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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 25194 - 25213 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
25194. rdbrewer - 3/26/2009 2:38:45 AM

It's good to come back here and see all the familiar faces.

Muffin, haven't seen you lately. You left TPW?

25195. rdbrewer - 3/26/2009 2:40:07 AM

It's good to come back here and see all the familiar faces.

Muffin, haven't seen you lately. You left TPW?

25196. arkymalarky - 3/26/2009 3:29:21 AM

Hey RD! Great to see you! How's it going?

25197. robertjayb - 3/26/2009 4:25:33 AM

Yeah! The Okie returns.

25198. alistairconnor - 3/26/2009 1:30:49 PM

No, I'm still around RD, I occasionally kick shit in the "finance" and "international" type threads.

25199. lemwalker - 3/26/2009 4:10:43 PM

The golf course is history. Too much labor, not enough fun. I have given up on a game invented by dour Calvinist Scots. They weren't allowed to have fun. So they played golf.

25200. vonKreedon - 3/27/2009 5:49:08 PM

Haha...penance as recreation!

25201. wabbit - 3/27/2009 8:50:20 PM

LOL! Hey Lem, that sounds like a t-shirt that would sell!

Nice to see you, rdbrewer!

25202. rdbrewer - 3/28/2009 2:16:07 AM

Hey, you guys. It's been a rough five years.

25203. rdbrewer - 3/28/2009 2:20:06 AM

Hey, you guys. It's been a rough five years.

25204. rdbrewer - 3/28/2009 2:25:11 AM

Hey, you guys. It's been a rough five years.

25205. arkymalarky - 3/28/2009 2:26:37 AM

How? Things better now?

25206. rdbrewer - 3/28/2009 2:27:16 AM

Hey, you guys. It's been a rough five years.

25207. robertjayb - 3/28/2009 2:30:29 AM

Sorry to hear it. Care to elucidate? You have a nosey but sympathetic audience.

25208. rdbrewer - 3/28/2009 2:47:16 AM

What the heck happened there? I'll have to remember the posting interface.

25209. vonKreedon - 3/28/2009 3:03:11 AM

You can't refresh the page if your post is the last one or it replicates that post each time you refresh. It's annoying.

25210. alistairConnor - 3/29/2009 4:53:26 PM

(It's a feature!)

OK OK, the software is nearly ten years old, and showing its wrinkles.

25211. judithathome - 3/29/2009 7:59:13 PM

That wrinkle was there 10 years ago! Ha! And like you say, a feature.

25212. Ms. No - 3/30/2009 7:54:48 AM

I prefer to call our little quirks "noobie traps" regardless of the dearth of noobies.

25213. judithathome - 3/30/2009 6:30:07 PM

That would be fine except it hits the regulars, too. ;-)

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