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28922. wombat - 2/9/2017 2:43:05 PM

I binge watched it last year. Enjoyed it.

28923. Ms. No - 2/10/2017 2:42:48 AM

News Flash!!

I'm feeling validated if not relieved at this moment because I just learned that my unreasonable rage (I know it's unreasonable, have always known it was unreasonable) when I hear certain sounds is an actual thing.

From Misphonia Myths and Memes:

-Pawel and Margaret Jastreboff of Emory University originally described misophonia in 2001 as a disorder in which repetitive and pattern-based sounds trigger autonomic nervous system arousal. Some examples of these noises include other people chewing or clearing their throat, finger tapping, foot shuffling, keyboard tapping, and pen clicking (Cavanna & Seri, 2015; Edelstein, 2013; Jastreboff & Jastreboff, 2001; Jastreboff & Jastreboff, 2013; Wu et al., 2014)

I bring this up because I had to turn on my speakers to cover the sound of the student sitting in my room working on his research paper and eating Corn Nuts which I'm heartily convinced are the most obnoxious food on the planet. They're not just loud, they also stink up the entire room.

So, yeah, even though I've covered up the sound, I can still smell the nasty things. If he gave me some, that would be different. I can apparently calm my rage if I am also chewing when I hear chewing.

Other sounds that make my teeth itch or make me want to punch people:

  • swallowing

  • swirling spit around in your mouth (or eating yogurt or pudding or any other thing that basically sounds like swirling spit around in your mouth)

  • sniffling repeatedly

  • repeated throat clearing or coughing

  • super loud noises - sirens, explosions, slamming doors, rolling trashcans on cement
  • loud-talking -- iow, talking louder than the situation warrants. I feel like I'm being yelled at.

  • people who whisper loudly and incoherently into your ear

  • audible whispering at all, really

  • heavy nose-breathing when not engaged in physical exertion

  • the vocal fry

So, I'm no less freaky or unreasonably irritable than I was before, but at least now I know I'm not crazy.

Well, not crazy in that way, at least.

28924. arkymalarky - 2/10/2017 4:11:32 AM

OMG!! Mose has that! Needless to say, I drive her nuts with my allergies. She sent that term to me a year or so ago to prove she's just not just being a bitch :-)

28925. arkymalarky - 2/10/2017 4:17:47 AM

I just texted her your post. She is not going to believe it.

28926. judithathome - 2/10/2017 6:40:04 PM

•the vocal fry....what is this? Is it when Valley Girls sort of fade into a little growl at the ends of sentences?

28927. Ms. No - 2/11/2017 5:03:19 AM

Mose! My sister in soundwackiness!


Yeah, that's pretty much it. I can handle a little bit, but it gets on my nerves pretty quickly. Not as bad as some other things. I'm also bothered by that weird British accent that sounds like a speech impediment -- the r/w thing. Drives me nuts.

I'm soooooo pissy!

28928. wabbit - 2/11/2017 5:26:40 PM

Vocal Fry makes me crazy, I can't listen to anyone who speaks that way, and I believe it's an affectation for most.

I'm also very sound sensitive. In my family it's known that I have "dog hearing" - not so much that I hear high pitched sound, but I hear things that most people don't, things that are quiet or inaudible to others. I hear way more than I want to hear. I can hear conversations two or sometimes three tables away in a restaurant, or in the next room. My doctor hits the tuning fork and gets quite a way down the hall before I can't hear it anymore. It isn't a blessing. I carry wax earplugs with me at all times.

28929. arkymalarky - 2/12/2017 10:03:59 PM

I'm inventing a new word. Y'all help me spread it: thwt--to hell with trump. I visited grandkid this weekend, and it was Mahvelous!

28930. Ms. No - 2/14/2017 2:14:51 AM


Thats the sound you make when you're trying to spit a popcorn kernel shell-casing off your tongue, right?

At least that's how I'm going to say it.

"What's that you say? He's done what? Thwt!"

28931. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 4:39:41 AM

I think it would be a good replacement for the word shit when you can't cuss in public. Like I'm using trumped for everything now, in all possible verb forms.

28932. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 4:46:13 AM

Or it could be like a bronx cheer.

28933. Ms. No - 2/14/2017 8:27:19 PM

Happy Anniversary Judith and Keoni!

28934. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 11:26:10 PM

Happy anniversary! Hope y'all have a great one!

28935. judithathome - 2/17/2017 11:58:39 PM

Thanks, guys! We had our favorite champagne and grapes and cheeses and assorted other things y'all would love!

In my family it's known that I have "dog hearing" - not so much that I hear high pitched sound, but I hear things that most people don't, things that are quiet or inaudible to others. I hear way more than I want to hear. I can hear conversations two or sometimes three tables away in a restaurant, or in the next room

OMG!! I have that, TOO! I have been chided SO many times for "over-hearing" shit from way far away.....!!!

28936. judithathome - 2/18/2017 12:00:05 AM

Wabbit...you and I should team up and be Private Detectives!!!

28937. Ms. No - 2/19/2017 9:21:41 PM

Yeah, I could never do that. I'd be on a stakeout, somebody'd eat a Corn Nut and I'd freak out and kill everyone.

28938. judithathome - 2/19/2017 10:10:12 PM

MsNo, you've been to our house...I can hear Harley (the siamese) jump down from the living room window seat when I'm in the den...with the TV on and it set at 31 on the volume.

Keoni can't hear his phone if he's in the den and the phone is in the dining room. (Which, for those of you haven't BEEN here...is the next room.)

28939. Ms. No - 2/19/2017 11:18:54 PM

Keoni is so Zen.

28940. judithathome - 2/20/2017 12:03:08 AM

You have NO idea....

Well, yes actually, you DO...why, after all, would he even need to KNOW the cat has jumped down from the window seat......HAR!

28941. judithathome - 2/20/2017 12:13:44 AM

By the way...Keoni says "Hey!" and that you are lookin' good!

And he, like I, wanna know if you're coming this way any time soon? You know you have a place to stay and a great place to "dine" if you are in the neighborhood!

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