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25650. arkymalarky - 9/5/2009 11:23:42 PM

That is scary. I remember Robert posted that he blew a stint out of place when he sneezed. I can sneeze, but can't close my mouth or nose, so I hope I don't have to sneeze when anyone's around. Bro fell out of the back of a pickup while unloading something from it (was supposed to be laid up, of course) and broke his wrist and even though he hit his nose, thankfully it didn't do any damage.

25651. wabbit - 9/5/2009 11:46:20 PM

In my youth, I hit my first husband with a solid left hook and knocked him out cold for a good five minutes. He laughed about it later, because I simultaneously re-broke and corrected his nose.

And no, that is not an offer.

25652. arkymalarky - 9/6/2009 12:19:26 AM

Haha! Were you glad or irritates that you ended up doing him a favor?

I know a guy who had to have this due to a broken nose, but they had to do a lot more. Which reminds me: when the doc called to reschedule my surgery I told him the main problem was as a teacher I'd now be missing work and I needed to know the soonest possible day I could go back. He said the main issue would be my rib. I didn't get it, and he said it was just the bone graft from my rib would be pretty sore. I was trying to act like I wasn't in a panic, but I knew nothing about a bone graft and my confusion made it through finally. He had thought I was another patient.

25653. Ms. No - 9/6/2009 12:44:19 AM

Oh, jeeze! Give a girl a heart attack, why doncha?

25654. anomie - 9/6/2009 3:57:58 AM

Another patient...sure...uh huh...I bet he was just ribbing ya.

25655. judithathome - 9/6/2009 12:15:17 PM

...which wouldn't have been as bad as that pun! ;-)

25656. anomie - 9/6/2009 2:30:52 PM

Ha! Yes, they have to be sorta handed to me like that. I couldn't resist.

25657. arkymalarky - 9/6/2009 3:19:21 PM

I'm just glad he didn't de-rib me on the operating table!

25658. Wombat - 9/6/2009 3:46:34 PM

Well, if you have a rib to spare, or a short one, you wouldn't miss it.

25659. arkymalarky - 9/6/2009 5:24:33 PM


25660. Ms. No - 9/11/2009 4:00:07 PM

Happy Birthday Mote!

25661. wabbit - 9/11/2009 5:20:49 PM

Ten years today!

25662. arkymalarky - 9/11/2009 7:05:33 PM

Oh yeah! Happy birthday to us!

25663. arkymalarky - 9/11/2009 8:18:30 PM

Judith, tell Keoni that Bob really likes that Hawaiian music cd. We're listening to it now on the way to LR to my appt. That and two pain pills, per dr's instructions, and maybe he won't have to pry me out of the car when we get there.

25664. arkymalarky - 9/11/2009 8:24:39 PM

Went to the Hot Springs Sams to see if it's worth buying a card for $40. It is, even if we don't need it.

25665. arkymalarky - 9/11/2009 10:31:19 PM

Ok, Ano. It wasn't bad for me, but it took about five minutes because he got most of it in surgery. It feels like they're preparing to suck your brains out, the suction is so strong, but for me it didn't last a minute and only hurt a little. They make you bring a driver, and Bob was like, "I came all this way for that?" And the dr said it can be really bad. So if you're thinking about it, you might want to find someone else who's done it and ask. I think everyone associated with the Mote had theirs done before they did it this way.

25666. judithathome - 9/12/2009 10:21:55 PM

Arky, is this the CD from Starbuck's? If so, track 6 is my favorite of the whole thing.

Glad it wasn't too bad at the doctor's office.

And you will like having the Sam's card...eapecially with all the storage room y'all have. Things like papaer towels, TP, cleaning items, etc. We have Sam's and CostCo cards and what one doesn't have, the other one does.

Unfortunately, we don't have half the room to "stock up" on stuff that you do.

Tell Mose she can get great Christmas ribbon there...huge rolls of it for under $7 and it's all that wide, wired sort that makes excellent bows!

25667. arkymalarky - 9/12/2009 11:55:13 PM

I don't know about the cd and Bob isn't around to ask, but it had a lot of variety.

We get to Hot Springs at least once a month, and I always said if they ever got a Sams in HS I would get a card. They have several new stores in HS which is good for me, since I don't like shopping in Little Rock.

25668. judithathome - 9/13/2009 12:31:49 AM

I asked K and it was, indeed, the one I was thinking of.

Take a listen to track 6...it's instrumental and reminds the most of what Keoni's father's music was like...jam sessions, etc.

His band was "Big Band" style, though.

25669. arkymalarky - 9/13/2009 12:55:02 AM

I know the one you're talking about and I really did like it. Bob brought the cd in a few minutes ago.

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