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28296. judithathome - 4/27/2006 2:26:45 AM

Does anyone need more evidence that jexster doesn't read, but just pumps out posts? Is he a member of this forum in the true sense of the word?

Pelle, you are usually the first to carp about posts being off topic. Jex comes in and posts ON topic and still you carp...WTF?

28297. uzmakk - 4/27/2006 2:39:42 AM

I AMEN only when the spirit moves me, my religious one. Yawn.

28298. uzmakk - 4/27/2006 2:46:07 AM

Spare me, Judith. How are Jexster's deposits on topic?

28299. Adam Selene - 4/27/2006 2:47:26 AM

Ok, posting about posters' intentions is not relevent here. Please take it to the Cafe.

28300. uzmakk - 4/27/2006 2:50:25 AM

To Hell with the Cafe! Straight to the Inferno!

28301. judithathome - 4/27/2006 4:47:04 AM

How are Jexster's deposits on topic?

Well, I thought this was the religion and philosophy thread, not the oil and gas and car thread...Jex posted some religious shit, did he not?

Although...now I think about it, I do sometimes feel an almost religious awe about my car.

28302. uzmakk - 4/27/2006 12:07:06 PM

Against the Gods deals with economics. It all ties together. Still, there may be more appropriate places to discuss energy problems.

28303. PelleNilsson - 4/27/2006 1:27:24 PM

Is any "religious shit" on topic?

28304. wonkers2 - 5/2/2006 10:46:00 PM

Pope re-thinks condom ban, but just for spouses who are HIV positive. Wow! That represents real progress! Here.

28305. Adam Selene - 5/3/2006 1:49:54 AM

I can see treating a zygote as a human... but physically seperate sperm and eggs? Wow. I'm surprised that the Pope doesn't order us to fuck all the time we're awake so that all possible humans are created.

28306. Adam Selene - 5/3/2006 2:13:41 PM

Opus Dei - Catholic Cult or simple religious non-hypocricy?

With Da Vinci Code about to open, catch up on the reality first.

28307. jexster - 5/6/2006 11:13:40 PM

Opus Dei - technically a "movement" ..not a cult because it is within the Church...

Fuck that - Nazism was a political movement in a constitutional republic ...


28308. jexster - 5/6/2006 11:21:57 PM

The "argument" over whether or to what extent the Da Vinci Code has any basis whatsoever in fact definitively concluded with Ed Bradley's 60 Minutes report last Sunday on the "source" materials on which it was based.

Total fraud...a FRENCH fraud at that!

28309. jexster - 5/6/2006 11:30:26 PM

Heterosexual elected Episcopal Bishop of Calif

The Episcopal Diocese of California on Saturday avoided widening a rift over gays in the global Anglican Communion by electing a heterosexual man as its next bishop.

More than 1,000 clergy and laypeople packed Grace Cathedral in San Francisco's tony Nob Hill neighborhood to elect the Rt. Rev. Mark Andrus as successor to longtime Bishop William Swing, who is retiring after 27 years.

Two openly gay men and one lesbian were among the seven candidates on the ballot.

No gay or lesbian cleric has been elected bishop since the consecration of Eugene Robinson in 2003 as bishop of New Hampshire threw the U.S. church and the worldwide family of 77 million Anglicans into turmoil.

"Your vote today remains a vote for inclusion and communion

-- of gay and lesbian people in their full lives as single or partnered people, of women, of all ethnic minorities, and all people," Andrus said by telephone over the cathedral's public address system to members after being told of his election. "My commitment to Jesus Christ's own mission of inclusion is resolute."

Rev. Andrus of Alabama was elected with 72 percent of the clergy vote and 55 percent of the lay vote. The Rev. Canon Eugene Sutton of Washington, D.C., who is also heterosexual, came in second, with 13 percent of the clergy vote and 33 percent of the lay vote.


When told a bishop had been elected, members of the diocese cheered, rose and applauded, and church bells rang out to commemorate the election.

Andrus, who has served as Bishop Suffragan in the Diocese of Alabama since 2001, is known for building bridges and reaching across different points of view, said John Kater, acting president of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific.

"He has the ability to take strong positions on social justice issues," Kater said. "He seems to be incredibly good at fostering dialogue across strong disagreements."

The roots of the U.S. Episcopal Church are as old as the country and eight of the first 14 presidents were Episcopalian. The church has long prided itself for including liberal and conservative ideologies.

28310. Adam Selene - 5/7/2006 12:01:21 AM

jex - I didn't see the 60 minutes bit but I have done some research. Yes, pretty much everything about the priory in the last 100 years is phony.

But that doesn't say anything about the truth of what happened 2000 years ago...

28311. jexster - 5/7/2006 9:24:23 PM

From today's SF Chron....

Episcopalians avoid rift in picking bishop
Many had Expected Black Adulterer and Miscegenationista
- Matthai Chakko Kuruvila, Chronicle Religion Writer
Sunday, May 7, 2006

The Episcopal Diocese of California on Saturday elected the Rt. Rev. Mark Andrus to be its next bishop, tabling the question of whether the consecration of a Canon of the National Cathedral in Washington D.C, Colored Man married to a white woman (his third) would cleave the 220-year-old Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion of which it is a part. A ball-busting dyke candidate was also nixed.

28312. jexster - 5/7/2006 9:25:09 PM

Yea - The DVC doesn't say ANYTHING

28313. jexster - 5/7/2006 9:26:17 PM

'Fraid UR stuck with whatever heresies they pumped you with in Babdiss sunday school...that and John Melanoma McCain.

28314. jexster - 5/7/2006 9:28:49 PM

Priory of Sion: Fact or Bullshit?
60 Minutes

Face it...the ONLY reason the book or the movie make a fucking dime is because both play to the fetid modern imagination and Catholic bashing

28315. jexster - 5/7/2006 9:29:33 PM

DVC and Passion of the Christ - two pieces of shit in my toilet

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