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25278. Ms. No - 4/29/2009 7:57:31 PM

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Flexy!

25279. Ms. No - 4/29/2009 8:02:13 PM

I'm a fan of "8 o'clock" beans. I don't brew coffee at home very often, but when I do that's my choice.

Currently I'm avoiding caffeine because I put my facette joint out and it's excruciating. Anything to keep the muscles more relaxed at this point is a good thing.

I've done this before --- about two years ago --- and it's honestly the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Plus it's frustrating as hell not being able to move around as I need. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and this morning and I've got another adjustment this afternoon. They're closed tomorrow so I'm on bedrest until my next adjustment on Friday.

On the good news front, we're doing standardized testing this week so I only had to teach on Monday and then one class yesterday afternoon and one tomorrow. It's a lost instruction week since so many seniors are skipping --- they don't have to do the testing so they're not coming to school. I'm showing Clue as a classic example of farce.

25280. judithathome - 4/30/2009 11:11:43 PM

Maybe your schools will do what ours have done: the entire school system has closed until May 11...because of swine flu.

25281. Ms. No - 5/1/2009 4:41:38 AM

I just found out that a school in our area has been closed --- 5 cases of swine flu. Yikes!!

25282. Ms. No - 5/1/2009 4:45:41 AM

Make that 3 cases. It's a private catholic school but I don't know which one.

We have a lot of students at our school that travel back and forth to Mexico or have relatives who do, but our Spring Break is weeks behind us now so I think we're fine on that front for the time being. We got info on ramped up non-contagion procedures and spray bottles of anti-bacterial solution to paint our rooms with after classes and our students are pretty good about washing their hands and using hand sanitizer.

I'll keep my fingers crossed....and washed!

25283. alistairConnor - 5/1/2009 10:07:16 AM

Hey I didn't think of you folks at all with respect to the flu business... Texas and California are in the front line eh?

25284. judithathome - 5/1/2009 3:23:43 PM

Yes, because both states have so many people coming across the borders for jobs.

The one recorded death we've had here in Texas was a 22 month old baby who had come to Brownsville from Mexico for treatment of an underlying health problem. The hospital in Brownsville, a border town, sent him to Houston and he died there. No word on what his "underlying health problem" was but it no doubt weakened his immune system.

25285. wabbit - 5/1/2009 10:11:17 PM

Stanford is doing a survey titled Health Knowledge and Risk Perceptions of Emerging Swine Flu. If you want to take it (only 16 questions and anonymous), go to this website.

25286. anomie - 5/1/2009 10:33:56 PM

I did not like question 4. Can you avoid the swine flu virus? Well, how do you answer that? They had already asked about the risk of actually getting swine flu. I think the risk is very low. I have no idea if I can "avoid" the virus. The virus does not announce its presence.

25287. arkymalarky - 5/2/2009 4:54:32 AM

We heard the familiar "pssssst" of Lysol spray in the halls yesterday and got a refresher on germs in the announcements. We have hand sanitizer dispensers in the hall. No flu yet, but who knows.

25288. Ulgine Barrows - 5/3/2009 9:07:28 AM

magoseph, speedy recovery to your husband. I hope you are doing well, also.

My cousin sent me a disgusting photo of a toddler licking a pig snout. The title of the email was,
Avoiding Swine Flu--what NOT to do:

25289. Ulgine Barrows - 5/3/2009 9:12:41 AM

Same cousin also sent a photo of a guy with his head and torso, literally, up a elephant's ass. Trying to get a calf delivered, I suppose. All you could see of this person was, hips, legs and feet. The rest of his body was in the rear of the beast.

The title of that was, 'Remind me not to complain about my job'.

25290. judithathome - 5/3/2009 2:37:21 PM

Hey, Ulgine! How's it going?

25291. arkymalarky - 5/5/2009 1:38:11 AM


25292. alistairconnor - 5/5/2009 12:51:58 PM

I'm hoping you had a cool birthday Judith... and that it's not a hangover that's keeping you from posting today?

25293. judithathome - 5/6/2009 3:52:42 PM

No, it was having company stay here that kept me from posting!

I had a very cool birthday...and a great bottle of wine! $55 and worth every penny!

25294. alistairConnor - 5/6/2009 6:10:41 PM

That's the main reason I'd like to be rich. Because the great wines really are worth the price.

25295. judithathome - 5/7/2009 5:37:35 PM

I always pooh-poohed that idea but this bottle taught me that the old adage is true.

Luckily, it hasn't completely tainted me to the point I can't enjoy yhe cheap stuff, too.

25296. alistairConnor - 5/7/2009 8:23:14 PM

OK spill the beans Jud: what was the wine? For that price, I want a full review!

25297. magoseph - 5/8/2009 4:00:58 AM

Hi, Motiers--what's cooking?

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