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26217. wabbit - 12/25/2010 7:27:38 PM

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and best wishes for everyone to have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!

26218. alistairconnor - 12/26/2010 2:05:20 PM

Joyeux Putain de Noël monsieur Musulman!
Joyeux Putain de Noël monsieur Hindou!

... and to all of you too!

(perversely, South Park dubbed into French is even funnier.)

26219. wabbit - 12/26/2010 10:54:07 PM

I've been passing that song around for ages, hysterical!

So here I sit, watching the Patriots beat up on the Bills, hoping we don't lose power sometime later tonight. It's been snowing since 9am and is coming down a bit harder now, if you can call it that. Maybe 3" so far, but expecting lots more overnight, 2-4" per hour for at least three hours and 35mph sustained winds - hence, a blizzard, a classic nor'easter. We're expecting at least 12" and perhaps as much as 24" in some spots. Here, south of Boston but far enough north of the Cape, we're in the deep snow zone. Hell yeah! As long as you don't have to drive anywhere and don't lose power, it's quite lovely. I'll do round one of shoveling tonight, then a round or two more tomorrow. It may snow until late afternoon on Monday.

The folks are in the FL Keys visiting my sister, so I have the place to myself, me and the cats. Joy!

26220. arkymalarky - 12/27/2010 5:40:59 AM

Oooh, sounds wonderful! I've had the house to myself all day, trying to catch up on work. I enjoy working when no one's around. Bob and Angela and her Hmong-American friend from Bob's old school are due in from Hot Springs any minute tho.

26221. judithathome - 12/27/2010 5:46:39 PM

Arky, I'm sure that will make Bob's holidays happy ones!

We're in the midst of cleaning for the big party on Saturday...I'm already at the "screw it" stage on most of the dust.

26222. arkymalarky - 12/27/2010 6:48:23 PM

Can't wait until we can make one of those!

26223. arkymalarky - 12/31/2010 12:09:33 AM

3I, any updatre? Concerned that you haven't popped in lately.

26224. judithathome - 12/31/2010 3:15:24 PM

I haven't been posting much, here or anywhere...not in the best of moods and trying to keep my mind off things. I also hate coming in here and seeing my name as last post for weeks at a time...ha!

The other morning, the day after I'd stuffed the fridge with party food, the electricity went out and the repair line said it would be back on at TEN PM...this was at 7am! I had visions of rotting veggies and shrimp filling my head but luckily, they were off in the estimation by about eleven hours. Yesterday I finished the shopping except for the sushi we have to pick up at 4pm today. Thus far, my fridge and freezer are stuffed, my neighbor's freezer, and her "second" fridge out her garage.

If no one shows up, we can eat for a month or two.

Anyhpw, hope all the Moties have Happy New Years...if you're down Texas way, drop in on Saturday...I can guarantee you'll not leave hungry!

26225. iiibbb - 12/31/2010 7:00:34 PM

Been away...

We went to Puerto Rico with her parents for a week, then an open leg to my parents for x-mas. Almost got stuck there because of the Blizzard.

We probably bit off more than we could chew trying to travel so much. P's worries didn't help, but we booked the flight months ago. We left with colds. B traveled like a champ as usual and picked up so many new tricks while we were gone.

Christmas was low-key.

P will know in a week the definitive results.

Really glad we did the ear tubes.

Glad to see 2010 go. Happy new year everyone.

26226. arkymalarky - 12/31/2010 8:38:14 PM

Glad to hear y'all had safe travels and your son benefitted from the tubes. Best wishes for your wife's results. Please keep us posted.

Happy New Year to everyone! I'm grading papers. Ugh. Was going to go out, but no real way to do that and get work done, so we'll probably celebrate with a meal at the truck stop amd champagne at home.

26227. judithathome - 12/31/2010 9:34:28 PM

Happy New Year, y'all...and Hauoli Makahiki Hou!

26228. arkymalarky - 12/31/2010 9:35:05 PM

Speaking of New Years Eve and parties, I was trying to remember when we crossed that age threshold from hoping we got a NYE invitation to hoping we didn't. I know I've told this before, but I think it was the year I saw a friend of ours in Walmart and sarcastically joked about our big NYE party we were having, then on the night of NYE a week or two later, Bob and I were watching tv, struggling to stay awake until midnight, when we were startled by a knock on the door. So our friend and his wife shared a deadly dull NYE with us, and to this day I don't know if he realized later that I was joking in Walmart or figured we had a flop of a party. *I* certainly never said anything!

26229. judithathome - 12/31/2010 9:59:31 PM

Ya know, we haven't been out on NYE in years and I tell you what, if I lived where you do, I'd stay home regardless...those roads are scary during the DAY! God knows what they're like at night, in January, after a boozy all-night party!

26230. judithathome - 12/31/2010 10:00:41 PM

I prefer my boozy, all-night parties safely at your house...ha!

26231. Ms. No - 12/31/2010 10:41:12 PM

Hells to the yes on that one! Nothing like a boozy all-night party at the Arky's!

I made dinner plans with a friend for his belated birthday without even realizing I'd scheduled it for NYE. I'm sure we'll have a laugh over what a couple of losers we are since he didn't realize it either.

As the return to school approaches I'm wishing I had another entire week off!

Happy, happy to you all! Hope you start your 2011 safe and well!

26232. arkymalarky - 12/31/2010 11:54:32 PM

Haha! I agree 100%!

26233. arkymalarky - 12/31/2010 11:55:29 PM

I was referring to boozy all night parties at my house, but that also applies to wishing for another week of break!

26234. anomie - 1/1/2011 1:38:50 AM

Happy New Year Motie folks. And glad to see Arky is okay after seeing the weather news today.

Here's to a great elevenses.

26235. arkymalarky - 1/1/2011 3:36:32 AM

Anomie! Happy New Year to you! All that was north of us. You oughta open up your calendar and make an Arky all nighter with us at our next gathering. We're having it earlier this year.

26236. anomie - 1/1/2011 4:04:32 AM

Hey Arky, can you email me the details? Judith has my email if you don't,and I don't seem to have yours anymore or I would send it. I need an excuse to visit a brother in OK. Don't know if I can stay up all night. It's been a while. But it would be fun to try.

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