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25629. arkymalarky - 9/3/2009 3:13:40 AM

Well, sinus surgery is in the morning.

25630. arkymalarky - 9/3/2009 3:15:55 AM

I hope all goes for the best for both of you, Ano.

25631. Ms. No - 9/3/2009 5:24:56 AM

Make 'em give you the good drugs, Arky!

Heal fast!

25632. Dubai Vol - 9/3/2009 1:18:38 PM

Best advice I ever got from a doctor was after a minor outpatient procedure on my *********. He wrote me a scrip for Tylenol with codeine and asked "do you like beer? Good, have your wife stop on the way home and pick up a six pack. Go home,drink five and put one between your legs!"

Army medicine, sir!

25633. arkymalarky - 9/3/2009 1:37:46 PM

Thanks No! On the road there now.

Sounds like a plan for my nose, Dubai! Especially since I can't take codeine.

25634. judithathome - 9/3/2009 5:45:32 PM

Anomie, glad you met up with her...who knows? This may turn out to be the best thing that's happened to you both!

Just don't ask me to take pictures of your wedding...that happened once, a couple who had dated in high school reunited after 20 years with other people and decided to tie the knot and asked me to take pictures at their wedding.

My camera...or the photographer, most likley!...screwed up and used the wrong film...I asked the developer to "push" the developing, which was the advice from my photography teacher...all the shots were black except for one: a romantic shot of them facing one another (before the ceremony) and both were frowning and looking stricken. It looked a scene from an Igmar Bergman movie!

Needless to say, I haven't heard from them since.

25635. arkymalarky - 9/4/2009 12:54:26 AM

Well, I'm home recuperating, but no packing, no bruises, and I don't look like I had surgery. Except I can tell a difference looking at the middle of my nose, and before it started clotting up the breathing difference was HUGE.

More painful than I thought it would be, but he cleaned it in surgery and next week's follow-up should be a lot easier as a result, according to him. I had a cyst up there, for one thing. Ugh.

I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is going to be what everyone said it would and more. Not daring to hope it will remedy the migraines, but I really do think it's possible for the weather-related ones, which most of mine are. And I won't be disappointed if I ever get another sinus infection, but I will be if they're back-to-back or stay and stay. I have one now, as a matter of fact.

Thanks to everybody for the support and information!

25636. rdbrewer - 9/4/2009 1:53:27 AM

Hi, kids. Will YouTubes post here?

25637. Dubai Vol - 9/4/2009 3:57:52 AM

Yes, just copy the "embed" script from YouTube (to the right of the video) and paste it here.

Bugs, for example

25638. Ms. No - 9/4/2009 4:33:49 AM

Excellent news, Arky!

25639. anomie - 9/4/2009 1:27:46 PM

Arky, I was curious about the pain involved. Didn't they numb you? I almost had a sinus procedure once but declined, and eventually it cleared. I'm still prone to earaches on occasion though.

25640. arkymalarky - 9/4/2009 1:54:34 PM

Oh, I meant the pain after. Bro did it when they used packing and he was miserable but he said he didn't have pain. They put me completely under and gave me a shot of demerol as soon as I was conscious and I'm taking percocet for pain, which is working well. I don't know if it has codeine, but it isn't making me sick, so I'm good. I haven't missed a dose, though, and I'm ready for relief when it's time.

I've had chronic issues a long, long time and my septum was almost completely blocking one side, so this is well worth it to me. I should have done it 30 years ago. BUT the post-op visit is supposedly very unpleasant. Thankfully he did most of that in surgery, which he wasn't planning to do. So I'll let y'all know after that visit (Sept 11) how it was, but it won't be what most have to go through. It's definitely worth a shot at not being miserable most of the time, but if it isn't chronic I'd have to see what the cleaning out part is like. They do numb you for it, but they say it still hurts and to come prepared. They won't let you drive yourself home afterward, even tho they don't use general anesthesia.

25641. arkymalarky - 9/4/2009 8:25:06 PM

Well, got a small downer today. My nose is stuffy, naturally, but it swelled up on the outside earlier, so Bob called the clinic just to be sure it was okay. In talking to the nurse he mentioned how great I could breathe right after surgery and asked how long it would take to get back like that. She said the reason I was so clear was the meds they used to open my nose during surgery. It's comical to me, because I was astounded at the difference and assumed most people breathed like that all the time and I had never realized it.

25642. wabbit - 9/5/2009 12:35:51 AM

Fingers crossed. And why can't they just give you those nasal-passage-opening drugs anyway??

25643. arkymalarky - 9/5/2009 1:43:40 AM

I agree! But she did say if I stopped up completely I could use Afrin to open up, but it's that whole issue of getting dependent on them to stay open at all. But I'm good so far. I know I'll be somewhere between what I was for forty years and the perfect miracle cure I thought I had when I woke up from surgery!

25644. wabbit - 9/5/2009 1:52:53 AM

Well then at least the glass is half full, and perhaps your sinuses are not!

25645. judithathome - 9/5/2009 4:15:29 AM

Geez, Arky, I expected you to be breathing clearly today...hoping it happens soon!

25646. arkymalarky - 9/5/2009 8:13:46 AM

Thanks! My nose is full of stitches and it will take longer for the swelling to go all the way down, according to them, than I was expecting. But after going so long, it doesn't seem too bad to say I'll feel the full effects by the holidays.

25647. Wombat - 9/5/2009 4:01:29 PM

Hang in there Arky!

25648. arkymalarky - 9/5/2009 7:40:57 PM

Thanks! They told Bob days two and three would be the worst, and that means tomorrow I should be great! I'll be glad when I can quit sleeping propped up in the living room. It really hasn't been bad, though. The 3X a day sinus irrigation isn't fun.

I really can't imagine what it would have been like if I'd had my nose packed. The thing about this way is that with pain meds it's too easy to forget I had surgery. I need a nose guard or something. I'll go to work Wed, but I'll be at a three day workshop, not in class. Don't know how that compares to down time with packing.

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