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26860. thoughtful - 4/1/2012 1:27:09 AM

Thanks arky

If you haven't done it, go to YouTube and search on old Jews telling jokes....hilarious!

26861. arkymalarky - 4/2/2012 1:13:12 AM

It still seems way daylight for it, but the coyptrs are going at it.

26862. arkymalarky - 4/2/2012 1:13:33 AM

Dadgum: coyotes

26863. vonKreedon - 4/2/2012 6:26:16 PM

Happy - late - Birthday Thoughtful!

26864. thoughtful - 4/2/2012 9:35:56 PM

Thanks vonK! I'm happy to celebrate my birthday all year long...after all, it takes a full year to get to the next one!

26865. judithathome - 4/2/2012 10:55:16 PM

Mine is coming up soon...this year, I'd just as soon skip it.

26866. arkymalarky - 4/3/2012 8:21:21 PM

Are y'all okay? Hate to call.

26867. arkymalarky - 4/3/2012 8:35:10 PM

Tornadoes hitting D/FW area.

26868. judithathome - 4/3/2012 10:23:35 PM

We're fine...nothing hit around here...it skipped us.

David was here and we all watched the mayhem east of us on local TV.

26869. thoughtful - 4/6/2012 12:42:32 PM

If I hadn't mentioned it, I recommend "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield. Has everything a gothic novel should have including a neat resolution that ties up all the loose ends.

26870. thoughtful - 4/8/2012 4:41:35 PM

Happy Easter Everyone!

26871. arkymalarky - 4/8/2012 9:57:06 PM

How cute! Happy Easter!

26872. concerned - 4/10/2012 4:37:31 AM

Hi, thoughtful -

Nice picture!

Btw, I've got an Easter plus one day story regarding my cat, 'Nightling'.

I was eating dinner after getting home from work this evening and was starting with a salad with lots of thousand island dressing on it.

Well, a piece of lettuce all gooey with dressing flipped off my fork and wound up somewhere under the table. I took a look around, expecting to find the lettuce stuck to the floor, but instead it was glued to Nightling's hind leg by a big glob of thousand island dressing. You see, she likes to hang around while I eat probably because I sometimes pet her.

Well, normally, I'd expect any cat to freak out and head for the hills if a big globby piece of lettuce flew onto their leg and stuck there, but she was cool, just sat there, and let me pull the hunk of lettuce off of her, and even wipe most of the dressing off her fur before she left. It was like she was giving me a chance to clean up my mess:)

I was alternately apologizing to her and making like that snickering hound I remember in old cartoons, but she took it all in stride. Cats can be surprising.

26873. thoughtful - 4/10/2012 2:25:29 PM

Cats can be funny. I remember one time when our old cat Emily was sleeping on top of the back (loose) cushion of the sofa. She moved in such a way as to roll the cushion over with her on top, hit the seat and keep rolling until she hit the floor. She immediately looked up at me with a smug look on her face saying, "I meant to do that."

26874. Wombat - 4/10/2012 3:04:45 PM


More likely hoping that you'd drop something other than salad off your fork.

Funniest cat story: My parents lived in a brownstone in Brooklyn, which had a deck where we would grill and eat dinner durin the Summer. Our backyard also had a tree that had branches extending into a neighbor's yard. The neighbors had a pair of Corgi dogs with free run of their backyard. One of our cat's favorite games was to walk out on the one of the branches over the neighbor's yard, and lean down like a vulture. The Corgis would literally go insane barking and jumping up and down on their short little legs. One evening when we were eating dinner on the deck, the cat went out on the branch to do his usual thing. He must have gone further out than normal, because the branch suddenly broke, depositing him in the neighbor's yard, literally right in front of the Corgis. They were paralyzed with shock at their tormenter's sudden arrival, and in the second that it took to regain their senses, the cat did a four-legged spring up onto the six-foot-tall fence separating our yards. He then jumped down into our backyard and hid under a rhododendron bush until he regained his composure.

26875. Jenerator - 4/12/2012 9:29:17 PM

Speaking of cats - this is HILARIOUS!

Kitty Ennui

26876. vonKreedon - 4/12/2012 9:38:35 PM

Yeah, that's hilarious!

26877. OhioSTOPAS - 4/13/2012 12:35:27 AM

More for cat lovers:

Simon’s Cat

26878. OhioSTOPAS - 4/13/2012 12:35:50 AM

Hey, Jen - Happy belated birthday!

26879. arkymalarky - 4/13/2012 12:59:42 AM

Love it Jen!

I had a Siamese as a kid and one Christmas Bro got a train with a short track and plastic tunnel. Jasper was fascinated with the train and just sat and watched it go round and round and through the tunnel. He just couldn't figure the tunnel part out, so he straddled the track to look through the tunnel. As he was looking in the ttain hime its round, hitting him

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