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28936. SnowOwl - 8/20/2007 7:20:48 PM

How can anyone hate something they don't believe in? I'd have to believe in God to hate him.

I don't hate Christians in general. I have plenty of Christian friends. I don't hate Muslims or Jews in general either.

There's a difference in not believing a supernatural being exists, and disagreeing with a particular sexual orientation.

28937. judithathome - 8/20/2007 7:30:27 PM

Besides, WE are not the ones who fear Christ...I'd say Christians fear Christ/God more than those who don't even believe in them. They fear the consequences of NOT living in fear of what an all-knowing God/Christ can do to them if they don't believe and obey the tenets of that belief.

28938. Jenerator - 8/21/2007 12:26:05 AM

What is it with all of you? Do you have some sort of magic charm bracelet? Does it go off whenever I address one of you - letting you know it's time for at least one more of you to chime in and pile on?

I am seriously starting to think this is the case with you and the rest of the hens.

28939. Jenerator - 8/21/2007 12:34:59 AM

I do believe that there are plenty of atheists who hate Christ - and you can interpret that to mean that they hate the Christian notion of Christ or the myth of Christ or whatever. There are a lot of them, just take an open-eyed look back into Demonizing Religion or most forums back on WX. Those people can be labeled Christophobes.

There are plenty of atheists who are ambivalent to the notion of Christ but resent if not loathe Christianity and its adherents. Christianophobe, or whatever terms fits for them. I don't care.

Blazes, plenty of people (including me) do not agree with homosexuality but do not fear or hate homosexuals. Try to understand that, please.

28940. judithathome - 8/21/2007 12:43:53 AM

I am seriously starting to think this is the case with you and the rest of the hens.

What the hell is with YOU? Blazes comes her whenever she wants...the fact of the matter is, WC is acting hinky today and maybe, just maybe, she decided to check out the Mote just as YOU decided the other day to check it out. Can't someone express their opinion without you accusing then of "piling on" simply because it doesn't mesh with what YOU believe?

I don't consider us "hens" anymore than I consider you to be the arbiter of taste in everything. So knock it off with name calling.

28941. judithathome - 8/21/2007 12:45:32 AM

See? I got so worked up over your pettiness that I started making hasty mistakes just as you sometimes do...should I blame you for it or claim you made me do it? Ha!!

28942. judithathome - 8/21/2007 12:49:56 AM

I see you've bought that lovely little label of Christophobe hook, line and sinker and are justifying its use just like they hoped you would...just as they got all of you in the majority to whine and carp that you all were being persecuted and just like they got you to accuse all non-believers of trying to kill Christmas.

And you wonder where the idea of "sheep" and "flocks" came from....

And by "they" I mean the nutcases who think up all this garbage and pass it on to the "flocks".

28943. SnowOwl - 8/21/2007 2:25:39 AM

I wonder how making a perfectly polite comment on a message board can be construed as "piling on".

You seem a bit paranoid, Jen. I'm here because I have some rare free time, and on those occasions I like to keep in touch with what's happening at The Mote. My job, husband, house and garden keep me a bit busier than your job, husband, house and kids, it seems, as you appear to have much more free time for posting than I do.

Some of the people who post at DR certainly hate at least some of the Christians they've had contact with. In some cases they have good reason to hate them.

I don't know any atheist who hates Christ. It's a bit difficult to hate something you don't believe in. It would be a bit like hating the Tooth Fairy. Most of us like or dislike people because of their actions, not because of who or what they believe in. Believe me, a lot of the Christians I know would dislike you intensely if they read the stuff you post. That would hardly make them Christianophobes. It would mean they didn't like you.

Blazes, plenty of people (including me) do not agree with homosexuality.

What on earth does this mean? That's about as silly as saying you don't agree with heterosexuality.

28944. Jenerator - 8/21/2007 2:32:45 AM


28945. jexster - 8/21/2007 6:54:56 PM

Boy's got my vote!!

GOP gubenatorial hopeful Bobby "Macaca" Jindal attacks protestants as heretics!

28946. judithathome - 8/23/2007 3:16:00 PM

Local church refused to allow a gay man's funeral to be held and now are carping about being "persecuted" because people wrote letters critical of the church...never fails.

28947. jexster - 9/18/2007 1:11:21 AM

Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum,
adveniat regnum tuum,
fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo

28948. jexster - 9/18/2007 1:57:27 AM


Mysterium Fides

28949. Ulgine Barrows - 9/22/2007 7:14:05 AM

My Latin isn't up to par.

28950. Ulgine Barrows - 9/22/2007 7:17:42 AM

I really love and hate the Catholic church. It's in my mind, part of me.
I know it is a screwed up religion, but part of it is a real comfort, at times.

28951. judithathome - 9/25/2007 1:28:33 PM

Community College instructor in Iowa fired for teaching that the story of Adam and Eve should not be literally interpreted

He teaches the Old Testament as part of a Western Civ class from "an academic standpoint."

"I put the Hebrew religion on the same plane as any other religion. Their god wasn't given any more credibility than any other god," Bitterman said. "I told them it was an extremely meaningful story, but you had to see it in a poetic, metaphoric or symbolic sense, that if you took it literally, that you were going to miss a whole lot of meaning there."

Bitterman said he called the story of Adam and Eve a "fairy tale" in a conversation with a student after the class and was told the students had threatened to see an attorney. He declined to identify any of the students in the class.

28952. anomie - 9/26/2007 10:17:20 PM

Jen, the problem with Christians is their false sense of persecution. Just because some of us want to protect our kids and our schools and public institutions from their wacky ideas, you call it "hate". You're not content to practice your faith freely, you want to impose it on others using public property and public funds to do so. Many of you either pretend not to understand the establishment clause or you think it applies only to religions other than yours.

28953. anomie - 9/28/2007 1:18:42 AM

Arkansas nuns run amuck....from CNN:

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) -- Six Catholic nuns have been excommunicated for heresy after refusing to give up membership in a Canadian sect whose founder claims to be possessed by the Virgin Mary, the Diocese of Little Rock announced.

The Rev. J. Gaston Hebert, Little Rock diocese administrator, called it "a painfully historic moment."

The Rev. J. Gaston Hebert, the diocese administrator, said he notified the nuns of the decision Tuesday night after they refused to recant the teachings of the Community of the Lady of All Nations, also known as the Army of Mary.

The Vatican has declared all members of the Army of Mary excommunicated. Hebert said the excommunication was the first in the diocese's 165-year history.

28954. jexster - 11/4/2007 9:08:37 PM

was at mass..we have a priestess associate who is on the faculty at the Episcopal seminary in Berkeley. She is also one of two clergy on a Dutch govt financed study group "Creating Ritual Space"....fgravy train until 2012!

Seems the dutch having turned their cathedrals into museums are now frantic about ritual..for good works, for peace..for the dead. for whatever...they're trying to develop Dutch Civic Religion

She worked her recent seminar in Amsterdam into the homily at mass this morning

I suggested field trips to Lenin's tomb and Solemn Adoration of the Flagpole (aka pledge of allegiance)

28955. wonkers2 - 11/4/2007 9:56:22 PM

And the Episcopal church is disintegrating thanks to Jexter and his pals.

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