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27444. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 1:13:56 AM

If I were Connor - dear old Father of the Motion - I would recommend a donation in Monkey Boy's name to the nearest Gay Marriage advocacy group. You know that's what he/it really wants...

27445. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:14:46 AM

The final part of our bet was made the following year. After our initial €1000 bet, Muffin was very confident I would lose. I think he called it "easy money".

Alistair was a big believer in peak oil. Despite all the news about recent discoveries of new oil reserves, he was sure the global supply would go down.

So the tie-breaker for our previous two-part bet was agreed to in October of 2009.

3) By the time the world production figures for 2012 have been released by the EIA, it will have been demonstrably proven that annual oil production did not peak in 2008. That means, in either 2009, 2010, 2011, 0r 2012, world oil production figures will reach a new record high. The wager? €500. Alistair takes the under. Pincher takes the over.

While this was the last wager Alistair and I would make, it was the first one I won. According to the EIA, global oil production hit record highs in 2010, 2011, and again in 2012.

Pincher wins the final €500 for game, set, and match.

27446. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:18:30 AM


You're an excellent writer, but you couldn't debate your way out of a paper bag.

For some fascinating reason, the talents you were born with to write first-rate prose have left you without any comprehension of logic or the ability to weigh competing evidence. I can't recall a single debate in the history of this forum that you contributed anything beyond a few pretty words.

27447. arkymalarky - 7/1/2013 1:19:00 AM

Oooh Bhel, don't let that deprive us of a great read!

27448. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 1:20:06 AM

Dude (i3b3) those gimp images are seriously disturbing. More disturbing even is the thought PMS might get near a baby. A human baby, I mean. Baboons are nasty!

27449. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:22:03 AM

When bhel writes that he is "a veteran of roughly a billion strenuous debates here, there and everywhere", what he means is that he was carrying water to those doing the real debating.

Bhel doesn't debate. He never has. He emotes and moralizes in very pretty prose.

27450. arkymalarky - 7/1/2013 1:23:31 AM

Oooh Bhel, don't let that deprive us of a great read!

27451. arkymalarky - 7/1/2013 1:24:17 AM

please oh please posting gods, let pm use the words "passive aggressive" again. I have missed them so.

27452. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:27:44 AM

"please oh please posting gods, let pm use the words "passive aggressive" again. I have missed them so."

I'll post them again if you show me a photo of you in your hammock.

27453. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 1:29:45 AM


I address you directly here, because you obviously need that. I know relatively few things really well, but one of those is that you have no credentials to pass judgement on anything at all.

You were a juvenile ass when you came on this forum - but at that time many of us were, and behaved like that. However, time has passed Monkey Boy, one must learn, one must grow up and take on real responsibilities. For literally everyone here (except you, apparently) real life proved more alluring than the Internet's shadow puppetry. At this moment, I sincerely wish you the same. Go. Get a life.

27454. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:30:03 AM

And I'll post the words three times if you can find a single instance of Bhel competently debating any issue in this forum.

27455. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 1:34:54 AM

Also, I remain proud of this Mote's grown-up aspect, where so many of us have met, and continue to meet. It makes us better...

27456. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:40:44 AM


"I address you directly here, because you obviously need that. I know relatively few things really well, but one of those is that you have no credentials to pass judgement on anything at all."

You see, I knew this would happen.

Debate isn't about credentials. Or passing judgment.

But is that what you meant when you said that you were a "veteran" of a billion online debates?

Because it is much more believable to me that you've flashed your credentials or passed judgment a billion times online in lieu of actually discussing an issue.

But that's not debate.

If we're talking about India, for example, and you make some claim that I disagree with. If you retort that you've actually lived in India and I have not, you've flashed your credentials, but you're not debating

You write beautiful prose, but you haven't a single idea bouncing around in that Hindu head of yours.

27457. bhelpuri - 7/1/2013 1:42:18 AM

You are an idiot. Bring me Khan.

27458. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:44:59 AM

Hahaha ! I'm sure he'd agree with me that you're a great stylist and a moron.

But agree or not, that's certainly the way he treated you in the good old days.

27459. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 1:49:45 AM

Bhel has an impressionistic intelligence that expresses itself best in words (rather than, say, brushstrokes or musical notes).

But he does not know how to analyze, and he wouldn't know how to debate if his family's life depended on it.

27460. judithathome - 7/1/2013 2:08:10 AM

I doubt he'd be so cavalier with his family's lives in the first place.

27461. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 2:10:12 AM


I didn't say he should bet his family's lives on his ability to debate. But if for some obscure reason his family depended on him having that skill, they'd be goners.

27462. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 2:14:15 AM

But, hey, bhel's in fine company here by lacking that skill.

It's perfectly believable to me that when you, him, ibby, and Arky get together and chitchat about the great issues of the day, that the four of you would completely agree that you all have a very fine ability to analyze and debate matters of importance.

27463. PincherMartin - 7/1/2013 2:17:27 AM

BTW, no one here has bothered to thank me for sparking some life back into this forum.

When's the last time you guys ever had such a crowd?

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