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25057. iiibbb - 2/4/2009 7:04:45 PM

After a one month hiatus, this place is kicking us in the teeth again. Someone broke into my car last night outside the house and took a few things (I have already reprogrammed the garage door opener).


I just want out of here.

25058. robertjayb - 2/4/2009 7:33:20 PM

One day, iiibbb, when you are settled in more salubrious environs, please reveal where you have been the past year or so. I'm really curious. And good luck.

25059. magoseph - 2/10/2009 12:28:39 AM

25060. anomie - 2/10/2009 2:24:09 AM

Thanks, Mago. I needed that!

25061. iiibbb - 2/12/2009 12:46:24 AM

Well.... I just told my boss.

25062. magoseph - 2/12/2009 12:57:00 AM

What did he say?

25063. iiibbb - 2/12/2009 2:54:03 AM

He was disappointed but understanding. I mostly faulted my wife's employment situation... didn't give a whole lot of detail about why I'm not happy with my job.

I am going to try to leverage some sort of temporary transfer.

We've decided that I'm not going to try to stay in town until our house sells. Her parents have enough money to loan us the mortgage, and we're pretty sure the house is going to sell. I'm pretty cautious, but would never presume to ask her folks for money like that. Now we have a safety net.

We had an open house this past weekend. One guy spent an hour and has been emailing our realtor a lot. He may not make an offer for a few weeks because he's in the midst of a divorce... but he might at least be an ace in the hole. We had a realtor's open house yesterday, and no one indicated the asking price was too high... so I figure we're in a good position there.

Pretty crazy right now.

25064. magoseph - 2/12/2009 4:49:54 PM

Crazy times, but a lot more hopeful now, I see. Thanks for the follow-up, iiibbb!

25065. judithathome - 2/12/2009 8:29:27 PM

Well, wish us luck tomorrow night..we're going to a grand opening of a friend's new cafe...we know the building but not exactly sure where the cafe is located in that building. Then, we're leaving that event and going to a restaurant for another friend's birthday...and know the general vacinity but not exactly where in the area the restaurant is located. THEN, we're going back to the first place after the birthday party.

All of this on Friday the 13th!

25066. magoseph - 2/12/2009 11:10:26 PM

I wish you luck, Judith--I'm so glad you have a busy social life--that's the only way I'm having one these days--talking to you.

25067. wabbit - 2/14/2009 3:41:12 AM

In case anyone might like to have a free mp3 of Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On, Amazon is giving it away until midnight on Valentine's Day. I put a link at the top of the link list on the front page.

25068. magoseph - 2/14/2009 11:46:26 AM

25069. Ms. No - 2/14/2009 5:56:08 PM


25070. judithathome - 2/14/2009 6:41:49 PM


(Remember that sleazy guy trolling for wives years ago?)

Happy Valentines Day to everyone and 28th Happy Anniversary to Keoni and me!

25071. arkymalarky - 2/14/2009 7:26:37 PM

Happy anniversary to Judith and Keoni!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

25072. wabbit - 2/14/2009 9:08:23 PM

omg, I haven't thought about Mahir in ages.

Happy anniversary, JaH and Keoni!

Happy V'day to y'all!

25073. magoseph - 2/17/2009 2:32:10 PM

Good morning!

25074. alistairconnor - 2/17/2009 5:21:05 PM

Bonjour ma chère, que pasa? Was ist los? how yer goin'? etc.

25075. magoseph - 2/19/2009 3:28:55 PM

Pas mal, Ali, considering the temperature this morning is now 12°F and will reach 21°F top. I think the worst is over, temperatures wise, but not for the snow yet, I'm afraid.

25076. alistairconnor - 2/19/2009 5:59:37 PM

We've had the coldest and snowiest winter of the century, at least. I thought we might have missed the worst of it by going to NZ... not so. We're expecting rain next week, which is nice, because it implies positive temperatures.

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