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26140. thoughtful - 8/22/2010 9:15:59 PM

Lovely wedding! Congrats to bride and groom and rest of family! Really pretty.

26141. arkymalarky - 8/22/2010 10:26:47 PM

Thank you! We're all just really happy.

On another subject, I love what yiou said in the other thread about your home being cozy. That's my favorite quality in a homevvlooking at every part and thinking, "ii'd love to spend time there."

26142. arkymalarky - 8/22/2010 10:28:35 PM

In life anything can happen, as we all know, but Bob and I haven't had a single reservation about Mose's marriage.

26143. thoughtful - 8/23/2010 1:52:36 PM

that's wonderful...it's so great when a new member of the family fits in well...it's so awful when they don't. I never liked my 1st SIL from the first time I met her and there were many family occasions that lacked the warmth and spontaneity that come when an easy bond is shared...instead it's filled with an attempt to maintain comity for the sake of one and all.

I guess now that I have no family, I won't have to worry about it...

26144. uzmakk - 9/15/2010 2:19:22 PM

Thoughtful, you prideful bitch. Besides the oh so appealing architectural layout of you new house, there is detail, detail everywhere. Very impressive.

Arky, congrats on the wedding and on the fact that you don't have a single reservation. I should, in a chronological sense only, have to start thinking about such things myself. Its been nice having coffee with youse; I look forward to cocktails occasionally. I think I'm going to be parking here for a while.

Forgive the strong beginning, but it is in the style of steppelords everywhere and, now that I look at it, pseudoerasmus in particlar.

26145. uzmakk - 9/15/2010 2:22:58 PM

I just made a post, which I will reproduce, that did not post. Have things changed around here?

26146. vonKreedon - 9/15/2010 3:16:13 PM

Hey Uz, how's life on the Steppes?

26147. judithathome - 9/15/2010 3:24:11 PM

UZMAKK!! I was thinking of you just the other day!

I loved that thing we did with shipping the book around...are you still "in a bind"ing business?

26148. uzmakk - 9/15/2010 4:39:51 PM

VonK, Life on the steppes remains good, but, as you can see, I intend to make another encroachment into civilization. Judith, I am still in a binding business.

Later. Off to take an aging parent to a Dr. appointment. Its amazing that he can still ride a horse.

26149. arkymalarky - 9/15/2010 10:14:12 PM


26150. arkymalarky - 9/15/2010 10:17:04 PM

That would be uzmakk...

26151. uzmakk - 9/16/2010 2:07:35 PM

I am looking forward to Parker Spitzer on 4 Oct. I have seen little of Parker on television though I know she has a prescence. She came across well on Colbert. I wrote her a note, no longer than this post,
complementing her on her writing and secondarily on her pov. Also read her 'Save the Males'. Any comments on Parker Spitzer? I thought I would post this here and move to TV or News or ArtsandCulture once the show starts and if I have any comments.

26152. uzmakk - 9/16/2010 2:32:48 PM

Forget the 'secondarily'. Generally speaking, I like what she has to say. I was going to comment on Jexster after catching up on The Inferno, but that will have to wait.

26153. arkymalarky - 9/16/2010 6:16:29 PM

The show looks like it will be good. No fire breathing.

26154. judithathome - 9/18/2010 7:00:50 PM

Off to take an aging parent to a Dr. appointment. Its amazing that he can still ride a horse.

Maybe it's because I have too much time on my hands but this statement sent me off musing about Uz's aging parent in a riding habit and fancy dressage riding and an unfortunate balking at one of the gates...hope everything is okay!

26155. vonKreedon - 9/19/2010 4:37:17 PM

Narrrr....An' a happy Talk Like a Pirate Day to ye, scurvy landlubbers though ye be!

26156. uzmakk - 9/20/2010 11:14:53 PM

I finished work, didn't feel like cooking even a half-assed supper. (Wife at yoga, but I cook dinner most nights.) Made myself a manhattan and now I am on The Mote and cooking jazzed clam chowder to boot. I am parking here for a while, no doubt about it. Not just for tonight, but for a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiile. I was wondering about what I was going to talk about and it popped into my head, something that has been galling me for a year. I am going to write a letter to my insurance company, STATE FARM, concerning an auto accident in which I was assigned 100% of the blame. But first a relation of events on the Mote, and my account, not only of the accident, but of other events and familial relationships and then on to State Farm and then on to competing insurance companies, that is, unless State Farm sees things my way. I shall not bore you with details, but shall ask you after every brief paragraph, 'Is this not a daggar (or, more properly,an arrow) pointed at State Farm's heart?"

Btw, Judith, you have the image all wrong; I lead him by the bridle these days.

26157. arkymalarky - 9/21/2010 3:17:05 AM

I just love you, dear Uzmakk.

26158. judithathome - 9/27/2010 3:58:39 PM

We have a new computer after the old one died...I mean, really died. Hard drive fried and no backup, nothing saved. So anyone who has my email address, please write to me so I can get your email!

Actually, this will save me money...lost all my regular shopping sites and can't even recall half of them.

26159. vonKreedon - 9/28/2010 7:08:20 PM

Haha....the sites are completely replacable via Google, but the lost log-in information is the barrier for me in such situation.

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