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26286. thoughtful - 2/1/2011 7:31:16 PM

In preparation for the additional 12" we are expecting today followed up by 1/2" of ice tomorrow, our neighbor came over and helped us remove the snow from our roof...we are so thankful! The snow on the roof was between 30-36" deep. Hubby was shoveling the roof for 2 days and only got about 1/2 of it done. Our neighbor came with his small electric snowblower and blew the snow off the rest of the roof in 2 hrs. Couldn't ask for better neighbors!

Note too the massive icicles...a sign of the ice dams in our gutters...which now have 8-10" of solid ice in them visible above the gutters.

26287. thoughtful - 2/1/2011 7:32:04 PM

So what's ahead? forecast more significant snow on Saturday and potential for more on Tuesday.

Enough already!

26288. judithathome - 2/1/2011 9:56:42 PM

The news is saying this storm (national, not our piddly one here) is "an historic" one.

The thing locally is bizarre...and terribly unfortunate for the Super Bowl, which is taking place 20 miles from my house. ;-)

26289. arkymalarky - 2/2/2011 6:31:31 AM

We got the rain before temps dropped, so no nasty stuff.

26290. thoughtful - 2/2/2011 3:16:00 PM

i saw on the news that dallas was -3 this am...that's pretty cool stuff!

26291. judithathome - 2/2/2011 6:49:32 PM

Thank god I slept through THAT!

Since Keoni is in balmy Hawaii, the guy across the street from us came over and helped me anchor down the covers for the 55 year old hypericum bushes in front of our porch. I'd draped them the day before but the collected snow was weighing them down and then, high winds kept blowing them off.

Between the two of us we anchored the sheets with coat hangers cut into skewers and with clothespins. Yes, I'm an old fashioned girl who has clothspins on hand...come in handy for more than just the twisted plastic bread wrapper. ;-)

26292. iiibbb - 2/2/2011 10:16:48 PM

Whatever ember of identity I may hold as a "Southerner"... there are few things that stoke it as much as the sight of a Yankee who's gone off the road in an ice storm :)

26293. arkymalarky - 2/2/2011 11:17:57 PM

One in a 4wd, especially.

26294. wabbit - 2/3/2011 1:56:22 AM

Can't say I disagree. Was just telling someone at work today that those who tailgate can either bide their time behind me or take themselves out of the gene pool asap.

Wait until tomorrow morning when the roads are going to be a sheet of ice...

On a fun note, aside from seeing the local band of turkeys roosting high up in a tree Monday morning, I saw our local albino squirrel this morning. Haven't seen him for over a year and feared the worst, so it was a good morning.

26295. judithathome - 2/3/2011 3:08:59 AM

My neighbor just called and has a burst water pipe...she is 83 and lives in a 1920s cottage...the oldest residence in our little village. I called her last night and suggested she leave her faucets dripping throughout the night. She's one of these older ladies who believes nothing you tell her. So she didn't take my advice.

Get this: her washer/dryer is in a screened-in porch...no heat whatsoever gets to it from the rest of the house. Her grandaughter decided today would be the perfect day to wash her duvet...as a result, the backporch is now flooded. Yesterday I suggested she plug in a heat lamp for that area overnight but she balked and said she's lived there for 50 years without a problem...there's only so much you can do for stubborn people.

26296. iiibbb - 2/3/2011 4:11:18 AM

There's always "I told you so".... :)

It's one of my wife's family's traits to not believe things they haven't experienced themselves.

26297. judithathome - 2/3/2011 5:22:58 AM

Well, I have known this woman since I was 12 years old and she hasn't believed anything anyone says since I've known her....

26298. arkymalarky - 2/3/2011 5:56:27 AM

Lots of people don't like it, but "I told you so" is a smart person's consolation prize. Mose hates when I tell her that. The people I work with will be sick of hearing it by the time the school closes in june. But when you put so much effort into trying to prevent something and people barrel ahead and get exactly what you warned them they would, what else are you going to say? I told my principal I wanted to put up big red "I told you so" billboards on every exit from town.

26299. thoughtful - 2/3/2011 3:23:18 PM

My in laws were slovak and as best I could tell lived by 3 rules:

1. Say it often enough, it becomes true
2. Don't say it and it won't happen
3. Anything I don't know isn't worth knowing

Schools are closed in some areas today...not because of the snow and ice on the roads, but because of snow and ice on the school roofs...one town called in the national guard to remove the snow so kids could get back in...all the school buildings were declared unsafe until the snow was removed. I don't ever recall that happening. We've had many buildings collapse from the weight of the snow. And guess what...more predicted for Saturday and Monday. If only we had some melting in between, but as soon as it clears, the arctic weather moves in and everything freezes solid.

When hubby was living in his old house, he used to have to turn the water off every night before he went to bed if the temp was below 20 degrees as the pipes would freeze. At least those days are gone.

26300. thoughtful - 2/3/2011 3:29:42 PM

If there's any consolation, it's that today our world is sparking in the sun due to the ice storm we had yesterday. No matter how sick I am of this winter, being surrounded by sparkles is always awe-ful.

26301. thoughtful - 2/3/2011 3:35:08 PM

26302. JayAckroyd - 2/3/2011 5:47:03 PM


Good to see the Cafe is still running strong.

26303. bhelpuri - 2/3/2011 6:13:18 PM

Nice photos, thoughtful. Especially fun to view while sitting in the tropics.

26304. arkymalarky - 2/3/2011 7:12:09 PM

Jay! Great to see you! Nice seeing your name appear in sites I frequent, as well, btw.

26305. bhelpuri - 2/4/2011 11:22:32 AM

Nice seeing your name appear in sites I frequent

Oh yes? Could I have a link to where Ackroyd is fighting the good fight?

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