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25038. Ms. No - 1/31/2009 7:52:21 AM

I spent my 30th birthday just outside of D.C. at Diva's house with several Moties --- Bubbaette and Niner among them.

I don't know whether 40 is going to bother me or not. It sort of bothers me now, but it's not as if you want to NOT turn 40, you know? ;->

25039. Ms. No - 1/31/2009 7:53:39 AM

whew! It took me forever to get the woman to turn counter-clockwise --- the periferal vision thing helped a lot. I don't know that I ever would've gotten it otherwise.

Hmmm....wabbit and I both had trouble with that. I'm wondering what the Wiz would see.

25040. judithathome - 1/31/2009 3:36:40 PM

I saw her counter at the very first...swift glance and then, looking back, clockwise. I can get her to change easily, after about three spins.

I must be messed up! Or indecisive!

25041. iiibbb - 1/31/2009 3:57:11 PM

Oh... that's a good trick J@h. I can get her to switch while looking directly at her now.

25042. Ms. No - 1/31/2009 4:45:45 PM


I think it makes you versatile and adaptive!

25043. alistairConnor - 1/31/2009 9:16:58 PM

I think the problem, in my case, was that I couldn't take my eyes off her tits. Once I relaxed a bit, she came around.

25044. arkymalarky - 2/2/2009 2:21:08 AM

On dialup she's not moving at all!

25045. thoughtful - 2/2/2009 3:53:49 PM

I just look at her feet and ignore the rest of her....it's a matter of if you perceive her leg moving in front or in back of the other....once I get her feet to switch, the rest of her switches.

25046. iiibbb - 2/2/2009 4:35:07 PM

look harder

25047. iiibbb - 2/2/2009 4:35:47 PM

I'm telling Arky to look harder...


25048. thoughtful - 2/2/2009 5:12:12 PM

actually, i think left right has nothing to do with it...i think it all has to do with when you first look at her...if her leg is to the left then she appears to go counterclockwise...if her leg is to the right then she appears to go clockwise...if i get the timing of her spin down and then close my eyes and open them when i know her leg is on the other side, she reverses.

25049. iiibbb - 2/2/2009 6:16:34 PM

I think it has something to do with hemispheres... 98% of the time she's going clockwise at first glance.

You're right about perception. If I consciously say to my self "forward-backward" for whichever way I want her to spin, I'll start to see her spin that way. I can do it completely on the fly now.

Brains are cool.

25050. magoseph - 2/2/2009 6:42:37 PM

She sways from one side to the other for me--never showing her backside--weird lady or weird me?

25051. arkymalarky - 2/2/2009 7:45:26 PM

I was trying to be funny. She moves counter on the blackberry, but on dialup she never got going. I could have looked longer, but I was afraid I'd miss a phone call.

25052. vonKreedon - 2/2/2009 8:09:47 PM

I keep trying to relax my vision to have her move counter-clockwise, but then her near perfect breasts come around into silouhette again I lose my lack of focus.

25053. thoughtful - 2/3/2009 3:45:04 PM

so use your hands to cover the top part of the screen. sheesh. men!

25054. iiibbb - 2/3/2009 4:10:13 PM

No thoughtful, like this.

"Her breasts get bigger when you spin her CCW."

25055. magoseph - 2/3/2009 5:36:37 PM

You mean that she's carrying a concealed weapon--really?

25056. alistairconnor - 2/4/2009 10:40:42 AM

Well, if she would spin faster, the centrifugal force might do interesting things.

25057. iiibbb - 2/4/2009 7:04:45 PM

After a one month hiatus, this place is kicking us in the teeth again. Someone broke into my car last night outside the house and took a few things (I have already reprogrammed the garage door opener).


I just want out of here.

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