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28197. iiibbb - 9/5/2014 5:33:48 PM

Arky. I'm not anything in that I don't identify with groups of people.

I'm very self aware/self analyzing. I'm ADHD according to the specifications. I've decided I probably have a mild anxiety disorder - not sure what a therapist could really do for me. So I have hard time with people I don't know without some sort of context. If I get going, I'm very open because I'm not embarrassed about who I am... all that peer ridicule made me pretty immune to criticism and has given me a long fuse... until it's time to vent. I'm not crippled by any of this, I just keep to myself while being keenly aware of events, but not feelings, circling the air around me. If I'm actually aware of someone's feelings/boundaries, I'm actually very sensitive to them - unless I'm angry (which isn't much). I'm the last person to exclude someone from a group unless they're an asshole.

In spite of this, at work I am a great team player and very supportive of the people I work with.

I love children. I have a deep well of patience when it comes to children and noise (from happy to sad to mad).

I'm not in a political party--- although Republicans and Libertarians are certifiably loony right now.

I'm agnostic, identify Christian, can't relate to churches, but I'm not an atheist either (mostly because vocal atheists irritate me as much as any religious person).

I don't like crowds, but I don't have a phobia about it. I don't go to the fair. I don't go to concerts.

I'm pro-rights but for some reason I find activism to be a turn-off (usually because the lead activists are right for the wrong reasons in my mind - and that usually makes me a quiet ally).

28198. arkymalarky - 9/5/2014 6:36:28 PM

It sounds like we have a lot in common. I don't mind crowds, though. I hate groups, meetings, conferences. Unless I'm in charge. I don't like feeling I'm being held captive.

28199. iiibbb - 9/5/2014 7:34:38 PM

I don't need to be in charge, but I usually try to stick with good leaders.

I'm flexible.

28200. arkymalarky - 9/5/2014 8:26:20 PM

It's the physical feeling of being trapped. I have to sit on the aisle in the back. I don't feel that way in crowds because I can move around, cough, scratch, etc.

28201. Ms. No - 9/7/2014 11:02:54 PM

Does anyone have access to or remember how to find that quiz/chart on types of government? There was a four quadrant chart I think with where your answers put you in terms of authoritarianism, libertarianism etc. etc.

I can't even think what the choices all were ---- which is why I'm trying to find it. It made a whole lot of sense when trying to distinguish between systems of rule.

28202. iiibbb - 9/8/2014 2:09:30 AM

Here you go

By the way... I just love the LMGTFY website... it is a laugh riot.

28203. Ms. No - 9/8/2014 5:00:09 AM

That's awesome! Thanks --- I DID google it, but clearly wasn't putting in the right words for an accurate search.

28204. alistairconnor - 9/10/2014 2:54:47 PM

Oh I missed Don! Graybeard, and a thousand other monikers. And Scott Loar... A respected adversary. Great times of intellectual adventure, when the internet was young.

28205. wabbit - 9/11/2014 12:44:53 PM

Happy Birthday Mote! 15 years today - a tiny fraction of what we once were, but still here.

28206. arkymalarky - 9/11/2014 1:20:26 PM

Oh yeah, happy birthday! I still smile at seeing us here. It's the homepage on my phone.

28207. Ms. No - 9/11/2014 5:00:45 PM

Happy Birthday to us!

28208. judithathome - 9/11/2014 7:02:15 PM

Pop the champagne corks!

28209. judithathome - 9/11/2014 7:03:27 PM

Well...I guess make that singular...cork.

28210. Ms. No - 9/11/2014 11:28:13 PM

Hey, Cigarlaw never made us stop at a single bottle. No need to start now!

28211. judithathome - 9/12/2014 7:10:34 PM

Too true! I must be insane...

28212. arkymalarky - 9/19/2014 6:25:36 PM

Only in Gurdon, AR would a restaurant's decor include a picture of a gutted deer.

28213. judithathome - 9/19/2014 6:31:21 PM

Please tell me that isn't the pizza place!

28214. arkymalarky - 9/19/2014 8:19:09 PM

Haha! No, but man the food is fantastic, with homegrown cucumbers and tomatoes and the best sliced brisket I ever ate. Fortunately the pic didn't show the deer from the front.

28215. arkymalarky - 9/19/2014 8:20:35 PM

And pies

28216. iiibbb - 9/25/2014 7:51:52 PM

Tough week. Son 2 gets away from my wife and runs in front of a car on way out of daycare. Luckily, parent driver, not local student driver. All is well, but scary. I know the boy is subject to some impulsiveness, but he usually gives a signal when he's about do do something crazy.

Son 1 has asthma-like symptoms every so often; he started coughing last week, but his breathing took a turn last night. Mostly just rapid with a slight wheeze. Give him a nebulizer treatment and all's well. This morning it was getting bad and we were trying to decide whether to hold off for his dr or take him to the hospital. We chose Dr in part because it wasn't _that_ bad yet and we didn't want to expose him unnecessarily to the hospital and risk him getting this entero virus that's giving kids like him fits. By the time he got to the dr he'd thrown up... so a major turn. Sigh. My greatest fear his him not breathing it drives me crazy, and the fact that he's not_quite_got_asthma makes it really hard to definitively say Emergency Room because it's as likely...if not more likely... to just clear on it's own. I think for this I'm going to buy one of those O2 sensors so I can measure his blood O2 level.

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