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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 25007 - 25026 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
25007. arkymalarky - 1/29/2009 3:14:55 AM

I'll have to remember that word. A good one for these days and times.

25008. alistairconnor - 1/29/2009 2:06:59 PM

iii... I think you skipped a decade. Surely you'll be turning 40, not 50??

My thirties were, I suppose, my golden age, but I feel I sort of frittered them away. The forties have been the worst of times and the best of times. It's not like I'm looking forward to my 50s, but I'm in good shape physically and pretty serene about my prospects. And I've got ooooh, a good year and a half to prepare for that...

25009. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 4:15:58 PM

Ahh... I misread her post.... I'm turning 40 this April...

25010. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 4:16:54 PM

I misread this post

24986. arkymalarky - 1/28/2009 8:25:22 PM

I've got until July to be in my 40s. The only BD that bothered me was 30.

25011. arkymalarky - 1/29/2009 4:29:50 PM

Ooooh! What a difference a decade makes! But as they say, it's not the years, it's the mileage.

25012. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 4:51:26 PM

That's going to be approximately 28,000,000,000 miles assuming 1) you've spent most of your time at about Arkasas' latitude 2) the Earth's circumference at the Equator is 40,000 kilometers, and the circumference of the Earth's orbit is 940 M km...

Tack on your car odometer and frequent flier miles.

25013. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 4:53:17 PM

Is it depressing that that's almost our current debt?

Maybe the world is about to end. When Arky's mileage and the debt come into convergence.

25014. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 4:53:45 PM

Start running East!!!

25015. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 4:55:03 PM

I didn't take into account the movement around our galaxy... or our galaxy's movement through space.

25016. arkymalarky - 1/29/2009 4:57:42 PM

Whew! I was packing for the bunker.

25017. Wombat - 1/29/2009 6:01:00 PM


Could you please send me your e-mail address?

25018. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 6:29:41 PM

Is it depressing I was 3-orders of magnitude off on the debt....

You'll need to live 50,000 years now.

25019. anomie - 1/29/2009 8:12:19 PM

Arky, why did 30 bother you?

I have always felt old, maybe because I measured my age against my lack of accomplishment. I look back every 5 or 10 years and realize how young I was back then. At this point in life I am trying to appreciate being a fairly healthy 57 year old and aging well rather than worry about getting old.

25020. arkymalarky - 1/29/2009 8:54:29 PM

Sure Wombat! Soon as I dig up yours....

25021. arkymalarky - 1/29/2009 9:06:49 PM

I don't really know, Anomie. It felt like I would forever leave any objective definition of youth or childhood, I guess, but I don't know. It was just the feeling I had to be a grownup, though I'd been maried five years and had a child and a career. It's not like I was a wild child who felt compelled to give it up at 30.

My main problem with age now is that I want to be a lot more free than I feel. Bob is the same, so we look forward to retiring while we have enough energy to enjoy it, tho we both love teaching. We will probably drop to p/t within five years. We're always making plans and never have time or energy to carry them out.

25022. iiibbb - 1/29/2009 9:22:25 PM

30 didn't bother me...

...36 was weird because it was twice the age I started college.

25023. anomie - 1/29/2009 9:26:34 PM

I understand, although I don't remember being bothered by 30 too much. However, at 32 I married a gal because I figured if I waited any longer I'd be much too old for anyone to want me. And she was getting up there too. 31. Of course life and youthful galavanting began again when we divorced, at which point I was 40 and felt younger than ever...lucky to be alive and healthy and still had most of my hair.

25024. arkymalarky - 1/29/2009 10:05:57 PM

Pretty rough route, going thru marriage and divorce to feel young again!

Wombat, I can't find yours. You can email me at amalarky@yahoo.com.

25025. anomie - 1/29/2009 11:10:54 PM

Oh Arky, you don't know the half of it.

25026. judithathome - 1/30/2009 3:08:23 AM

Thirty didn't bother me because when I turned 30, the au courant recommendation was "Don't trust anyone over 30" and I knew better. However, I spent my thirty-first birthday in tears.

Haven't regretted one since, though. Maybe I was more sober on my 31st....can't recall.

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