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25557. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 3:59:21 AM

Message # 25555

You can turn off notices from individuals so it doesn't show up on your newsfeed.

It's very customizable.

25558. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 4:41:56 AM

Thanks! Next time I'm on a pc I'll look for that. When I'm on a pc with a good connection and nothing blocked I'm always in a hurry to do stuff I normally can't do and don't take time to look around.

25559. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 4:51:49 AM

All you have to do is run your mouse over the news item... a little "hide so-and-so" will pop up. click that and you only get news from them if you go to their profile.

25560. iiibbb - 8/16/2009 4:52:28 AM

You can also make it so applications won't constantly message you.

25561. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 5:18:32 AM


25562. judithathome - 8/16/2009 2:36:05 PM

Arky, there are sites that deal in old books...I used to have a few saved...I'll check and see what I can find.

Whatever you do, don't toss it until you exhaust every possiblity...eBay, Craig's List, etc.

I can also ask around down here...I know a guy who collects first editions. (If he hasn't passed on by now....)

25563. judithathome - 8/16/2009 2:41:50 PM

Here is a good site with links to others...I'm still looking for one particular one.

25564. judithathome - 8/16/2009 2:46:22 PM

Another one...

I'm looking for places that have free estimates offered...although book collecting is very popular, some collecters have niche preferences and want particular subjects...what you need is one that wants books associated with movies. A double whammy!

25565. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 3:32:54 PM

Thanks Judith! I looked at it on alibris (sp?) last night, and one like it (no dust jacket) was around $200. When I saw it had been made into a movie I was hoping I'd find an extra zero on the number! I won't toss it, but ebay didn't look like the place to try to sell it, since the one attempt to sell a similar evidently fell flat. The links help a lot and if I don't get something comparable to what it's going for elsewhere I'll just keep it.

25566. judithathome - 8/16/2009 3:53:43 PM

Well, if you decide to go the eBay route, Scotty, my neighbor, said he'd be happy to put it on his (successful) site at eBay. Just let me know.

It was made into a Spencer Tracy movie and the director was King Vidor...there's two other collector chances right there.

25567. arkymalarky - 8/16/2009 3:59:22 PM

Thanks so much!

25568. judithathome - 8/21/2009 5:40:55 PM

Arky, I just noticed the earrings I was going to give you (from that necklace I bought) are still here...I'll send them along when I send the pants from CostCo...not here yet but they should be in stock any week now!

25569. arkymalarky - 8/21/2009 10:16:43 PM

Wow, thank you! I'm excited!

25570. arkymalarky - 8/22/2009 6:11:30 PM

It is a glorious day! I cannot believe it's August! Light breeze, perfect temp, sunshine. We're going on the golf cart.

25571. Dubai Vol - 8/23/2009 8:11:27 AM

Up early again. Getting only 4-5 hours of sleep a night lately. A bit worrying, as it's one of the early indicators of a "mood swing." Just went to the doc friday and got some pills for just that; after 30 years of doing without, it's a big step for me.

Trying out my new act in the sticks. Sorry, Moties.

25572. rdbrewer - 8/23/2009 11:11:19 AM

Love you guys.

25573. wabbit - 8/23/2009 3:09:50 PM

Good morning rdbrewer!

Hey Dubai, are you stateside?

25574. Dubai Vol - 8/23/2009 3:45:24 PM

Yep, getting the finest care from the great American health care system, for as long as I can pay for it. The antidpressants the doc prescribed, that I don't think I need, nor want to take, cost $400 a month. I haven't started on them yet, and will pay good money for another visit next week to try to argue him out of them, instead of waiting a month to tell him I'm not taking them. At least he's willing to try a low dose of lithium to start. I'm taking less than he recommended for now, and may increase as I se how it goes. This approach, going to a private doc when I feel fairly normal, beats heck out of the way I have been medicated before: in a locked ward while having a full-blown manic episode. Still feeling more than a bit trepidatious.

Oh well, baby steps.

Aren't you glad you asked? :D

25575. Dubai Vol - 8/23/2009 3:47:04 PM

Oh, wait, you didn't.

25576. wabbit - 8/23/2009 4:10:22 PM

I'm thinking that most folks who are getting their panties in a twist over healthcare have never needed anything more than the most basic care. I hope you get the drug and dose sorted soon, keep us posted.

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