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28141. alistairconnor - 8/9/2014 4:44:26 PM

Looks like I've been away. Thanks, Wabbit, for the pan, but in my last three places I've been meaning to get a gas stovetop because electricity sucks. For cooking. The induction rig is at Madame's place (which I thought I would be housesitting while she was back home in Morocco but we had a fight and I'm back at my place). Here I've got a halogen stovetop. All nice and clean but just a bit sucky for cooking with.

28142. alistairconnor - 8/9/2014 4:52:49 PM

In other news...

There is a demon in my bookcase.

A djinn, actually. She's been there for four hours now, glaring out at me. Not actually born spontaneously from my evil books, but left here by my stepson, gone on holiday with his mother.

28143. arkymalarky - 8/9/2014 6:55:39 PM

He was great No! Bought a CD since I was not familiar with him, but he's one of Tommy's all time favorites. Mose and stan prefer amos lee but I liked lamontaigne better. The opening act I did not care for at all. They were Belle Brigade and played what seemed like forever to me. It was over an hour and a half before lamontagne ever even came out and started.

The climb to gen admin seats was unreal. I love red rocks but it ain't for the faint of heart--literally.

28144. arkymalarky - 8/9/2014 9:37:47 PM

Guess PE didn't have any interesting anecdotes or memories to share.

Waiting at the Ned laundromat for clothes to dry and being sad to leave but looking forward to having cell and internet at home, to say nothing of a laundry room.

Alistair, I looked at that pic at least 3 times before I saw the cat. Very cool.

28145. judithathome - 8/10/2014 5:55:58 PM

I'm wondering if that is a copy of Sex And The City on the top shelf!

Great cat, by the way.

28146. Ms. No - 8/10/2014 8:48:05 PM

Hmmm, I'm not familiar with Amos Lee or Belle Brigade. The closest I've ever come to Red Rocks is listening to the U2 Album: Under a Blood Red Sky.

I feel ya on the laundry --- I've been carting mine to Sudz Yer Dudz for the last 8 years, and I'm damn tired of it, but I like my place too much (and I'm too lazy and cheap) to move somewhere that's got laundry.

28147. Ms. No - 8/10/2014 8:51:08 PM

Great pic, AC!

The only critters at my place are the daddy long-legs (bitty, teeny, ones compared to Arkansas and North Carolina) that spread out in comfort for the six weeks I was gone.

Now I've got three webs that are creeping me out, but that I also feel superstitious about destroying. I'm sure I'll get there.

28148. arkymalarky - 8/10/2014 10:13:31 PM

we're almost to Pueblo and my car just got pulverized with hail.

28149. arkymalarky - 8/10/2014 10:21:07 PM

Amos Lee started as a school teacher. He said that the guitar he was playing is one he bought with his first six teacher paychecks.

28150. wabbit - 8/11/2014 12:09:10 AM

Amos Lee!

Cats + books, what more do you need? Who is the Cory Doctorow fan?

Arky, I loved your parent's house on the very steep hill, but am glad to hear they've moved. Safe trip home!

Ms. No, I am allergic to spiders, my only known allergy. I try not to kill them as long as they are not in my space, but if they are, I squash while apologizing.

28151. arkymalarky - 8/11/2014 12:39:56 AM

Thanks Wabbit! Staying in Amarillo and going to visit Mose on the way home tomorrow. Get to see their new place--the reason we got tickets to two red rocks concerts. We're bringing them t-shirts.

28152. alistairconnor - 8/11/2014 6:43:07 PM

Judith! No!! The Town and the City. Jack Kerouac. I bought it in Lowell, Mass. quite a while ago.
Wabbit : Ostensibly I buy them for my daughters, but I'm a fan.

28153. judithathome - 8/11/2014 11:14:01 PM

Alistair, I was just "funnin'" ya!

Believe it or not, we drove through Lowell, Mass. and searched for Keoruacs house.

The highway we drove in on was "sans" a billboard claiming this was the city where he was born and had lived...and I thought that was criminal, that they hadn't bragged to the skies it was so.

28154. vonKreedon - 8/12/2014 11:15:31 PM

Well, I'm late to the wake, but so sorry to hear about Irv's death. Only met him once, when he came in to Microsoft in Redmond to meet with Slate's powers that be and we had lunch.

28155. Ms. No - 8/13/2014 3:55:43 AM

Hiya, Cos!

28156. vonKreedon - 8/13/2014 4:21:59 PM

Hey there Cos, how's life?

28157. Ms. No - 8/14/2014 11:36:26 PM

Getting ready for a new school year and a new school. Trying to make some changes to the way I conduct my life so that I have more fun and leisure time --- or at least am productive in areas that matter to me other than work.

How's by you?

28158. Ms. No - 8/15/2014 2:28:37 AM

Uh...remember those three spiders I mentioned? Well, now one of them is missing and I'm very nervous about where it might turn up. Shoulda whacked it when I knew where it was.

28159. CharlieL - 8/20/2014 9:51:11 PM

I just read about Scott also. He was the first person I met on the Fray way back in 94 or 95, I believe. I had just read an article about Slate, and went there, read the Fray and jumped in. I made a silly post, Irv corrected me, and I said, "I stand corrected. Orthopedic shoes, you know." And that started everything.

I remember things like when a bunch of us all started listening to the Fabulous Potato Heads CD at the same time, and everyone asked me questions about it.

I'm sorry I haven't been here in a long time, but work gets hectic, and IONA is still performing (I can't believe I've been in the band for almost 14 years!). In fact, Irv gave me my Mote password, and I'm still using it.

It's so good to see familiar names still posting here.

28160. CharlieL - 8/20/2014 9:52:53 PM

Oh, and we're going to see Bruce Cockburn at the Birchmere tomorrow. We've seen him about seven times before, and every time has been great, either solo acoustic, with a couple of backing musicians, or with a full band.

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