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25413. arkymalarky - 7/15/2009 4:51:34 AM

I'll be kind and not post the temp right now. It can get into the mid-90s here. Never seen 100.

25414. Ms. No - 7/15/2009 7:14:13 AM

My school would definitely hire me back. The crappy thing is that my school has money in its general fund but the disctrict won't let them use the money to pay teacher salaries. We've got grant money out the wazoo that we might end up losing because we literally can't spend it.

The stupid thing about all these teacher layoffs is that within five years there's going to be a huge teacher shortage here because of retirements. In the meantime they're killing the new teacher pool because nobody can get a damn job and all of the new teachers who are somewhere in the middle of getting their credentials fully cleared are going to have to leave their programs.

Honestly, there won't even be enough substitute positions to support everyone --- and you don't earn any credit toward your credential subbing. So, I could end up subbing all next year and be a year behind in my credential program.

Shoulda listened to you and come to Arkansas, eh?

25415. CharlieL - 7/15/2009 2:56:59 PM

Hi, everyone. I haven't been here in a while, life has been crazy, the band's not playing out much because of the economy, but we're back in the studio. At work, what was being done by four is now being done by two and I'm one of the two. It's good reading through the threads and seeing names that make me feel right back at home again.

Take care,


25416. CharlieL - 7/15/2009 2:57:46 PM

Wow! The IONA link is still in the "butter bar." I'm amazed.

25417. wabbit - 7/15/2009 3:51:22 PM

Hey CharlieL, great to see you!

I check the links from time to time and remove the dead ones, but as long as your band site is up, the link isn't going anywhere. If something changes, drop me a line and I'll update.

25418. CharlieL - 7/15/2009 4:06:10 PM

Thanks! I just thought it was pretty cool.

25419. Wombat - 7/15/2009 4:17:06 PM

Hi Charlie L!

25420. Ms. No - 7/15/2009 6:20:36 PM

Charlie!!! Great to see you --- and very glad to hear you're one of the two!

25421. arkymalarky - 7/15/2009 10:30:38 PM

CHARLIE!! Great to see you!

We're going to Estes Park tomorrow. I still remember long ago when y'all were going there!

25422. arkymalarky - 7/15/2009 10:31:14 PM

CHARLIE!! Great to see you!

We're going to Estes Park tomorrow. I still remember long ago when y'all were going there!

25423. arkymalarky - 7/15/2009 10:37:17 PM

Knew that was going to happen.
Gee, No, it seems you could do a lot of neat stuff with the grant money in dramatic productions, etc, but you couldn't do that and be in your program. Sucks all around. The way they hamstring money in the schools is a disgrace. If they trust them so little then why do they allow them to handle all the kids? They need to monitor and account and give districts leeway. But it's largely political--yet another way to undermine public schools while funneling govt money to private ed programs and charters whose accountability and budget restrictions are ZERO.

Okay. I'll stop now.

25424. Ms. No - 7/16/2009 6:30:22 AM

I've been griping for weeks now. Don't let me stop you --- although I suppose I should take some initiative and move these over to the teaching thread.

I've also been chatting with my brother and listening to news and whatall and I'm so sick of the rampant corporatism in this country I can barely see straight. I don't know how we'll ever get away from it peacefully and intact. Seems like it'll take a revolution -- or a full-scale meltdown to get out from under the corporate fat-cats that run the country off the sweat and blood of all the regular folk.


I think I'm gonna go watch an action flick. Seeing some ass-kicking will maybe exorcise my mood a bit. ;->

25425. arkymalarky - 7/16/2009 8:16:00 PM

Haha! The realization of that fact changed my predominant taste in music and my affinity for cussing.

Well, no Estes Park today. Instead we're going to the hardware store. The local bear, which has been around about 3 years raiding locked garbage cans, tore our locked wooden shed door and rooted the garbage we thought was safe there. Bob's not a carpenter and my perception is awful, so we're going to have one hellatious looking door (2 actually--the bear broke two) when we get done.

25426. Ms. No - 7/16/2009 10:26:31 PM

Are there scents that will keep a bear away? Something you can spray around that will irritate it and make it choose a neighbor's house instead?

25427. arkymalarky - 7/16/2009 11:17:58 PM

Bro said there was, but the hardware store didn't recommend their stuff for bears--just other vermin. Maybe I need to start cooking.

25428. Ms. No - 7/17/2009 5:14:23 AM


I'm wondering if something like hot-chili oil or something would do the trick.

25429. arkymalarky - 7/17/2009 6:41:56 AM

My bear-expert bro, who I'm going to start calling The Bear Whisperer, went on and on about that stupid bear and how I was doing and should be doing, addressing things I wasn't even saying, blah, blah, until I finally cussed him and he hung up on me. So now I guess I'm SOL on expert bear advice. All I said was that the bear coming to the same place every day and now breaking into wooden buildings will likely end up with somebody (esp dogs, who run loose up here) getting hurt.

That sounds like it would work, but we probably won't have any more garbage out before we leave. At home people put ammonia (just a tad) in garbage to keep the dogs out of it. I'll suggest it to our neighbor, who doesn't seem to be able to protect his garbage.

25430. wabbit - 7/17/2009 2:45:17 PM

I've heard that ammonia-soaked rags work, but they need to be re-soaked often. Maybe mothballs? I suppose you could freeze garbage (food scraps, etc.) until trash pick-up day. Otherwise, you have to shell out the big bucks for a bear-proof trash container. You know these suckers are uber-expensive when they don't put the price online.

25431. arkymalarky - 7/17/2009 5:03:25 PM

Our neighbor got an "animal-proof" one, obviously not expensive (soft plastic with a "locking" top) and the bear just squeezes it until the lid pops off. He's done that twice and hasn't hurt the can at all. Bro did say something funny--that the ones where you have to line up the arrows to open them really confuse bears. I said yeah, they need to make them like medicine bottles.

25432. arkymalarky - 7/17/2009 5:13:47 PM

Our neighbor got an "animal-proof" one, obviously not expensive (soft plastic with a "locking" top) and the bear just squeezes it until the lid pops off. He's done that twice and hasn't hurt the can at all. Bro did say something funny--that the ones where you have to line up the arrows to open them really confuse bears. I said yeah, they need to make them like medicine bottles.

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