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26490. CharlieL - 7/9/2011 7:31:22 PM


26491. Ms. No - 7/10/2011 5:17:53 PM

omfg 108?

Jeeze, we're having delightfully (almost creepily) springlike weather here all of a sudden. High 80's today but low to mid for the next couple of days.

26492. wabbit - 7/10/2011 9:37:49 PM

Been gorgeous weather here the last two days, 80's and low humidity. Lovely.

We still have people shooting off fireworks here. You'd think the fireworks factory, which is pretty much in our backyard, was still in operation.

26493. vonKreedon - 7/12/2011 1:29:36 AM

I'm so geekily excited. Blair and I got our copies of Dance with Dragons from Amazon today!

(Dance is the 5th in Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series. Best fantasy since Tolkien.)

Anyway, I'm reading yet so excited I had to come share. Now back to reading.

26494. arkymalarky - 7/12/2011 5:56:16 AM

Haha! Love it!

26495. arkymalarky - 7/19/2011 2:11:42 PM

In Amarillo on the way to the cabin. Ready for some cool weather

26496. wabbit - 7/20/2011 11:15:44 PM

Enjoy the mountains!

26497. Ms. No - 7/21/2011 6:55:31 PM

How bizarre is this? My folks are going to be in Colorado for three days next week while I'm in class here in Dallas. I will envy all the cool weather!


We're back from the Hill Country -- it was an awesome trip! I know your friends are still in town through next week, but how would you and Keoni feel about coming here for dinner next weekend? (The 30 or 31)

Is your email still at SouthWestern Bell? My mom and I were in fits yesterday because we both have had all your contact info and neither one of us could find it. I think I'll have to get it tattooed on my ass or something because I have to ask you for it every year.

26498. judithathome - 7/22/2011 4:04:16 PM

Yes, that's my email...swbell

That weekend sounds good for me; have to check with Keoni first, though, as he is STILL working. But I feel certain he'll be okay with it.

Our guests leave this coming Thursday.

26499. Ms. No - 7/24/2011 6:27:03 AM

If you happen to get two nearly identical emails from me, let me know. I composed and sent one earlier today and then was checking this evening after the Ranger game to see if you'd gotten it yet and I couldn't even find it in the sent file. So I sent a second one.

and what an awesome Rangers game is was, too!!!

26500. Ms. No - 7/24/2011 6:28:25 AM

crap, I'm sending to the wrong addy. I have the at part right, but the name part wrong.

can you send to me at yahoo? the bridgeburner99 email?


26501. Ms. No - 7/24/2011 4:11:22 PM


26502. arkymalarky - 7/25/2011 10:08:18 PM

hey! we've been very disconnected and will be another week. i'm liking it. 15 mins to civilization if we need it.

26503. Jenerator - 7/26/2011 7:36:00 PM

Hi all - I hope you're having a great summer. I'm in Waco, and it's 107 today.

School starts soon, and it's going to be a challenging year. Every class I will be teaching will be different, and they are assigning duty periods. They have canceled stipends and suspended travel.

The good news is the football program hasn't been touched!

Oh, and I will apologize on behalf of Texas for Rick Perry. If you don't know who he is, you soon will.


26504. arkymalarky - 7/26/2011 8:45:07 PM

ha! we're in boulder right now. one of the worst changes in my school consolidation is going from a school without football to one that's obsessed with it. the difference in the dynamic will be huge.

26505. vonKreedon - 7/27/2011 5:16:46 PM

Hey Jen. I'm surprised by your apology for Perry, what specifically do you find apology worthy? Excellent chance that he'll be the GOP nominee, what then?

26506. judithathome - 7/28/2011 4:36:49 PM

I think she is being sarcastic...in the way I used to apologize to everyone for Bush.

Perry has suddenly found God, in much the same way Bush did right before announcing his run for the presidency...Perry is wrecking Texas education...same as Bush. Perry is following in Bush's boot tracks...if you loved 8 years of Bush, you'll be estatic with President Good Hair.

26507. judithathome - 7/28/2011 4:37:48 PM

In more immediate news, my houseguests are on their way to the airport even as I type these words.

26508. judithathome - 8/1/2011 8:27:49 PM

Might as well snag the top three threads with "last post"....

We met with MsNo and her mom and step-dad last night and had a wonderful time...fantastic food, fabulously tasty wine, and a clever dessert that I'm going to steal from MsNo (who is genius with cannoli)...and the most fun converation we've had in weeks.

Bonus was driving back to Fort Worth in the dark...MsNo and Arky will know whereof I speak...very relaxing and a delight to see how "clean" both Dallas and Foert Worth look after sundown.

26509. arkymalarky - 8/1/2011 10:55:58 PM

How nice! We're still in OK on the way home to the heat. when we got out of the car at CO we were cold, and it stayed nice and cool the whole time. this week is going to be awful. 108 at Arkadelphia today.

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