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28662. arkymalarky - 7/4/2015 4:32:22 PM


Please do check back in! And frequently!

Happy anniversary! Stan and I will celebrate our 32nd in October. So glad to hear how well your kids are doing. I remember when your little boy was born. Mose will be 31 in November. Unbelievable how quickly they grow. She's doing well.

28663. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:17:31 PM

Thanks arky. They do grow fast. I remember my first, I was so young, so naïve. Good days.

I like getting to do all the first over again. Especially over 19 yrs apart. It's amazing.

Glad all is well with you and yours!

28664. arkymalarky - 7/4/2015 5:22:17 PM

Ha-ha! I had forgotten how far apart. My cousin did the same thing. She's 56, as am I, and has a boy the age of yours. She also does muddy fun runs. I consider it an accomplishment if my fitbit shows 5000 steps in a day....

28665. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:31:41 PM

With the passing of FrayVader, a few memories spilled in. "Purple Mesh shorts" something I thought he must have worn while golfing?

When I first found the Fray, I didn't have a place to communicate my desires to focus world attention upon rapid deforestation in Sarawak, Borneo Malaysia. I did some fruitless posts, knowing there was no power. I did learn of "Bruno Manser" who sought to risk all to bring the clear cutting rampage going on. Bruno lived with the Penan. I safely married a Sarawakian, here in the U.S.. I learned of the problem in 1989 from my first visit.

In a vague way, I thought Irv, moving in circles connected to Macalester, Indonesia and worldly people, had an insight about what concerned me. Nothing went anywhere. Alistair sought to learn, and Marjori too, but it wasn't a big deal. It's all over the Sarawakian news now, so it's made it to the front of their media. Some day it might make it here? Oil Palm is getting attention for it being the main cause for rampant deforestation.

I've blogged almost zero, and I've written so extensively all over HuffPo, AlterNet, Kos, Mother Jones, and most recently rebuttals to radical racists on MSN News. I'm astounded at the blatant racism that rears hatred on that site.

How's Marjori?

28666. arkymalarky - 7/4/2015 5:38:39 PM

He's Bhel, so you can read him a few posts back. He seems to be doing great. Stan's Malaysian niece-in-law and nephew are visiting from FL right now. My brother is heavy into environmental issues and posts a lot elsewhere. I stay away from other discussion boards after spending 24-7 on rural éducation issues statewide for a number of years.

28667. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:43:48 PM

Oh yeah, I recall that. So, Hello Bhel, wishing your family well. I only know of one new member from back in the day.

I've gotten very political since my major peaceful poetry days. I write extensive rebuttals or posts about many issues. My Progressive leanings keep me very busy with that regard.

Who was I our resident neocon back in the day? I think I ran across that moniker somewhere else on his own blog. Many years now, so it's faded.

I don't think I mean JoeZan or clldr? I hope not? I thought I had a high regard for both?? I wink at that, it's politics, not personal.

28668. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:47:19 PM

Remember my pal Cigarlaw, and how I thought Maria was so cool (she was)?

MsIvoryTower an enigma to me.

Gosh, so many flooding back...

I noticed PD because of VonKreedon, and PsychProf, and did I see Seamus?

28669. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:50:27 PM

wabbit, dear wabbit must be around.

I long ago lost track of JamesWright, he an inspiration and mentor for poetry. NuPlanetOne too.

judithathome, always a pal.

28670. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:52:00 PM

Everyone has been missed, being a Motie is just part of me.

28671. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 5:55:07 PM

I'm aware Irv, Pelle, Maria and Cigarlaw have passed. Fond memories.

28672. arkymalarky - 7/4/2015 6:37:36 PM

Right, and probably more we don't know about. Wabbit is well. That's fun to say in voice to text. You might be talking about Ace of Spades or somebody like that wrt neocons. Not sure. They all went together to me. Except concerned. He was one of a kind. Don't know what happened to him. Haven't seen him in a long time.

If you're all political now, you need to head over to the religion thread and help me out! ;)

28673. arkymalarky - 7/4/2015 6:38:10 PM

And check out nuplanet's recent stuff in the poetry thread!

28674. RickNelson - 7/4/2015 7:05:32 PM

Yes, it was definitely Ace!

Nu in poetry, awesome!

28675. judithathome - 7/4/2015 8:47:25 PM

It's all over the Sarawakian news now, so it's made it to the front of their media. Some day it might make it here?

Rick, I saw an episode of VICE News on HBO recently and they've shown a light on the oil palm industry in Indonesia...they have a very good site...VICE.com...and probably have access to the HBO shows online. The weekly shows are half an hour, two subjects each week, which run right after Bill Maher's show on Fridays. (He actually produces the VICE shows) I think they may be off doe the summer months but check it out online....they also have a newsletter to which I subscribe.

I love their investigative journalism and wish we had far more of it.

Great to hear from you, by the way!!

28676. judithathome - 7/4/2015 8:48:15 PM

doe = for

28677. wabbit - 7/4/2015 11:38:20 PM

Rick! How wonderful to see you, and so many other missed voices...Bhel, Prof, vonK, phillipdavid, nuplanet...I remain in the background, but I'm around.

MsIT is very cool, I was fortunate enough to meet her in person many years ago. Diva too. I always liked concerned. I didn't agree with his politics (usually), but he was one who could agree to disagree without always resorting to the usual bile. He was a good read.

I remember people thinking I was weirder than usual when I went to Seattle for Spring Break many years ago to hang with Irv and family, PD, Lemwalker (speaking of cool!), DaveN (and his gracious wife who put me up for a night), mondaugen...there is a photo floating around of our visit to Slate, where we met Michael Kinsley. Good weekend!

28678. Ms. No - 7/5/2015 4:51:26 PM

Good to see you, Rick! Glad to hear things are going well.

28679. Wombat - 7/12/2015 10:56:18 PM

Hey, Rick welcome back! If you want to see the full deranged beauty of Acey, check out the Ace of Spades web site.

Wombette is completing her third year as an undergraduate, and will be moving to the graduate part of her combined program in physical therapy at Ithaca College. Wombino starts at St. Johns College in August.

On the employment front, after a four-year drought, I have been offered an analyst position on a Department of Homeland Security project. The project deals with what are called "active shooter" incidents (Dylan Roof and others). Both interesting and au courant, and easily linkable to the "lone-wolf" trend in terrorism.

28680. RickNelson - 7/13/2015 3:10:10 AM

Thanks for the welcome.

I hope more coverage of palm oil corruption is exposed.

And I'm recalling Diva and Lemwalker, and I knew M Kinsley ran the show back then. Isn't it cool to see Dickerson as a major media personality? I wonder what Pinsky is up to?

I do recall Ace. I ran across his website some time ago. I don't recall what I read. his writing was about many topics. I think I thought he was like infowars back then?

Good to hear that Wombette is getting along so well, and Wombino has such excellent prospects!

Wow for the "active shooter" issues you may work on? I've been very aware of fringe group growth, and most alarmed by militias. I don't know if lone-wolfs have grown out of militias, or been influenced somewhat?

I have been disgusted with politicians, like Palin's target map, or other inflammatory rhetoric out there. Alex Jones has to be one of the worst?!

28681. Wombat - 7/13/2015 2:04:02 PM

Rick, my sense is that "Lone wolf" attacks are more inspired by groups, rather than planned in conjunction with other activities or organizations. The internet makes so many things possible....

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