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24721. robertjayb - 12/6/2008 2:22:36 AM

I saw Kinsley last night with Charley Rose. He has had a new (?) Parkinson's operation involving electrodes in the brain, batteries, etc. He seemed to me much improved and much more in control of his speech and movements.

24722. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/6/2008 3:42:02 AM

Well I hadn't seen him since he was first diagnosed and I was shocked. Brave guy!

24723. wonkers2 - 12/6/2008 4:30:31 AM

I didn't know Kinsley had Parkinson's. He grew up and went to high school near where I live.

24724. arkymalarky - 12/6/2008 8:33:52 AM

Bro should be on HGTV Sunday night at 7 with a folk group called The Leatherwoods.

Which reminds me, in conjunction with the Inferno discussion, that CharlieL popped in a while back and didn't pop back.I'd love to see him come back around.

24725. Ulgine Barrows - 12/6/2008 11:06:50 AM

yadda, yadda, who's up for some chat?

24726. Ulgine Barrows - 12/6/2008 11:43:26 AM

I've totally changed my social status by the work I do. I now work overnight. I'm learning Spanish so I can boss those cute Latino boys around.

I really like how they are ploite to me, unlike the white candy-ass lazy boyos I will fire after Christmas is over.

24727. Ulgine Barrows - 12/6/2008 11:45:20 AM

I'm in an arguing mood, so I will say good day to you.

24728. alistairconnor - 12/6/2008 1:28:20 PM

Hey babe!

How's your lad? I've got one of my own now (technically he's my girlfriend's but I think I'd better adopt him)

We are struggling for his soul at the moment

24729. alistairconnor - 12/6/2008 1:37:59 PM

Ah crap I missed you.
I am definitely up for some chat if we can come up with a timeslot.

I have missed you!!
How many tenses can I say that in? (I'm trying to help the lad with his English, it's his worst subject. He's good with maths)

I have been missing you these last couple of years.
I had missed you the last couple of times you showed up, and I missed you again.
I had been missing you, now I'm looking forward to a chat.
I will miss you if you don't come back.
I would miss you if you didn't come back.
By January, I will have been missing you for at least two years.

Sadly, I couldn't put a grammatical name on all those tenses. Anyone care to have a go?

(Starting on the 17th I'll be in NZ for a month which might or might not make the chat time slot easier)

24730. alistairconnor - 12/6/2008 1:39:19 PM

Bossing boys around on night shift. My girlfriend does that too, sometimes. In Spanish too (and at least three other languages)

24731. judithathome - 12/7/2008 12:21:06 AM

Big fat rasberry to people who are so low as the ones who just swiped my 80 year old neighbor's purse out of her car in Sam's parking lot. The shitheels took it while she was returning the cart to the rack.

She had $210 in cash in it along with her checkbook and driver's license and a 50$ gift certificate she'd received for her birthday.

Yes, she was an idiot to leave her purse in her car but she is 80 and too trusting for her own good. Also on a fixed income.

Sometimes I just hate the human race....

24732. judithathome - 12/7/2008 1:04:54 AM

Jeezus, I just got a call from her and she said she got her purse back! A young lady called her and asked if she had lost her purse and said she had it; they arranged a place to meet and MJ said everything was there...her money, checkbook, everything.

The two girls said they'd found it in Sam's parking lot and figured she would need it back...she offered them $100...twice!... and they refused to take her money.

I guess it fell out of her car and luckily, these two young ladies were angels in disguise and returned it to her.

24733. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/7/2008 6:32:48 AM

How nice!

24734. alistairConnor - 12/7/2008 12:53:10 PM

There you are Judith, always jumping to hasty conclusions about the human race!

Where would we be without a few faith-recharging moments like that one? Thanks for that...

24735. judithathome - 12/7/2008 4:54:45 PM

Yes, it's true...I jump to hasty conclusions. Usually I am right and am thrilled to proven wrong in this case.

I've known this lady since I was 12 years old...she is slipping A LOT these days. I'm so happy that something good happened for her.

24736. Jenerator - 12/7/2008 6:28:59 PM

Speaking of good things, I was in the line at Starbucks for a latte yesterday, when a stranger showed a cool act of kindness toward me. As I pulled up to get my drink and pay for it, the cashier said, "Your drink is paid for. The woman in front of you bought your drink for you."

I have no idea who she was. Isn't that a sweet thing to do?

I tried to catch up to her, but she was long gone.

24737. thoughtful - 12/7/2008 9:01:14 PM

Be careful of that 'return your purse' thing.
That happened to someone I knew...had her purse stolen then they called her to meet them somewhere to return the purse. Well of course they never showed....they were busy robbing her house since they knew she wasn't home and even had her keys!

24738. wonkers2 - 12/7/2008 9:18:21 PM

My daughter had a similar faith-in-humanity-restoring experience last year. Around the time of her visit home I'd bought a new camera so I gave her my old one and a camera bag. (It was not a cheap camera.) Anyway, she left it on the plane when she got off in Oakland. A couple of days later I got a call from a woman in the Bay area inquiring if I had left my camera on the plane. The light went on, and I replied no but my daughter may have. She described the camera and of course it was the one I'd given to my daughter. Fortunately, my card was in one of the camera bag's pockets and the bag was still tagged with my name and address. I explained the situation, and the woman gave me her name and phone number which I passed on to my daughter who called her and picked up the camera. End of story. I hop my daughter has since tagged the camera bag with her name and address!

24739. robertjayb - 12/7/2008 10:21:18 PM

Give a thought to this day, December 7, "...a date which will live in infamy."

I remember confusion and anxiety at home and at my little country school. My brother and his buddies scurried about and huddled for earnest conversations in front of our house. Then in just a few days they were gone, all the young men in the community were off to the great war.

24740. JJBiener - 12/8/2008 12:01:34 AM

Greetings and salutations. I posted a new article to BarackObamaRevolution.com earlier this afternoon. I am now waiting for my Oatmeal Potato Bread to rise, so I thought I would see what was going on around here.

The local library had a book fair Friday and Saturday. Of course I went both days. I found some great books. Seven or eight cookbooks, a few books on writing, Charles Kuralt's America, Richard Rodgers auto-bio, books on superstrings and consilience (for a little light reading) and a copy of a PJ O'Rourke book I lost in the divorce. I also found several books which will be good Christmas presents for my wife. She got a healthy stack of books as well. The grand total for both days of book shopping? $12 for both of us. I love book fairs.

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