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25081. magoseph - 2/20/2009 12:25:56 AM

Just amusing myself--forgive me.

25082. arkymalarky - 2/22/2009 12:52:06 AM

I've gotten into playing "escape the room" games, which isn't good for dialup but I can load them at work and play them at home. In hunting them up I found www.jayisgames.com, which is a really neat place if you like games. Each escape game has a discussion with it where people talk each other through and it ends up in a walkthrough once someone figures it out and writes one. But they hide them so you only look if you want a hint. It amazes me how anyone can get through some of them without help.

25083. judithathome - 2/22/2009 7:01:44 PM

Me, too, because I can't even understand your description of them! Ha!

(No criticism of your writing skills meant...just my soggy brain!)

25084. arkymalarky - 2/22/2009 8:04:02 PM

Haha! My brain feels soggy when I try to work them. Basically you're in a locked room and have to find clues and items and work puzzles and figure out codes to get out.

25085. judithathome - 2/22/2009 11:13:01 PM

Are you having great weather? Keoni has gone to play golf today...it's beautiful here.

25086. arkymalarky - 2/23/2009 2:03:54 AM

Yes I am! I hope its sticks around!

25087. thoughtful - 2/23/2009 9:53:40 PM

Anybody try Kenken?

25088. judithathome - 2/24/2009 12:23:39 AM

Arky, it's supposed to be 81° Thursday...and a high of 65° on Friday, with rain.

So which night do you think we have a birthday party planned for our friend Harry?

25089. judithathome - 2/24/2009 12:24:45 AM

T'ful, the only game I play on the internet are MSMs Solitaire, which I guess comes with the computer.

25090. arkymalarky - 2/24/2009 4:37:05 AM

Ummm...The not-nice weather one?

25091. thoughtful - 2/24/2009 3:29:49 PM

Kenken is a souped up sudoku puzzle that will shortz has started pushing on the ny times...they are printing it in the paper every day with the xword puzzle.

25092. arkymalarky - 2/24/2009 8:53:56 PM

I passed it on to Bob for his math classes to try.

25093. thoughtful - 2/24/2009 9:50:17 PM

apparently that's how kenken got its start...by some math teacher in japan who was looking for ways to teach math and improve thinking among his students in a fun way.

25094. judithathome - 2/25/2009 1:59:08 PM

Another sleepless night and so here I am watching MSNBC's Morning Joe...for anyone who watches this, who IS that yapping, yipping little blonde idiot who keeps trying to interrupt the big boys? She comes across as a moron saying, in effect, "Look at me! Look at me! I brought treats and if you'll let me talk, I'll share...maybe!"

25095. Jenerator - 2/25/2009 2:55:17 PM


Where did that model's shoulders go? Her neck looks suspiciously long, too.

25096. magoseph - 2/25/2009 4:19:43 PM

Judith, she is Mika, daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski. She's an excellent anchor, but totally inept at social discourse. What makes her behavior worse is Joe's overpowering presence.

Jen, that's why the site where I got this picture calls her "weird beauty".

25097. uzmakk - 2/25/2009 4:23:03 PM

Hello All,

I suppose the Cafe is the best place to start, even though it is early in the morning. My old habit was to quit work a bit early, mix a drink and enter the saloon. That was fun.

First, as some of you may recall, I have been on a local forum associated with a talk-radio station(wilknewsradio.com). You can listen on line if you'd like. Don't worry Moties, though the station carries Rush they also carry a huge amount of local talk with an Air America bent. My preference is for Rush.

While the forum was running -- it has been taken away from us -- I had a thread dealing with the quarrycourtcase with which I have been involved for over ten years. On this thread I nicknamed Judge Ciavarella The Shiv, and gave a running account of his court. Wonder of wonders, he, the county's President Judge, and former President Judge, Michael Conahan, are both going to prison for 7 years. I claim no direct responsiblity for this wonderful turn of events; I was simply and unknowingly riding a wave centered around sentencing the juveniles to detention without legal representation, against the suggestions of parole officers, without deliberation, etc. These two judges had a financial interest in the detention center. You may have heard of this corruption case; it has made national news. 20/20 is coming to town next week, etc., etc., etc.

Back to my case. We have essentially won. However, the case is being appealed to the PA Supreme Court. It is unlikely that they will take it, because it does not deal with constitutional issues or fit any other criteria generally of interest to Supremes. Also, the PA Supreme Court is being watched because of the corruption investigation by the FBI. If they take the case, our ears go up, we start to worry and we move into action.

I want to tell you about my forum/talk-radio experiences next, but for now, adios. Gotta make hay while the sun shines.

25098. RickNelson - 2/25/2009 5:43:58 PM

Awsome Uzmakk!! I've read of those judges and am very glad their going to prison. Justice for their injustice.

Those children need other help, and that's the other story I'm waiting to read about. If you other links to that side, please advise.

25099. uzmakk - 2/25/2009 5:49:35 PM

...riding a wave centered around the sentencing of juveniles...

Mago, should I continue on Mote Matters even though I am a saloon kinda guy? Like I said, I would like to talk about fora.(nyuk) You tell me.

Nelson, I haven't been on Fray Poetry. Nice to 'see' you.

25100. wabbit - 2/25/2009 5:56:06 PM

Uzmakk and RickN, how nice to see you both!

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