. We're not done using this lane, so it's important that no one jumps in and distracts us from our training. Do you think you could go and swim over there? We will let you know as soon as we're done. Thank you so much." they would have done as you asked.

24612. judithathome - 10/31/2008 4:29:41 PM

Yes, they probably would have but I wasn't in the mood to "parent" these kiddos...they should have been left in the play area, not brought to the pool. Thats why they HAVE the big room with attendents and games and snacks...for those people who bring their kids to leave them safely in their own place.

The thing that makes me so angry is that this is an adult gym...not a Gymboree.

24613. Jenerator - 10/31/2008 10:01:17 PM

But instead of stewing about it, just deal with it quickly and politely.

24614. arkymalarky - 11/1/2008 12:15:06 AM

If you are paying for a service it is up to them to enforce the rules that make it comfortable for patrons.That's what their employees are paid to do. We had a bad experience at a restaurant along that line, and we never went back, tho the food was good. It was not our job to reason with their obnoxious, drunk customers. It was theirs.

24615. goodwinejoe - 11/1/2008 2:26:09 PM

Thinking outside the box here, but you could try this...

24616. Jenerator - 11/1/2008 4:06:25 PM


Sometimes people are oblivious. It's not really a big deal to say something polite to get them to stop doing something like swimming in the wrong pool.

This past summer, on one of the gym's 'open weekends', a mother brought her baby to the pool in a regular diaper, not a swimmie diaper.

Instead of getting all huffy puffy about it, or marching off to the office to complain, or getting more and more pissed off because one of the teenage lifeguards didn't notice it, I casually walked over to the woman, smiled, introduced myself and told her what the policy was. I then handed her a swimmie diaper. She immediately changed the baby and it wasn't a big deal.

[I saw her two weeks later and her baby was wearing the right kind of attire.]

On my way out of the gym, when it was convenient for me, I told one of the managers that they needed to keep a closer eye on the pool, that some mothers were bringing their children swimming with the wrong diapers, and that it was unsanitary. They were grateful for the heads up/reminder.

I don't know, it just seems to me that it is so much easier to be direct with people and polite than it is to be pissed off at the rudeness of others and stew about it and assume that everyone knows what is right and wrong all of the time and is 100% vigilant. We both go to gyms. My membership is $80 a month. Occasionally an employee misses something. I don't think it's a big deal to deal with the situation myself.

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