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24932. arkymalarky - 1/10/2009 7:37:32 PM

It's good to see you posting, Judith. And Bob and I are looking forward to a visit from you and Keoni soon!

24933. arkymalarky - 1/10/2009 8:03:32 PM

Mose and her BF in their (her) NY resolution to lose weight gave us the most fattening contents of their liquor cabinet which include pomagranate liquer, peach schnapps, butter schnapps, kahlua, and baileys. We need to have a party.

24934. wabbit - 1/10/2009 8:46:34 PM

I'm not much of a liqueur drinker, but Domain de Canton is yummy enough to be dangerous. I love ginger.

24935. robertjayb - 1/11/2009 1:15:21 AM

for Arky:

An OpenSalon contributer recalls the The Great Arkansas Ice Storm.

24936. arkymalarky - 1/11/2009 4:22:39 AM

Hey, cool! Thanks Robert!

24937. arkymalarky - 1/11/2009 4:55:16 AM

Interesting similarities and differences. I had kids writing about it too, for several years afterward. I should have kept their papers. There's a lot I've told already and lots of interesting stories I haven't, but what's most etched in my mind is lying in bed with Bob the night it hit, listening to Bob's parents' young pines, their investment for their retirement and their kids' future, snap like gunshots--all night long.

And we both want to puke at the smell of a Glade candle to this day. It was all we had for light for 11 days.

24938. iiibbb - 1/13/2009 9:28:52 PM

House has been on the market for a week. We have our first and most promising walkthrough today.

P's been offered the job, but it is all contingent on her getting through the background check... so we may get an offer we can't act immediately on. We won't know for another 2-5 weeks. Our realtor said we can add that contingency to a counter-offer should we get an offer from the client looking at it today.

We're headed North to go look for housing this weekend. I have one meeting with someone "connected" who might give me some good leads on jobs. Crossing fingers.

I wish things would happen in order. I can't wait for all of this stress to be lifted.

24939. wabbit - 1/14/2009 10:27:49 PM

iiibbb, I hope one day a year or two from now you and P will find yourselves looking back on all this mess and smiling.

24940. magoseph - 1/15/2009 5:34:08 PM

now 0°
Tonight-18--just hoping the electricity doesn't go out--ready to move Flexy in local motel until Saturday when we'll have a heat wave--high -24° low 13°. See you when I'm less scared.

24941. magoseph - 1/18/2009 12:40:49 AM

24942. Jenerator - 1/18/2009 1:11:05 AM

I want to read the Lincoln book Obama is reading.

24943. judithathome - 1/18/2009 5:38:18 PM

Whose is it? Goodwin's?

Sorry to break into the Vampire story in Fiction but where were you when you met Nigella?

And by the way, your daughter looks like like a mini-Jen!

24944. judithathome - 1/18/2009 5:39:02 PM

Meaning...pictures I've seen of her look as though she will look like you when SHE meets Nigella...

24945. Jenerator - 1/18/2009 9:29:17 PM


I accidentally answered you in Politics.

24946. judithathome - 1/20/2009 11:24:41 PM

On Saturday, Leslie's daughter and I (and our husbands) are doing a "party" for want of a better word, for all of Leslie's friends and co-workers and family...he had left strict instructions that there be no funeral or memorial but rather, a party at his house.

So we're honoring that and I have been calling all the people on his cell phone and others and it's so sweet that everyone has said they will attend. And everyone I've talked to has told me how much they admired my son as a friend, co-worker, or acquaintence...I've always known this, that Leslie was a wonderful human being but it is so heartening to know so many considered him to be an inspiring person in their lives.

24947. anomie - 1/21/2009 12:07:21 AM

What a wonderful way to honor and remember him.

24948. anomie - 1/21/2009 12:10:28 AM

As to the Spencer report on Hyundai, that's the only one that matters but it's nice to be vindicated. (And I intended the car comments to be here. Sorry about interupting Politics.)

24949. judithathome - 1/21/2009 12:11:14 AM

Ano, my aunt and her husband live in Las Vegas...or Henderson...and some day it might be nice if you gave them a call...I think she would like to hear from someone "know"...ha! They are a neat couple and I think she'd like to hear from you...I had mentioned your house to them when they moved there but they ended up buying rather than leasing.

24950. arkymalarky - 1/21/2009 2:07:33 AM

That sounds like a wonderful plan Saturday, Judith. Let us know how it goes.

24951. judithathome - 1/21/2009 2:18:48 AM

I will.

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