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26090. arkymalarky - 7/25/2010 9:22:55 PM

I think you hit exactly what the mote was and is. The flames and personal stuff are a dim fog to me for the most part, but the debates and substantive interactions stick with me more than I would have imagined and I still reference them, directly or indirectly, all the tme. People who are gone, like Maria, Cigarlaw, and Verdeazul, contributed to how I teach poetry. You and PE and Wombat and others impacted my histoy teaching. Others helped my computer skills and came to my aid with my rural activism, and several have been just great rl lifetime, dear friends.

And Seamus, if you ever lurk lately, I still tell my students about my Irish online poet friend who pointed out that the stanzas in "The Red Wheelbarrow" are shaped like wheelbarrows!

26091. Ms. No - 7/25/2010 11:46:07 PM

well shit.

I never noticed that and I just TAUGHT the freakin' thing last semester.

I made everyone draw pictures of chickens.

Oh! And was it here that mention was made of the possibility of a much darker reading of This is Just to Say? I had two students who saw the sinister potential in that poem and I meant to bring it up here.

26092. arkymalarky - 7/26/2010 12:34:12 AM

I don't know. I've discussed that wrt "My Papa's Waltz" several places, and I think here as well.

26093. arkymalarky - 7/27/2010 9:14:22 PM

On the way to FL. Judith, I was looking at Mose's stars on the ceiling and decided she and SIL should just come back and live with us. She wasn't too keen on the idea.

26094. Ms. No - 7/27/2010 10:15:04 PM

Excellent news!!! I'm back at my school for sure!!!


26095. arkymalarky - 7/27/2010 11:43:57 PM

Yayayayayay Nooooooooo!

26096. arkymalarky - 7/30/2010 1:58:09 AM

Well, tomorrow's the big day for Mose. I'm sitting on our hotel balcony waiting forn bob to get ready so we can walk down the beach to her apt to visit everyone.

26097. wabbit - 7/30/2010 9:17:45 PM

catching up...

Arky, can't wait to hear the details - congrats to Mose!

Ms. No, what great news!

T'ful, I think whatever you decide to do will be just right.

iiibbb, your baby is adorable!

26098. arkymalarky - 7/31/2010 7:10:59 AM

It was really wonderful! I'll postr pics sometime soon--I hope!

26099. arkymalarky - 8/2/2010 4:54:16 AM

Spent all summer spinning my wheels. Seemed like I was busy the whole time and accomplished next to nothing. Now we're ending a full day at Gulf Shores, just for Bob and me, and it's been great. Beautiful beach, no tarballs, so Bro will be disappointed at not getting one. What we noticed was the dearth of birds, sea life in general. We saw some rays and at dusk a lot of jumping fish, but no jellyfish and little of anything else. Kinda creepy, really, especially as compared to Cocoa Beach, where we saw dozens of pelicans.

26100. arkymalarky - 8/2/2010 4:56:49 AM

Cocoa Beach seemed to have a lot of sea life in general. Mose had a great time there. Thought i'd get pics up, but didn't do much but rest.

26101. iiibbb - 8/3/2010 4:56:57 PM

We sold the house!!!

The low-ball came back after we ignored them and they found out we were going to rent it. So they met our lowest price.

Not making a killing... lost money on the "investment", and don't have enough to put a down payment on a car. However, we're in the black, I don't have to deal with our real estate agent ever again, and we won't have to suck up a mortgage payment (minus rent) every month for another year.

26102. iiibbb - 8/3/2010 4:57:32 PM

We close tomorrow, but all the contingencies have been met... no reason for it to fall through now.

26103. Jenerator - 8/3/2010 5:50:27 PM


What a relief.

PS - Any time you need me to babysit that adorable son of yours, just let me know!!


26104. arkymalarky - 8/3/2010 5:53:38 PM

What a relief for y'all!

26105. iiibbb - 8/3/2010 8:04:09 PM

You're telling me.

The only spilt milk is we would've sold it twice last year for at least 10K more if there weren't a unfinished home that ran out of money there at the time.

Ahh well. I'll take what I got.

26106. iiibbb - 8/3/2010 8:05:19 PM

The boy had a great first visit to the ocean last week. Met his 1-month younger cousin and all of his older cousins. In spite of starting off the week with a cold, he had a blast.

26107. arkymalarky - 8/4/2010 2:46:56 AM

Nothin's more fun than cousins when you're a kid.

26108. arkymalarky - 8/4/2010 5:43:03 AM

I'm going to try something and if it doesn't work I'll delete:

26109. arkymalarky - 8/4/2010 5:43:32 AM

Oooh. Cool, if I say so myself.

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