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28225. arkymalarky - 9/26/2014 2:38:27 AM

as one who really wishes I'd dealt with it as a kid, if you get him allergy tested and deal with that if results are positive, that could help more than anything. I've had students who had allergy shots when they were little who had zero problems as teens.

28226. arkymalarky - 9/26/2014 2:39:01 AM

breathing problems

28227. iiibbb - 9/27/2014 1:27:52 AM

We're going to do a low dose steroid theough the winter.

It's also not that we avoided the emergency room because we only thought it might make it worse. There's also the issue of having him seen by people who know his history. There is a cetrai. Type of care you get in an ER that is different than the type of care you get from your own Dr.

28228. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 3:54:04 AM

has he been allergy tested? what do they think is causing his breathing problems?

28229. iiibbb - 9/27/2014 12:13:17 PM

Next week. Allergist. Have had this appointment for a while.

28230. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 2:54:49 PM

oh good. if he's positive they can really help. it takes a lot of time and commitment, but it works. they'll give you lots of guidance in dealing with the current situation too.

28232. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 2:55:07 PM

oh good. if he's positive they can really help. it takes a lot of time and commitment, but it works. they'll give you lots of guidance in dealing with the current situation too.

28233. arkymalarky - 9/27/2014 5:16:37 PM

Stan said a mean funny. I rarely laugh at his humor, but we were talking about his voice wrt the phone he's getting, and he said his voice was ignored more that anyone he knew. I said "I'm ignored too." He said, "no, you're avoided."

28234. Ms. No - 9/28/2014 6:13:32 PM

Ha! I could almost hear his voice as I read that.

28235. arkymalarky - 9/28/2014 8:56:18 PM

I was trying to figure out whether y'all were ignoring me or avoiding me!

Anyone here on ello? I'm thinking about trying to get an invite and go there. I'll never go back to Facebook, no matter what.

28236. Ms. No - 9/28/2014 9:57:59 PM

Facebook is a pain in the ass. I mostly go there to see what other people are up to. I think I've posted maybe five whole times in four years of having an account.

28237. arkymalarky - 9/28/2014 10:58:58 PM

I want to be able to keep up with people I care about but don't get to see, but fb is just not worth it. I've been away from it almost two years, and there are things I still miss, but ello sounds like it might become a good alternative.

28239. judithathome - 9/28/2014 11:28:06 PM

If I got on FB, all the assholes I went to high school with would jump on me and I have learned my lesson after serving on the reunion committee 3 years ago....high school NEVER ends.

It's still the same little cliques and pettiness...screw that.

28240. arkymalarky - 9/28/2014 11:44:07 PM

You don't friend people you don't want to Facebook.

28241. arkymalarky - 9/28/2014 11:51:47 PM

There are two things I don't like about Facebook. First, people I like, and even agree with, put their political and religious and other beliefs out there along with any other things they think about any given minute, so your newsfeed gets clogged up with stuff you just don't want to read, and second I don't like fb policies on advertising and privacy and a host of other things that they have changed to make it less private.

28242. judithathome - 9/29/2014 4:38:09 PM

Well, just today they announced even more invasive "data mining" in order to please their sponsors...god forbid they miss one scrap of information about what you like to eat and drink and where you like to go and what you like to buy...

My point was, I don't even want people knowing they have the option for me to "friend" them...at all. They can look you up, regardless if you allow them in or not.

It really doesn't matter...I wouldn't go there on a bet. And, basically, I just don't like that little weasel Zukerman at all...I do think he stole the idea from the twins. Ha!

28243. arkymalarky - 9/29/2014 5:48:35 PM

probably so. he seems to have no regard for what should belong to and be controlled by the individual. but I do have a use for a social network, so I think I'm going to give ello a look and if I like it I can invite the fam there.

28245. judithathome - 9/29/2014 8:57:47 PM

Oh, I completely understand why people HAVE or are on FB...especially teachers...I would think it useful to be able to interact with and/or keep up with students/former students.

I guess I'm opposed to it more from the "social" aspects of it...like teenagers (or anyone, really) getting an inflated sense of their WORTH from it because they posted a sexy selfie that got 900+ hits...or being unable to shut it off because they might "miss" something when the thing they are missing is LIFE going on around them.

Whatever...I think it's just someone MY age seeing people become so enslaved to and "boosted by" this inflated sense of "friending". A true friend isn't someone sitting with you and checking their messages...ignoring the actual person sitting there to "read" what people one has never even met has to say about someone else one has never met.

28246. arkymalarky - 9/29/2014 10:40:03 PM

really that kind of thing is more Snapchat or Instagram. unless you use it that way fb is pretty much like here but with people you know. My great aunt is 86 years old. Realistically, I will only see her alive at my dad's funeral or dead at hers. But she's on Facebook and I visited with her when I was on it. And Mose still does. Yes, she's a tea party Texan, but I love her and like knowing what she's up to.

28248. arkymalarky - 9/29/2014 11:42:47 PM

aunt not great aunt. Dad's sister.

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