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28953. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 6:40:08 PM

Oh, and I've never seen that movie, but I get what you're saying. one scary movie I did enjoy was mama. If I buy the premise I enjoy it, and if I don't I can't take it seriously, but whether it's scary or suspenseful my heart rate goes too fast to really like that. I still haven't seen Django Unchained, that's been on my DVR for year. Of course Mama wasn't rated R, so nothing was too bloody.

Another thing I hate is slime and it really irritates me that the advertisements for the movie life has that slimy thing going in his mouth or coming out of his mouth, I can't watch it long enough to see what it's doing. That's what bugged me most about the one Rob Zombie 2 minutes of a movie I accidentally watched on the way to somewhere else. It wasn't the blood and guts it was the Slime of the blood and guts.

28954. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 6:41:52 PM

Alien was so great, but even though I've seen it so many times I still can't watch where the alien jumps out of his chest.

28955. wabbit - 3/31/2017 11:19:00 PM

omg, it's already 4/1 in NZ.

28956. judithathome - 3/31/2017 11:45:54 PM

I know...April Fool!

At least they don't have to deal (directly, anyhow) with OUR biggest April Fool Joke...our alleged President.

28957. Ms. No - 4/3/2017 10:14:01 PM

Just gave blood today for the first time ever! Super proud of myself --- I've always been terrified of it for one reason and another. I figured after having an arterial blood gas draw last year, however, that I could handle this, easy.

28958. judithathome - 4/3/2017 10:28:32 PM

Keoni and I cannot give blood because we lived overseas (Japan) and they deem that as being we were "exposed to"...whatever, I can't recall...anyhow, when my mom was having hip replacement surgery, Keoni went to give blood and was not allowed to...I tried to do so and was denied for the same reason.

28959. JJBiener - 5/1/2017 12:00:05 AM

I came back today just to say "Hi" and see what is happening here. There doesn't seem to be much traffic these days. It feels like going back to a place you used to live only to find it abandoned. I am glad at least a few people are still keeping it alive.

28960. JJBiener - 5/1/2017 1:03:02 AM

I came back today just to say "Hi" and see what is happening here. There doesn't seem to be much traffic these days. It feels like going back to a place you used to live only to find it abandoned. I am glad at least a few people are still keeping it alive.

28961. JJBiener - 5/1/2017 1:03:15 AM

I came back today just to say "Hi" and see what is happening here. There doesn't seem to be much traffic these days. It feels like going back to a place you used to live only to find it abandoned. I am glad at least a few people are still keeping it alive.

28962. arkymalarky - 5/1/2017 4:23:39 PM


Social media has really impacted places like this. We already suffered from trolling and splits and stuff like that, and now everybody's so busy. I've been positively swamped for the last two or three months.

28963. Ms. No - 5/1/2017 5:19:08 PM

Good to see you, JJ! How've you been?

Yes, we're mostly here in fits and starts depending on what's happening and how busy everyone is. My online presence fell off pretty drastically once I started teaching. Not the sort of job that lends itself to checking in places multiple times a day, and by the time I get home in the evening, the last thing I want to do is get on the computer. I'm always happy to see folks here, though.

28964. wabbit - 5/1/2017 7:49:00 PM

Hey JJ, great to see you, hope everything is going well for you!

28965. JJBiener - 5/1/2017 11:55:41 PM

I don't know if it was announced here, msgreer passed away about 18 months ago. It was very sudden. She was peaceful and there was no pain. She was a founding member here, so I thought you should know.

28966. Ms. No - 5/2/2017 3:14:13 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. I know you were close friends. I still think of her often when talking to my students about possible professions in health care --- and to others I know who would benefit from having a Nurse Advocate.

Do you know how her daughter is doing?

28967. wabbit - 5/2/2017 11:45:56 AM

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about Ms. Greer, my condolences JJ. I was just thinking about her last week, and also wonder how her daughter is doing.

28968. JJBiener - 5/2/2017 1:42:55 PM

Msgreer's daughter is doing alright. She is in a facility in South Florida. I talk to her on a regular basis. Obviously she is still grieving, but she is working through it.

28969. judithathome - 5/2/2017 6:00:42 PM

Well, hey! to you JJ...good to see you!

And so sorry to hear about msgreer...sad news but good to know she didn't suffer.

28970. arkymalarky - 5/3/2017 4:03:11 PM

So sad about MsGreer, such as good and kind person, but I'm glad her daughter's doing well.

28971. arkymalarky - 6/11/2017 10:56:37 PM

Have not been in the mood to be online at all but things are settling down finally. I lost my best friend in April agter surgery on a burst diverticula, my dad fell again, hit his head again, but only burst his eardrum that time. Our budfy spook is in the middle of a divorce and he's moved out to a beautiful Farm less than 2 miles from us, and we've been trying to help him get settled into his new, and I think way better life. But he has his hands full and we haven't had time to settle in and enjoy ourselves in Forever. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, but that's enough. We are getting some remodeling done on our house while we're in Colorado, and got some remodeling done on our colorado house while we were home, so hopefully will have two decent places to be by the end of this summer.

28972. arkymalarky - 6/11/2017 11:01:21 PM

School was actually A good diversion and I signed on for one more year, definitely wont go after that. I'll be out of sick days. I'm being full-time grandma after my son-in-law gets is phd wherever they end up living, and take care of my parents too.

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