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25543. iiibbb - 8/13/2009 6:46:59 PM

thanks wombat... I'll look into it.

I'm basically a researcher, but I've got an open mind. I never really thought those sights would have much to offer me because I've felt _so_ specialized. But I don't know anything. I've never looked for a geographically restricted job.

25544. Wombat - 8/13/2009 7:21:24 PM


My field is extremely specialized, as well. The main obstacle for me has been obtaining a security clearance, after I let mine lapse in the 1980s. It took me a year to find a sponsor, two years to actually obtain it (by which time my sponsor had filled the position), a year of fairly constructive searching, and job offer contingent on my obtaining a higher level clearance, for which I am now in month five of waiting...

25545. rdbrewer - 8/13/2009 8:37:20 PM

What's your name over there, Wombat?

25546. rdbrewer - 8/13/2009 8:38:20 PM

(At Ace's.)

25547. Wombat - 8/13/2009 8:45:37 PM


I haven't commented there since well before the election.

25548. Ms. No - 8/15/2009 8:08:56 AM


I went and read your post, but I've only ever looked at the place once before. Just not my cuppa for any number of reasons.

I post here and at one other site. I'm not even good about checking the Facebook account I got talked into starting. I don't really care if the friend of a friend of a guy I knew 10 years ago is making a cup of tea and thinking about the BM he had this morning. ;->

25549. alistairconnor - 8/15/2009 2:29:34 PM

I use Facebook essentially for clues about what my daughters are thinking.

25550. judithathome - 8/15/2009 4:39:47 PM

I avoid FB because I'm basically burned out on the internet, period.

I post here and at RI and in two TV-oriented forums but that's it.

25551. arkymalarky - 8/15/2009 7:01:57 PM

Facebook is great for keeping up with our exchange students, especially since Bob and I have apps on our phones and don't have to slog thru dialup. But we can't get it at work and it's hard to find time and broadband, so our Facebooks are totally boring.

25552. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 12:50:18 AM

I love facebook, and I've pulled so many old friends out of the woodwork with it.

25553. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 1:55:21 AM

A classmate/friend told me lots of us are on there but I haven't been able to go looking much yet. We just got on it this summer.

25554. Wombat - 8/16/2009 2:56:55 AM

I'm on it!

25555. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 3:33:34 AM

The only thing I don't like about it (and it's signficant) is what No said. There are a few who need to get a blog and let us go see it rather than putting everything on fb. The phone app just notifies me when someone addresses me. When I go to my page on a pc it seems like about three people (including, unfortunately, a family member or two or three) and their play-by-play living make it overwhelming.

25556. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 3:36:41 AM

Anyone have any advice for trying to sell an autographed first edition good condition hardbacked book from 1937 that was made into a 1940 movie? The book is Northwest Passage by Kenneth Roberts and I just discovered I had it--no idea where I got it.

25557. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 3:59:21 AM

Message # 25555

You can turn off notices from individuals so it doesn't show up on your newsfeed.

It's very customizable.

25558. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 4:41:56 AM

Thanks! Next time I'm on a pc I'll look for that. When I'm on a pc with a good connection and nothing blocked I'm always in a hurry to do stuff I normally can't do and don't take time to look around.

25559. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 4:51:49 AM

All you have to do is run your mouse over the news item... a little "hide so-and-so" will pop up. click that and you only get news from them if you go to their profile.

25560. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 4:52:28 AM

You can also make it so applications won't constantly message you.

25561. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 5:18:32 AM


25562. judithathome - 8/16/2009 2:36:05 PM

Arky, there are sites that deal in old books...I used to have a few saved...I'll check and see what I can find.

Whatever you do, don't toss it until you exhaust every possiblity...eBay, Craig's List, etc.

I can also ask around down here...I know a guy who collects first editions. (If he hasn't passed on by now....)

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