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25209. vonKreedon - 3/28/2009 3:03:11 AM

You can't refresh the page if your post is the last one or it replicates that post each time you refresh. It's annoying.

25210. alistairConnor - 3/29/2009 4:53:26 PM

(It's a feature!)

OK OK, the software is nearly ten years old, and showing its wrinkles.

25211. judithathome - 3/29/2009 7:59:13 PM

That wrinkle was there 10 years ago! Ha! And like you say, a feature.

25212. Ms. No - 3/30/2009 7:54:48 AM

I prefer to call our little quirks "noobie traps" regardless of the dearth of noobies.

25213. judithathome - 3/30/2009 6:30:07 PM

That would be fine except it hits the regulars, too. ;-)

25214. judithathome - 3/30/2009 11:16:54 PM

Magos, where oh where are you? Is everything okay...have you guys "thawed" a bit? ;-)

25215. iiibbb - 4/1/2009 2:58:09 AM

We arrived at our new house (renting for a year). We have sold the house in MS yet, but we have someone who wants a 3rd walk-through. Our realtor thinks he's being a pain. Luckily we have 2 walkthroughs coming up on Thursday and Saturday. We lowered our price a few thousand to try to entice a bid and maybe start a bidding war. Fingers crossed. As long as we break close to even I'll be happy.

25216. arkymalarky - 4/1/2009 4:32:50 AM

Congrats and good luck on getting a sale asap!

25217. alistairconnor - 4/1/2009 3:10:29 PM

iii, if you break close to even in the current climate, you're a champ!
Good luck.

25218. iiibbb - 4/1/2009 3:44:24 PM

We actually might sell it for 10-12K more. We bought it with resale in mind. Many desirable attributes with location being a key one that will preserve our value.

Still that 10-12 K will get eaten up by the realtor fees... and we put 6K into some enhancements. However we also would've payed rent... and we didn't exactly plan to leave this early.

25219. iiibbb - 4/1/2009 3:46:02 PM

Plus there's no discounting what I've learned from the experience of buying... it will come in handy next time... where we probably will be staying a while.

25220. wabbit - 4/1/2009 4:14:39 PM

rdbrewer, what's the scoop, are things improving?

iiibbb, I hope your house sells soon and that things settle down for you - you've had a tough couple of years!

25221. arkymalarky - 4/1/2009 7:27:08 PM

My next option for fast internet service at home.

25222. alistairConnor - 4/1/2009 7:33:43 PM

Yeah, it certainly sounds like the best connectivity option for your location, Ark.

Hard to see how Google makes money out of it, but they've always had an unusual business model.

25223. arkymalarky - 4/1/2009 8:02:23 PM

Ha! I believe it's an April Fools joke, Alistair!

25224. arkymalarky - 4/1/2009 8:04:40 PM

But we have a septic anyway, so when Bro first emailed it, I thought "damn!" Then read how it "works" and what problems might arise, such as "data wipes" and "brownouts."

25225. arkymalarky - 4/1/2009 8:10:06 PM

Ooooh, 3i. I just saw, y'all were in MS? That explains a lot. A whole lot.

25226. iiibbb - 4/1/2009 8:13:10 PM

You are a sharp cookie Arky... I always thought so.

25227. iiibbb - 4/1/2009 8:17:53 PM

The funny thing is that she started making friends in the last 3 months and she misses it a little. Doesn't matter because the job situation for her was still a wash and 80% of the reason we left... but maybe if we have to move somewhere like that again she'll give it a better chance from the start.

25228. wabbit - 4/1/2009 8:32:59 PM

More from Google - Gmail Autopilot

Does Autopilot work for Gmail chat too?

Yes. Chat was actually simpler to build, given the natural language headway made by Joseph Weizenbaum's ELIZA. While many claim ELIZA oft times passed the Turing test, Gmail Autopilot passes with 99.9% accuracy due to the inclusion of human-like qualities such as compassion and wisdom and CADIE's related ability to calibrate to match your chat style.

These guys have more fun with April 1 than anyone.

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