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28325. jexster - 5/14/2006 3:25:29 PM

Indeed UG...these words are the takeoff point for "beating up others with these words" and that's the damnable crux of the fundie heresy

"We exist in moments of gentle apocalypse" Roland Barthes

28326. wonkers2 - 5/19/2006 2:12:38 PM

Father Fay, not a pedophile, but lives high on the hog by stealing from the collection plate. Father Fay filches from collection plate for Florida condo.

28327. Adam Selene - 5/19/2006 2:29:08 PM

Well, it's Da Vinci Code Day. Any predictions on weekend US gross? I'm thinking $60M based on wives and girlfriends dragging the guys along, although the youth market isn't there. (The Price is Right rules...)

Reviews are all over the place. Panned at Cannes, but several glowing reviews in the US (along with more pans.) Shouldn't matter though, this movie is critic-proof, just like Harry Potter.

28328. alistairconnor - 5/19/2006 2:57:07 PM

Depends if it's any good.

You could have a record-breaking first week, then drop off to nearly nothing, if people don't like it.

I will wait till I'm dragged kicking and screaming by my daughters. I'm sure they would like it, and appreciate it at its true value. They love history, and psychological drama. They are 9 and 12.

28329. wonkers2 - 5/19/2006 3:27:40 PM

Hijacking Jesus. Taking Back the Faith.

28330. judithathome - 5/19/2006 4:02:30 PM

I'll wait for it to hit HBO, like I do with most movies these days.

28331. Adam Selene - 5/19/2006 5:30:03 PM

Well, Mision Impossible III did around %50m on opening weekend, and Spiderman II broke $100m on opening weekend. I think Harry Potter did around $90M. I predict DVC will beat MI III a bit, but not in the same league as the real block busters.

I see a handful of movies at the theatre - typically the specticuls that make sense on a huge screen, like the comic-book movies, sci-fi, etc. "story" movies I usually wait for Netflix and watch on my 36" with 5.1 surround sound.

But - my wife wants to see DVC at the theatre... so I'll likely be there Sunday afternoon.

28332. Jenerator - 5/19/2006 7:58:51 PM


You need to come to Sunday school with me - I think you'll be disppointed to discover that you're not the topic of conversation and study.

28333. Ulgine Barrows - 5/20/2006 3:43:52 AM

28327. Adam Selene - 5/19/2006 2:29:08 PM
Well, it's Da Vinci Code Day

I think I'll wait for it on HBO. I rather liked the book. Esp since I was raised Catholic and wasn't supposed to read it.

Har, this other catholic lady I know said that made her go buy 10 extra copies and distribute it.

28334. Adam Selene - 5/22/2006 3:03:10 PM

My wife decided not to face the crowds, so we'll go see the code next week I guess. My take from listening to all my friends- the movie is painfully faithful to the book, which means it drags a lot.

28335. judithathome - 5/22/2006 6:22:00 PM

And the casting is misguided and the plot sucks, according to other reviews.

28336. wonkers2 - 5/23/2006 5:22:54 PM

The Campaign to Defend the Constitution has a full page ad in today's papers captioned "MEET AMERICA'S MOST INFLUENTIAL STEM CELL SCIENTISTS" followed by pictures of

Rev. Pat Robertson--"Before long, we'll be harvesting body parts from fully formed people. Onec you begin this utilitarian use of cells, then everything is up for grabs."

Rev. Jerry Falwell--"...the President was right to ban federal money going to this dangerous and unethical research."

James Dobson--"Experiments on the blastocytes, which are fertilized eggs, has a Nazi-esque aura to it."

28337. jexster - 5/27/2006 10:25:24 PM

How much for Kosher Meat?

18th Century Tolerance: George Washington willing to buy Jewish or Atheist workers
By John Stuart Blackton

We should not over-romanticize the liberal-mindeness amongst the political lights of America’s early years.

Michelle Goldberg is quite clear-eyed about the Founders, but I sense an element of historical mistiness in some of the threads that have accompanied the discussion this week.

There was a certain worldly pragmatism that infused the religious tolerance of our eighteenth century forbears.

Consider George Washington’s open-mindedness about buying a new bricklayer for his farm at Mount Vernon. Washington writes to ask a friend and business colleague, Tench Tilghman, to buy such a craftsman for him at a sale in Baltimore, and indicates that he does not mind if the man purchased happens to be a Jew, a Muslim or an Atheist – so long as he is young, strong and reliable.

    George Washington to Tench Tilghman

    Mount Vernon, March 24, 1784.

    Dear Sir:

    I am informed that a Ship with Palatines is gone up to Baltimore, among whom are a number of Trademen. I am a good deal in want of a House Joiner and Bricklayer, (who really understand their profession) and you would do me a favor by purchasing one of each, for me.

    I would not confine you to Palatines. If they are good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or Europe. They may be Mahometans, Jews or Christian of an Sect, or they may be Atheists.

    I would however prefer middle aged, to young men and those who have good countenances and good characters on ship board, to others who have neither of these to recommend them, altho, after all, the proof of the pudding must be in the eating.

    I do not limit you to a price, but will pay the purchase money on demand. This request will be in force 'till complied with, or countermanded, because you may not succeed at this moment, and have favourable ones here after to do it in.

    My best respects, in which Mrs. Washington joins, are presented to Mrs. Tilghman and Mrs. Carroll. and I am etc.

    Mount Vernon, March 24, 1784

Blackton is posting to a VERY illuminating series on Michelle Goldberg's book on fundamentalist christian nationalist freaks (Left Behind crowd) at TPMCafe Kingdom Coming

Bio: Senior Foreign Service officer and a veteran of four years' Army service in Indochina.

After leaving the Foreign Service he joined the faculty of the National War College as professor of National Security Policy

Blackton currently works as an international consultant on security and governance issues, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

His clients include the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, the German Bundeswehr, and other international organizations.

Those were the days...to be a gay Virginia gentleman

28338. arkymalarky - 5/29/2006 12:52:47 AM

All right, Kuligin. Come out of lurk mode and tell us all your scoop about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

28339. Adam Selene - 5/29/2006 3:02:09 AM

Angelina Jolie? hmm...I just watched her in GIA on dvd.

Yum. Dangerously Yum. Was she acting or is that just her in the flesh (as it were?)

Oh, wait - wrong thread. This goes under movies... or sexuality? Not sure.

28340. arkymalarky - 5/29/2006 3:38:59 AM

What's GIA?

28341. Adam Selene - 5/29/2006 4:32:45 AM

Gia on Netflix

Angelina Jolie is mesmerizing in her breakout role as supermodel Gia Carangi, a cover girl who lived fast and died at age 26 from the ravages of AIDS. This fact-based Home Box Office film (which won an Emmy and two Golden Globes, among other awards) follows Gia from busing tables at her father's diner to the glamorous world of high-fashion photography and finally to her downward spiral into drugs and toxic relationships. Faye Dunaway co-stars.

28342. jexster - 5/31/2006 1:21:15 AM

In Salon an interesting interview..

Going beyond God
Historian and former nun Karen Armstrong says the afterlife is a "red herring," hating religion is a pathology and that many Westerners cling to infantile ideas of God By Steve Paulson

28343. jexster - 5/31/2006 8:49:48 PM

The WackedOut "chrisitan" heretics will NOT be left behind..

A new video game coming out...blood guts guns and violence for GOD

Yes indeeed Jen and her offspring can play a real family game together slaughering musllms, fags, jews/..you name it..on their way to meet their "lord" in the air

Coming Soon

28344. Adam Selene - 6/1/2006 12:21:07 AM

Excellent link for Karen Armstrong's article. I must say I totally agree with her. Although I do cringe at the "opiate of the masses" implications - but beyond that I think she's on to something real in her interpretation.

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