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26267. arkymalarky - 1/26/2011 6:46:49 PM

I'll post a pic of mine in the snow (mostly melted) when I get able later.

26268. wabbit - 1/27/2011 3:19:34 PM

It has pretty much stopped snowing here now and I'd say we got another foot of snow. Didn't go to work today because the parking lot didn't get plowed out.

I'm with t'ful, not looking forward to the Spring thaw.

The roads are bad until the sun comes out, then driving will be ok. The bigger problem is where to put the snow once it's plowed. People who are required to clear sidewalks and fire hydrants can't, because they've been plowed in and are now solid ice.

26269. thoughtful - 1/27/2011 11:40:49 PM

wabbit, exactly. we got about another 15" and the piles are so high, I'm shoveling up over 5' high walls of snow from the prior storms. Our deck is once again up to the glass. The snow is so high at intersections that you literally can't see if anyone is coming. Very dangerous in addition to the icy conditions when whatever melts, refreezes over night. This is not fun. On top of it, they are talking about another significant snow on Tuesday.

Make it stop!!!

26270. thoughtful - 1/27/2011 11:41:47 PM

They say not only have we exceeded our average snowfall for the year, we actually had the snowiest January on record...and the month ain't over yet!

Make it stop!

26272. wabbit - 1/29/2011 7:32:26 PM

t'ful, I think you have gotten about a foot more than we have so far. I was wrong about the foot of snow, when I measured it was 15". We've been lucky to have several sunny days which allows for some good melting. We can see our mailbox!

the mailbox

A house a mile or so up the road had some pretty impressive icicles.


26273. arkymalarky - 1/29/2011 9:23:01 PM

It's about 75 and sunny here today.

26274. Ms. No - 1/29/2011 10:13:40 PM

Cold and wet, pretty much like every winter in NorCal. I can handle the cold as long as there's sun pretty frequently, but this never-ending overcast is just the pits.

It is not, however, multiple feet of snow, for which I am thankful!

26275. arkymalarky - 1/30/2011 2:26:00 AM

If y'all get a chance, watch extreme home makeover sun at 7 central on abc. If you know me, you'll know what you see when you see it. And no, I'm not getting one. Wish I were.

26276. Ms. No - 1/30/2011 2:43:01 AM

Oooh! I'll have to check it out.

And yes, Arky, you have a remarkable kid!

26277. arkymalarky - 1/30/2011 5:41:05 AM

Thanks! I'm going to miss working with her next year.

26278. thoughtful - 1/30/2011 6:19:32 PM

wow wabbit...that's a lot of snow, but we've got you beat. It took hubby and me 30 min just to uncover our mailbox at the old house and even then it was only to dig a pathway in. at the new house we've had to uncover our mailbox multiple times...and it's set higher than our old one.

we are coping with massive icicles at the old house...ice damming issues. So far no water in the house, but they are now predicting 4" more on Tues with another 12" on wed with some rain/freezing rain/sleet mixed in...and we've had very little melting in between...as soon as it clears up we get an arctic blast with below 0 nighttime temps.

this is all getting ridiculous!

26279. thoughtful - 1/30/2011 6:20:30 PM

I'm worried about our little metal shed out back that the roof will collapse under the weight of it all. Hubby is worried about our barn. It's all too much.

Hurry Spring!!!

26280. thoughtful - 1/30/2011 6:28:35 PM

26281. arkymalarky - 1/31/2011 4:34:58 AM

Well, if you didn't catch our nanosecond of fame, we were the AR school represented in the "don't text and drive" pledge.

26282. wabbit - 2/1/2011 1:56:29 AM

I saw that! When I saw them whipping through the states, I stopped blinking so I wouldn't miss your kids. Good thing too. I never watch that show, but at almost the 1-1/2 hour mark, there were the Bulldogs! For about one second.

26283. arkymalarky - 2/1/2011 3:01:44 AM

Haha! We sure did a lot more than that. Took up a whole morning, we wouldn't let kids without Bulldog shirts be in, signed bookoos of waivers. I envisioned them showing the fam a 30 min video of schools. And I can't find my thumb ring.

26284. arkymalarky - 2/1/2011 3:03:02 AM

I'm home with bad bronchitis, and forgot to ask Mose about reactions. I'll have to call her.

26285. judithathome - 2/1/2011 6:48:07 PM

17° here and 3 inches of snow on the ground.

26286. thoughtful - 2/1/2011 7:31:16 PM

In preparation for the additional 12" we are expecting today followed up by 1/2" of ice tomorrow, our neighbor came over and helped us remove the snow from our roof...we are so thankful! The snow on the roof was between 30-36" deep. Hubby was shoveling the roof for 2 days and only got about 1/2 of it done. Our neighbor came with his small electric snowblower and blew the snow off the rest of the roof in 2 hrs. Couldn't ask for better neighbors!

Note too the massive icicles...a sign of the ice dams in our gutters...which now have 8-10" of solid ice in them visible above the gutters.

26287. thoughtful - 2/1/2011 7:32:04 PM

So what's ahead? forecast more significant snow on Saturday and potential for more on Tuesday.

Enough already!

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