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26201. arkymalarky - 12/6/2010 7:11:12 PM

My lands! Hope you're better now!

Wrt the Kinect, it's the first exercise money I've spent that's over $50, but I think it will be the most productive for my personality. And it's way cheaper than a piece of equipment, but in your circumstances I can definitely see where you're coming from. I know they'll become garage sale items sooner rather than later.

26202. iiibbb - 12/6/2010 7:11:23 PM

Went to his pediatrician today for a consult about the tube recommendation. We really trust this Dr. Started the same narrative and she was agreeing with us, but...

The boy has another infection... which makes the 4th since August. Also she said our holiday flying will not be pleasant for him, won't clear up in time even if we put him on antibiotics, and there's even a risk for his ear drums rupturing.

She said she was in a similar situation with one of her kids and did the surgery.

So... I guess we're going to do this thing tomorrow. Overall the risk of something bad happening is very, very, very small.

Wife has her follow ups later this week.

Did not help that I saw an article today declaring the unemployed unemployable.

26203. RickNelson - 12/6/2010 7:23:59 PM

Hi arky, Hi 3i3b,

Oh, your poor boy with the ear pressure from flying. I knew a family whose daughter had the infection problem and used tubes. Those were in for quite a long time. They mentioned she had some small problems hearing, but the tubes out-weighted that. I don't know why exactly the tubes out-weighed that, but figured she would suffer pain otherwise. That was back in 1983, so I'm sure the technology has some very real benefits. Best wishes.

26204. iiibbb - 12/6/2010 7:44:04 PM

The tubes fall out on their own after 9-12 months.

Given we're entering cold season, given his molars will come in soon, given his track record, given the flights coming up, given the fact he's in daycare.

Tubes seem inevitable.

The next worry is whether we have to _keep_ putting them in... which I think we will tend to avoid.

I also worry about all the antibiotics we would have to give him. He's already allergic to penicillin... so when he has an infection he has to take something stronger and I worry about him picking up one of these superbugs.

26205. iiibbb - 12/6/2010 7:45:06 PM

Given the new infection, the decision is less agonizing than it was last week.

26206. judithathome - 12/6/2010 9:23:16 PM

I've hesitated to comment about your wife's upcoming biopsies because I know you and she are worried about that, too, but I've had several and they all came to nothing...I wouldn't want to suggest the labs may be doing so many of those unnecessarily for more claims because a needle biopsy can save a life. However, several things can cause lumps in the breast...like excessive caffiene intake. More than likely, the lumps are benign fibroadenomas.

I hope everything works out for you all...please keep in touch and let us know how her tests come out.

26207. iiibbb - 12/7/2010 10:22:55 PM

Boy's thing went off without a problem. My wife and I annoy Dr's a little bit because we ask too many challenging questions... but we've learned you have to. The anesthesiologist didn't have great bedside manner.

26208. seadate - 12/8/2010 1:29:23 PM

Hello Judith and Arky - and 3ib and Rick -

Judith: cloudysail@hotmail.com - I hope you've made the adjustment to your new machine ... and say hello to Keoni for me, pls.

Arky ... that was fun. Glad you're carrying on the annual event.

26209. arkymalarky - 12/8/2010 5:25:03 PM

It developed a life of its own, which we really look forward to every year.

26210. RickNelson - 12/8/2010 8:29:48 PM


Good. To everything you posted.

Hi seadate.

26211. judithathome - 12/12/2010 12:42:25 AM

Arky...are you going to get bad weather this weekend? We're expecting very cold temps....

26212. arkymalarky - 12/12/2010 2:48:49 AM

Hey Judith! The last I heard it was supposed to be very cold but clear.

26213. judithathome - 12/17/2010 10:05:06 PM

My son left a huge parcel of land up in Missouri to his daughter and son-in-law. They finally went up there last week to check it out...it's mainly used for timber but also for hunting.

While they were looking over the property, a man on a tractor came by and introduced himself and made an offer on part of the land that abuts his property...they talked for a bit and he said "You two should think about moving here...it's a nice little town and the people are friendly". This is property that had belonged to my father...it's outside the town where he and my mom grew up.

There have been incidents of timber poaching on this land...black walnut, mostly. So Chris, my SIL, decided to put up "no trespassing" signs along the fences to at least show the property is "owned" by someone. While he was doing that, a man across the road came out on his porch and shot at him! Above his head but still...

Needless to say, the kids have no plans to move to this "friendly" little berg.

26214. PsychProf - 12/23/2010 5:12:12 PM

Best to all, however you celebrate this time of the year. Time needs to slow down for me...snow will greet my smile in the mountains later today. The four wheel drive sleigh is packed with goodies, and my guys will all be together for a few “daze”. We will get the skates sharpened, shovel, and get at it.

26215. Ulgine Barrows - 12/24/2010 9:57:45 AM

Merry Christmas, Moties.
The future is bright and so are the holiday lights.
Good cheer all around!

26216. arkymalarky - 12/25/2010 2:56:46 AM

Happy Holidays to Psych Prof and Ulgine and all my Mote family!

26217. wabbit - 12/25/2010 7:27:38 PM

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and best wishes for everyone to have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!

26218. alistairconnor - 12/26/2010 2:05:20 PM

Joyeux Putain de Noël monsieur Musulman!
Joyeux Putain de Noël monsieur Hindou!

... and to all of you too!

(perversely, South Park dubbed into French is even funnier.)

26219. wabbit - 12/26/2010 10:54:07 PM

I've been passing that song around for ages, hysterical!

So here I sit, watching the Patriots beat up on the Bills, hoping we don't lose power sometime later tonight. It's been snowing since 9am and is coming down a bit harder now, if you can call it that. Maybe 3" so far, but expecting lots more overnight, 2-4" per hour for at least three hours and 35mph sustained winds - hence, a blizzard, a classic nor'easter. We're expecting at least 12" and perhaps as much as 24" in some spots. Here, south of Boston but far enough north of the Cape, we're in the deep snow zone. Hell yeah! As long as you don't have to drive anywhere and don't lose power, it's quite lovely. I'll do round one of shoveling tonight, then a round or two more tomorrow. It may snow until late afternoon on Monday.

The folks are in the FL Keys visiting my sister, so I have the place to myself, me and the cats. Joy!

26220. arkymalarky - 12/27/2010 5:40:59 AM

Oooh, sounds wonderful! I've had the house to myself all day, trying to catch up on work. I enjoy working when no one's around. Bob and Angela and her Hmong-American friend from Bob's old school are due in from Hot Springs any minute tho.

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