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28741. arkymalarky - 10/12/2015 2:59:05 AM

Robert, hope you all had a good safe trip home. It's going to be all we can do to make this cheese last more than a day or two. That stuff is melt in your mouth wonderful.

28742. judithathome - 10/12/2015 10:57:00 PM

What is it? As you know, I am a cheese freak!

28743. arkymalarky - 10/12/2015 11:17:55 PM

Wisconsin cheese! carrvalleycheese.com

28744. robertjayb - 10/21/2015 6:09:16 PM

Hello, world. Methinks this computer/provider hookup is finally working. About time. Much too delayed in thanking the Arky's for the nice visit in Prescott (press kit?) and the introduction to Casa Carlos and some excellent Mexican food. May change my standard order.

Regarding the cheese: Cheese curds (fresh, unprocessed cheddar) are an acquired taste I'm still working on after 50 plus years of visits to Wisconsin. I did manage my first full order of fried curds this summer that will last me for several more years. Fresh curds are an okay cocktail snack. According to the University of Wisconsin rats fed this remarkable food develop an unusual capacity to polka and drink beer.

28745. arkymalarky - 10/21/2015 7:03:59 PM

Ha! Really? Stan and I were fighting over it. We love the taste! We had such a blast visiting with you all, and your wife is just great! We've got to do this again when y'all come back through and y'all can stay at Casa Malarkey's next time!

28746. judithathome - 10/24/2015 12:15:15 AM

Arky...hope you're not getting the HOLY SHIT we are getting right now....thank god they finished our street gutters and drains!

Yes, I know...everyone needs the rain...but not all in one fell swoop!!

28747. arkymalarky - 10/24/2015 12:23:31 AM

So far it's great. We don't live in an area that floods, so as long as we don't have to go to town we're good. I'm very glad I didn't go to work today, because it would not have been fun driving my commute. Hope it's not bad Monday.

28748. judithathome - 10/24/2015 10:02:14 PM

Well...not trying to be Debbie Downer but it's looking really bad for tonight where we are...hopefully it will clear overnight.

28749. arkymalarky - 10/24/2015 10:14:42 PM

You're really getting socked. still not too bad here. Good soaking rain, not flooding.

28750. judithathome - 10/25/2015 10:24:48 PM

I don't understand that Dallas is experiencing flooding and we are not...I guess it is because back in the day...WE got improvements re: infrastructure improvements regarding levee building and Dallas did not.

28751. judithathome - 10/27/2015 11:01:57 PM

Okay...my forum (and everyone elses) at ABLE MINDS seems to be down...I have a weird feeling it may be kaput forever....

If so, I am going to encourage the participants at that forum (or on mine, at least) to come over here...so...be looking for more action here if that comes to pass.

28752. arkymalarky - 10/28/2015 1:52:08 AM

Hope some of them pop in.

28753. iiibbb - 10/29/2015 7:27:39 PM

Been depressed lately.

Not sure what to do about it because not much there is to do about it. Too many fronts to causing me stress and it's affecting other things.

Don't feel like talking about it in general because I feel I've run out of people that want to hear about it. I feel like most of it due to some log jams and things will start to work out once these key items pan out. In the meantime I need to just wait for it to happen.

Probably the biggest of these is the process of my latest funding finally coming through. For various reasons it's been delayed and delayed some more. It's a drag. We bought a house based on the big jump in my income (not that we bought beyond our means, ends are basically meeting), but I want to be saving. I am just tired of waiting for it to happen.

I need to get my shit together.

28754. judithathome - 10/29/2015 7:55:50 PM

Don't worry about the things you can't change physically...like when the money will arrive, etc. It's counter-productive to do that. And it won't change ANYTHING.

I met Dr. Wayne Dyer back in the late 60s and had read his book Your Erroneous Zones...in it, he suggested a technique for people who were worrying...set aside half an hour a day and do nothing but worry about one specific thing...at the end of the half hour, enter the dates and times on one page of the notebook and do that for 10 days.

At the end of 10 days, sit down with the notebook in hand and think about what has changed in the situation you were devoting all this time and effort to...and you will see NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

When I met him, I told him how much I learned from reading that suggestion....and then I asked him how many people actually DID the exercise...he laughed and laughed...winked at me and said "YOU got it! But you'd be AMAZED at how many people actually DID the entire exercise!"

28755. iiibbb - 10/29/2015 8:41:39 PM

Intellectually I know what you're saying.

The problem is not with the rational side.

The real problem is that some of these things have been a month away from resolution for many months. All over things I can't control. For instance, we were awarded the grant almost a year ago. At first the contract was supposed to be settled by April, then May, then July, then August, now November is rolling around. Before that it was the same thing on the _decision_ about the award.

My wife has had similar jerks and starts on her own job.

I just don't have a lot of resilience about it... particularly when other fronts flare up.

28756. iiibbb - 10/29/2015 8:41:57 PM

None of it is rational.

28757. arkymalarky - 10/29/2015 10:35:42 PM

It's frustrating when people and situations make you have to put your life on hold. Moes and her husband are going through that with his PhD process. It will get better after December, but they're in limbo where they don't feel like they can start a family, buy a house, blah blah blah and she's kinda ready to settle into just a regular job and regular life. It was all new and exciting for a while, but that wears off well before it's done.

28758. iiibbb - 10/29/2015 10:54:31 PM

Ultimately it is all tied to the fact that I am not on a hard position.

It's a fun job, I'm a great fit. But I don't know how long it will last.

I should be happier, but I get anxiety attacks... not enough to medicate over, but certainly enough that I have a hard time feeling good about good things.

28759. arkymalarky - 10/29/2015 11:51:51 PM

There's no real certainty in life, of course, but we all feel a lot better when we're allowed to have the delusion of it with a "permanent" job.

28760. iiibbb - 10/30/2015 12:51:33 AM

Again, intellectually I completely understand.

Anxiety attacks aren't based on rational thought processes and they have a nasty habit of poisoning other processes.

I'll upswing again.

Probably less to do with the permanence as the fits and starts about what the actual news is... and a dread that the news is never going to be in my favor.

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