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25841. arkymalarky - 1/11/2010 7:59:04 AM

Oooooh, ooooh! I skip one day and miss a baby! Congratulations 3i!!!

25842. arkymalarky - 1/11/2010 8:02:03 AM

We are freezing our asses off, Judith, and I didn't get out of my pj's all weekend. I worked sitting on the couch watching tv. I got a lot done though, and didn't feel like I was being deprived since I didn't want to set foot outside anyway.

25843. arkymalarky - 1/11/2010 8:06:33 AM

After 29 years I still hate grading papers, No, but rubrics, holistic grading, and focused-grading (whatever it's called, where you grade certain criteria on various assignments instead of everything every time) and varied assessments have made it better than it used to be.

25844. arkymalarky - 1/11/2010 8:09:09 AM

It's hard to see, but you will, Alistair.

25845. wabbit - 1/11/2010 4:04:55 PM

Congratulations iiibbb, that's very exciting news! What a wonderful name, Broden. Best wishes to you all!

25846. arkymalarky - 1/11/2010 5:49:45 PM

The grading term is "primary-trait scoring."

I feel better now.

25847. iiibbb - 1/11/2010 7:48:36 PM

So the in laws left this morning. They really stir P's pot. They mean well... the love us... and without their support we certainly couldn't have made this move and had this baby. But they are not relaxing to be around. How her mom can't realize that needling a new mom is a good thing, or that she's even doing it I don't know.

We also realize in hindsight that we should have limited the number of hours over here. It means a lot for P to be able to relax with the baby. We also couldn't talk about our baby concerns in front of them because they do not moderate stress for us... only elevate it.

At any rate we have 2 days to ourselves until my mom and dad come... and they've got a clue about what "space" means.

We had a mild scare this weekend. Baby wasn't pooping or peeing. We called the hospital's nursing line Saturday to ask a few questions, and they didn't tell us to come in since we were seeing our pediatrician this morning.

Went to the pediatrician and the baby had lost some weight... apparently P's not giving enough milk yet... so we're going to supplement with formula. P was beside herself because of all of the stress.

At any rate... we're supplementing with formula and going back to the dr. in a couple of days, but after the one feeding at the dr. this morning I already see a change in his demeanor. Sleeps better at least. I'm optimistic.

I'm not sure how to post a picture for you all... I'll try to figure something out.

25848. iiibbb - 1/11/2010 7:49:40 PM

correction.... needling a new mom is a bad thing.

25849. arkymalarky - 1/11/2010 10:35:08 PM

I love my mother, I really do; but when Mose was born my MIL stayed with me the first few days. Neither my mother nor I would have survived had she been there.

Wrt the feeding, reminds me of making my MIL drive us to the emergency room (Bob was working nights) because Mose, at about 2 days old, was spitting up to the point I couldn't see how she was getting anything to stay down. Turned out she'd *gained* weight. It's just impossible to tell.

25850. iiibbb - 1/11/2010 11:18:15 PM

P is pretty anti-formula and really worried about nipple confusion. My only suggestion to her is to talk to a lactation consultant, to which she tersely replies "I know", but hasn't actually called one yet. Sometimes I don't understand why she procrastinates if she is so worried about it.... I think she fears bad news.

The hospital screwed up slighly because our pediatrician said Broden had lost a some weight in the two days he was in, which means he probably wasn't getting enough food; however they'd told us that he'd lost no weight and discharged us. Seems like signals got crossed.

At any rate, I hope she gets off her but and gets some help... our doula knows tons, and we have a good rapport with her... so I don't know why she is holding off talking to any of these people.

I need to find out what's so horribly bad about formula... if she's not making enough milk yet... thank God for the stuff.

25851. alistairConnor - 1/12/2010 12:20:18 AM

It's a vicious circle thing, iii. Basically if she's not producing enough milk, the thing that will stimulate production is baby trying to get what he can. If you give him formula in a bottle, that's much easier for him : he gets much more milk with much less effort. So he will tend to be lazy with his mother, stimulating her production less, since he's not getting much feedback from her.

So in fact, it's very difficult to successfully mix bottle and breast. We went through all that. We were lucky to be in a maternity which ran a breastmilk bank, so we were able to bottle feed her with breastmilk in the first days.

Nothing bad about formula... just that human milk is vastly superior. This is completely uncontroversial.

25852. iiibbb - 1/12/2010 12:48:04 AM

We just need to keep her stimulated until her body has switched over. We're using a pump to stimulate her production, and then he gets her breast for the first 20 minutes of the feed. Then we're following with 1-oz of formula.

Follow up with the Dr. Wednesday and she's going to see lactation people tomorrow.

His demeanor is already way different... and he'd lost almost 10% of his weight, so we had to do something.

25853. Wombat - 1/12/2010 1:47:19 AM

Our firstborn never really figured out how to "hook on." We passed a horrendous week or so, lots of screaming and crying (not just the baby). We switched to a bottle (using mostly expressed milk--no production problems). She now a healthy--and surly--teenager. Kid two hooked on just fine, and stayed that way. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. Just don't let what momma wishes interfere with baby's health. There are a few horror stories out there...

25854. iiibbb - 1/12/2010 3:12:08 AM

Broden showed such a positive change after a couple of formula supplements that she knows better than to be completely militant about it.

25855. iiibbb - 1/12/2010 3:20:49 AM

Message # 25845

Broden means "brother" in Finnish, and I read "silent intellectual" in old Norse.

however we picked the name first and liked the cadence. I only looked up meanings to make sure it didn't mean something unfortunate like "axe murderer".

Plus he can go by Brody, but when he grows up Broden is a nice adult name... but whatever he likes.

Pretty uncommon as near as I can tell.

25856. iiibbb - 1/12/2010 2:14:17 PM

I don't understand all of the militant articles out there about breastfeeding. There seems a strong anti-medical establishment dogma out there. From what I can glean it's a question of better/best when it comes to breastmilk/formula, but there are people who make like your giving the kid rat poison... P seems to think we're harming him by giving him formula. But he's pooping and pee

25857. iiibbb - 1/12/2010 2:29:01 PM

pooping and peeing now.

It's the militant breast-feeders that are making P feel like shit. This latching on trouble seems to happen plenty, and they indirectly accuse P of not trying.... believe me, she's trying.... This article seems far more even handed.

And this one is apparently the functional equivalent to a global warming denier and actually gets hate mail.

Plus it's only been 20 hours since we saw the pediatrician and started the supplements. She's going to one of these lactation support groups today... hopefully she'll get some real support there.

25858. judithathome - 1/12/2010 4:08:20 PM

Congrats on the new baby!

Trust me, it will all work out just fine...this is the "first" baby. By the time th second one rolls around, your wife will be much less tense about things.

Back in the day, women my age were actually dissuaded from breast feeding. And forget pre-made formula...we "cooked" our own with canned condensed milk and Karo syrup. Worked out just fine for an entire generation of kiddos.

And in Hawaii, kids who have digestive problems or nursing problems drink a thin gruel-type mixture made of poi...they're called "poi babies" and they thrive exceedingly well.

25859. vonKreedon - 1/12/2010 10:49:00 PM

13b3 - Congrats! Oy, I'm soooo glad it's not me.

And yeah, do what's best for everyone, not just the baby. If the parents are miserable the baby's not going to be optimally happy.

25860. iiibbb - 1/13/2010 2:49:07 AM

So I'm 20% irrationally worried about the follow up dr's appointment tomorrow. The boy has pooped and peed, but not a ton yet.

My friend gave me the advice that as long as he's acting "normal" then he probably is... and he seems normal... at least the appointment is in the morning.

I'm worked up probably more than I should be.

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