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25353. alistairconnor - 6/9/2009 3:20:36 PM

What about the cricket eh?

(For the profane : Ireland's team of amateur cricketers have blasted their way into the final eight of the world 20/20 championship.)

25354. Ms. No - 6/10/2009 7:57:36 AM

I'm just lucky I moved away from LA shortly after discovering Gaelic football. If I hadn't left I'd have a barstool at Ireland's 32 permanently attached to my backside.

25355. macnas - 6/10/2009 11:29:53 AM

The Greens, hmm, well, I have been listening to the post mortem ever since the numbers were tallied, and there has been one silly thing after another, this reason, this excuse. Some of its valid-ish, but the plain facts are, the Green partys votes from the last election did not actually mean they had that much actual support or that many believers. And when all of a sudden people have to start paying through the knob for green policy, the shine goes off the concept very quickly.

25356. macnas - 6/10/2009 11:31:02 AM

Cricket, I could care less about it, win lose or draw.

25357. macnas - 6/10/2009 11:34:33 AM

Christine I'm laughing at the idea of a pub called Ireland 32, in Los Angeles. It might as well say "The Brits Out Bar", but having just read what I typed that sounds like a gay club for UK ex-pats.

25358. Ms. No - 6/10/2009 3:36:59 PM

Yeah, it's an ex-pat bar. They open at 6am on weekends so folks can come in and watch their Irish teams live. It's a cavey little place, but one of my favorites. I always try to make a trip by there when I get back down to LA.

25359. Ms. No - 6/10/2009 3:37:55 PM

I hadn't noticed a large number of homosexuals there. Usually I bring my own.

25360. alistairconnor - 6/10/2009 5:31:57 PM

Damn, I won't be able to meaningfully gloat. The opening match of the Super 8 is tomorrow, and it's NZ vs Ireland.

25361. marjoribanks - 6/11/2009 5:45:32 AM

Greetings, inmates.

Not that I've been paying attention very much, but it strikes me that the swift withering of Green politics in Ireland and other parts of Western Europe merely underlines the unsustainably elitist character of environmentalism in Europe. The moment push comes to shove, the mass of visible Greens look like the effete, extremist wankers they are, and people vote for a narrow conception of "thinking of the pocketbook."

25362. marjoribanks - 6/11/2009 6:11:23 AM

I must fess to the reason why I very rarely visit here, and have basically stopped posting.

It is simply this, I've been rumbled.

Like others from the earliest days at this site and its predecessor, across a period that seems like aeons, I spent vast amounts of time posting here on innumerable topics, have made many close and true friends, and there are probably still enemies lurking out there. Some of the most unique and amazing relationships of my life have come right here, no need to list them.

I never wanted this site to be archived - I railed about it way back when, you can check. Because it is, people have found their way back here.

The Mote is not accursed Facebook. This site, with its bunch of misfits, has been a haven for me sometimes, a writing workshop other times, the best corner bar ever very often. I do not wish to post handcuffed. In fact, I find it impossible to post handcuffed.

This isn't goodbye, of course. I know better than that.

25363. macnas - 6/11/2009 8:20:26 AM

Hello Marj!
Reading your last there a few times over, not sure exactly if I understand rightly but, then again given my own dropping off the Mote radar why should I understand anything at all.
I remember a general feeling of had-enough-ness, and dedicated a bit more of my online time to things and people with whom I have more directly in common.

But, this place, and the people in it, just resides somewhere in the back of my head, and has never gone away really.

25364. macnas - 6/11/2009 8:34:01 AM

Green policy, we've had a flavour of it, some don't mind it, but more don't.

Somewhere, sometime, a room full of earnest people said, "well we've tried appealing to their common sense, better nature and all that, and it's not working. What we have to do, if we're ever in the position to do it, is make non-green options more expensive and therefore un-attractive, and take away choice where we possibly can, 'cos choice just isn’t working out for us. All in favour? Oh hang on we did away with that concept a while back, lets just do what we just said we'd do, if we can, ok? grand, see yez next week lads".

I know Alistair, it's simplistic and unfair, and there's a lot more to it. But generally it's that notional thing "hey I'm green as the next guy and I love the planet and all that good stuff, but jaysus this is costing me money I just don't have anymore!"

And its simple things like that thought that direct the voters hand when looking at the ballot paper.

25365. alistairconnor - 6/11/2009 3:09:00 PM

Well it looks like the French are either
a) a bunch of extremist wankers
b) more altruistic than the Irish
c) both of the above.

15% in France my friends...

I'm not really surprised about the reactions of Irish voters who are rapidly having to come to terms with the end of a brief golden age. The fact that it was built on the very epitome of unsustainable development that the Greens have been railing against for decades, brings a certain irony to the idea of punishing Cassandra for it.

But we're used to that.

And we've got Obama on our team. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it...

25366. vonKreedon - 6/11/2009 3:44:28 PM

Marj - What do you mean when you say, "It is simply this, I've been rumbled."

I do miss reading your posts, Marj. I also, obviously, have been posting far less than I one did 8-10 years ago (yow, time flies), but I do read here every other day or so.

25367. msgreer - 6/11/2009 5:00:29 PM

WOW! I just have to share what happen to me. I bought a very nice leather purse/bag from Zappos.com. When I was ordering this beautiful bag the girl taking the order and I started a conversation about why I was treating myself to this and other articles of clothing. We talked for some time and ended up sharing some very personal information. About ten days later there is a knock at my door..this is a good ten days after she got the bag to me over night air, which is not how I ordered the shipping.
Back to the door...when I opened it there was a florist with a spectacular bouquet of colorful flowers.
Who could be sending me these beautiful flowers? It was from Zappos...wishing me well and cheering me on for the half-marathon I am in training for..raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society or LLS.
Officially..I am a member of their Team in Training or TNT.
Overnight my bag arrives and now this. It sure has lifted my spirits.
Please go take a look at Zappos. I believe shoes are their big item and it took me a long time to find what I wanted from their site..but these are some special people and I wish them well.
There are great bargains on their site.

25368. wabbit - 6/11/2009 5:22:34 PM

How cool is that? I've bought shoes from Zappos, very happy with them (both the company and the shoes). Let us know how the marathon goes!

Hey marj!

25369. msgreer - 6/11/2009 5:38:21 PM

I will certainly let you know about the run. The date is October 18th...in an enchanted part of the country..oops..not NM..the land of enchantment but over the Rockies.
I never heard a word from jexster. It is my belief he would remember me...and I don't have any arguments with him.
If you hear from him would you remind him again msgreer would really like to be able to email him?
Hoping you are well

25370. wabbit - 6/11/2009 6:00:50 PM

I'll send him another email and remind him.

25371. msgreer - 6/11/2009 6:34:09 PM


25372. arkymalarky - 6/11/2009 6:57:42 PM

Wow, Msgreer, that's cool. I'll check them out. Heard of them, but don't know anything about them.

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