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28557. anomie - 8/6/2006 10:06:58 PM


We're carrying on about nothing. Let the dictionary prevail.

But I hope you didn't make any false assumptions about what I said. I didn't assert that God must exist for prayer to be real, nor does anyone have to be able to explain their god to me. I don't care if their god - or idea of god - is a peanut shell. I'm also not making an argument about whether prayer changes people or makes any difference at all. So, I concede to almost everything you said except one.

28558. Trillium - 8/7/2006 2:19:40 AM

Okay, anomie....

28559. wonkers2 - 8/12/2006 1:47:55 PM

Detroit Muslims Support Tolerance and Inter-faith reconcialiation Here.

28560. jexster - 8/13/2006 2:18:39 PM

The Archbishop of York, the Church of England's second-highest figure, has reprimanded US President George W. Bush for risking division by warning that the West was at war with "Islamic fascists".

28561. Jenerator - 8/14/2006 3:56:06 PM

But we ARE at war with Islamic fascists.

Hezbollah, Hamas, the 20+ arrested in London, the 2 guys in Michigan, the list goes on. Those poeple are Islamic fascists.

28562. Jenerator - 8/14/2006 3:56:41 PM

I am glad that Bush finally had the cajones to call them what they are - Islamic fascists.

28563. Jenerator - 8/14/2006 4:01:02 PM

Anyone else hear about what they're teaching and chanting in the mosques of Iran right now? That Iran will nuke Israel soon and usher in the 12th Imam. Evidently, they're claiming that Iran HAS nuclear weapons and is planning on using them.

Armageddon, folks.

28564. judithathome - 8/14/2006 4:04:36 PM

An article today in my paper was talking about the new generation of "street preacher"...evidently our downtown streets are graced with several.

There was a box on the page with lists...the one that was headed "Evangelical Christianity" had Baptists listed first followed by Assemblies of God, Church of Christ, Church of the Nazarene, Pentacostal, and many nondenominational churches.

The article also said this area (D/FW) has more than one million Evangelicals scattered around. Of those, 856,000 are Baptists.

28565. judithathome - 8/14/2006 4:05:40 PM

Didn't mean to interrupt your screed, Jen, but I had that saved to copy over at Demonizing and I can't get in to WC.

28566. jexster - 8/17/2006 3:33:50 PM

The Armageddon Report: CODE RED

Jen tell your pastor, tell Baylor U


    A Message from the Prophet Hosea:

    {I thought Bush was a bible boy!}

    For they sow the wind,
    and they shall reap the whirlwind.
    The standing grain has no heads,
    it shall yield no meal;
    if it were to yield,
    foreigners would devour it.
    Israel is swallowed up;
    now they are among the nations
    as a useless vessel.
    For they have gone up to Assyria,
    a wild ass wandering alone;

    The high places of Aven, the sin of Israel,
    shall be destroyed.
    Thorn and thistle shall grow up
    on their altars.
    They shall say to the mountains, Cover us,
    and to the hills, Fall on us.

Judith..If Jenerator fails in her appearing, you're a Baylor Bear right?

28567. judithathome - 8/17/2006 5:52:22 PM

No, I am not. I'm not affiliated with any college or church or TV station in Texas.

28568. jexster - 8/17/2006 5:58:58 PM

and U Texicans have a spotless rep for telling the truth 2

JAH's church here

28569. judithathome - 8/17/2006 7:20:15 PM

Ha! That chick needs an remake.

28570. judithathome - 8/17/2006 7:20:34 PM

an update OR a remake....

28571. jexster - 8/17/2006 7:58:28 PM

Judith at Home
at Cornerstone!

an 18,000 soul Church of Love in San Antone

Tejas has more of such tabernacles of faith than a dog has fleas

28572. jexster - 9/11/2006 7:05:28 PM

    They have indeed rejected (the Message): so they will know soon (enough) the truth of what they mocked at!
    al-Qur'an 26:6

Adhan Makka

28573. wonkers2 - 9/22/2006 3:05:00 PM

Let's be fair. Not all priests are pedophiles. Some are thieves.

28574. Ulgine Barrows - 9/23/2006 6:37:29 AM

28563. Jenerator - 8/14/2006 4:01:02 PM

Anyone else hear about what they're teaching and chanting in the mosques of Iran right now? That Iran will nuke Israel soon and usher in the 12th Imam. Evidently, they're claiming that Iran HAS nuclear weapons and is planning on using them.

Armageddon, folks.

Yeah, let's kill them before they kill us, eh, Jenerator?

What is the difference between a Christian mission and an Islam jihad?

28575. judithathome - 9/23/2006 5:44:58 PM

The Christian Crusades got better PR, that's the difference.

28576. Jenerator - 9/24/2006 5:10:22 AM

That is a fascinating thought. What would have happened if the Turks had been stopped? Better yet, what would have happened if the Jews obeyed God when they entered Canaan?

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