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25116. uzmakk - 2/27/2009 5:25:25 PM

It seems that way, Conner, but the investigation is expanding and who knows what will turn up.

25117. judithathome - 2/28/2009 4:59:41 PM

Have sent Ike for a spa weekend before his surgery on Monday morning. Actually, he went to the vet's clinic so they can monitor what he eats (or rather, be sure he doesn't) the night before surgery.

ACTUALLY, he went 2 days early because he has started spraying his territory and I just couldn't take two more days of it. This will also give Harley a little respite from from being dominated, chased, and intimidated. And it will give me two days of relief from pooper scooper duty. (Yes, I know they have litter boxes but I scoop them almost every time they use them.)

25118. judithathome - 2/28/2009 5:00:43 PM

Oh, the surgery is for neutering...I figured everyone knew that but...

25119. wabbit - 2/28/2009 7:15:54 PM

Ah yes, the spraying, the odor … it's always best to nip that spraying behavior in the bud, so to speak. Neutering an older male cat won't always stop them from spraying. It will cut down on that really strong odor, though.

Maybe Ike will calm down a bit and the snuggling will commence!

25120. judithathome - 2/28/2009 9:04:37 PM

Well, he's only 6 months old so I'm hoping we got him in time.

I would have had it done earlier but my vet was in Tahiti for a month.

25121. wabbit - 2/28/2009 9:12:48 PM

He's plenty early at that age. I knew someone who had two toms that she kept indoors and she couldn't understand why her house smelled so bad. D'uh. Once she got them neutered, the strong urine smell stopped after about a month, but they were 2 years old by then and they continued to spray out of habit. At least the smell wasn't as bad!

Tahiti for a month — well, someone has to do it, LOL!

25135. magoseph - 3/2/2009 10:08:33 PM

I moved the posts above to Movies & TV.

25136. Ms. No - 3/3/2009 2:53:50 AM

Great to see Rick and Uzmakk!

25137. magoseph - 3/3/2009 3:22:54 PM

Good morning, folks

Interactive Poll in my area:

Poll Result

How do you feel about the proposed statewide smoking ban that's up for consideration by legislators?

I fully support the idea

No, I'm totally against the proposal

Even as a non-smoker, I'm against it because government shouldn't have the right to make these rules

What would be your vote?

25138. magoseph - 3/3/2009 3:24:13 PM

By the way, here's mine:

I fully support the idea

25139. judithathome - 3/3/2009 6:56:49 PM

I tend to side with the dissenters...I smoke but that's not the reason; I think if a designated area with proper ventilation is provided, smokers should be allowed to congregate there.

No one is calling for a ban on drinking in restaurants or bars...that is much more dangerous to innocent bystanders.

And if they are going to allow smokers to be shunned, let's take it a step further and outlaw unruly kids. I'd rather have a smoker at the next table than a squalling brat the parents blissfully ignore while MY evening out is ruined.

25140. alistairconnor - 3/3/2009 8:19:18 PM

Good lord, outlaw smoking? Several reasons why that's a bad idea :
1) brings the law into disrepute, because it wouldn't be respected
2) interferes with an established personal freedom
3) will create an underground economy (commerce of illegal tobacco)
4) will bring young people into contact with drug dealers (who will obviously step into the breach!)

Jeez. I just re-read, and I suppose they are talking about a ban in public places... not prohibition! oh well.

25141. anomie - 3/3/2009 10:33:21 PM

I'd have to read the exceptions and wherefore as's and unless's before deciding on the measure. In general, I'm for banning indoor smoking except in designated areas that are easily avoidable by non-smokers. I quit in 1999 and I'm still not sure it was the right thing to do.

25142. arkymalarky - 3/3/2009 11:00:22 PM

AR just slapped a huge tax on cigs. I'm like Anomie. I don't feel like there's enough info, which is how I usually feel with polls like that.

25143. thoughtful - 3/4/2009 12:26:30 AM

I'm dead set against smoking...and why shouldn't i be after my mother contracted lung cancer as 2nd hand smoke, my father had lung cancer twice and my SIL died of it at 39.

However, people have the right to smoke if they wish...they don't have the right to force me to breathe it tho. It is most annoying to have to walk through clouds of smoke outside of office bldgs where people congregate to smoke. I'd rather they have designated smoking areas away from entrances where people are forced to go through. However anything that removes smoke from the workplace is better than not.

And to all you smokers, if you knew how much you smelled after you smoked a cig you'd probably stop...when my secy walks in my office delivering mail after a smoke break, she wreaks! ugh! It's so bad that I can walk into the restroom after a smoker has been there and still smell the residual odor....and no they are not smoking in there...it's just the fragrance they carry with them.

My mil who smoked used to give me her mags when she was done with them and just thumbing through them let off such a stench. Any clothing she ever gave me as a present had to be washed before it could be worn because of the stink.

25144. anomie - 3/4/2009 1:18:43 AM

The lingering odor started to become apparent just days after I quit. And yeah, after I quit I could tell who had been out for a smoke just by walking past them. I don't mind fresh smoke wafting in the air. In fact, it smells good as long as it's not coming straight at me. But it's that old smoke residue that stinks.

25145. judithathome - 3/4/2009 1:28:24 AM

Well, what if she just wore a strong perfume? That can cause people to gag, too...people who are sensitive to chemicals often are offended by those who use scented soaps and body lotions.

To me, a smoker and a scented soap and lotion user, it's a slippery slope...should I change my entire life to accomodate everyone who might be offended by my body odor? I agree that there should be designated smoking areas in public areas and I have no problem whatsoever with that.

But soon, we're going to see bans on who can drink in public because it's offensive to others and could lead to fatal driving habits and who can use Chanel #5 because someone with a sensitvity to chemicals might be offended.

Where does it end?

I can appreciate that you have strong feelings because of what happened in your family but then again, I have experienced tragedy in my family where someone...my son...never smoked at all, never drove drunk, and still ended up dead.

It's like gun control...some people are responsible with gun ownership and some are not...

25146. anomie - 3/4/2009 3:20:02 AM

I'm not offended, I was just noting how the odors became apparent rather quickly and are rather distinct, and mre days after quiting I realized I used to broadcast those same odors as I passed people in the hall and never knew it.

I agree, there are more annoying things than smoke odor. Money collections and cookie sales come to mind...church candy sales...going aways...someone's second cousin twice removed passed away...promotions... Sometimes I would be hit up several times a day for one thing or another.

But that's another topic...

25147. judithathome - 3/4/2009 7:37:20 AM

Well, I have been to estate sales where the interior of the house is literally nicotine brown and everything in it reeks of smoke...I never wondered what had caused the "deceased" to have need of an estate sale, I can tell you!

25148. thoughtful - 3/4/2009 5:32:24 PM

C'mon, Juds....EVERYONE ends up dead. We all die of SOMETHING.

My only point is that smokers smell and many of them are not aware of how much they smell. And if they knew, it might encourage them to quit...just as they found with young women, the knowledge that smoking contributes to their developing wrinkles on their face was a stronger encouragement to quit than was risk of cancer or heart disease.

I presume people who use perfume are aware that they smell of it...otherwise they wouldn't use it.

And yes we do have to smell other peoples' farts but at least as far as we know, they are noncarcinogenic.

But no, if you choose to keep smoking and keep smelling, by all means. Just don't expose me to the hundreds of toxic chemicals your smoke entails.

The worst one was a Brit I met more than 20 yrs ago and I still remember because he so wreaked and was so covered in nicotine that after we shook hands and he departed, I had to go wash the smell off my hand...it was that strong.

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