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29087. Ms. No - 12/27/2018 3:46:35 AM

Merry Christmas!

Wabbit -- you're not coming to the Bay anytime this year are you?

29088. wabbit - 1/1/2019 4:44:47 PM

Happy New Year everyone!

Hey Ms. No, probably not this year, maybe next year. Some corporate changes being made at the top over the next couple months, we'll see how it all shakes out. I'll definitely be in touch if I find myself out in your neck of the woods, would be great to see you!

29089. arkymalarky - 1/2/2019 2:16:11 AM

Happy New Year wabbit and all the other mote buds! Found out over Christmas that being Grandma rocks. I knew it already but is the first time we spent a couple of days with just us and grandson

29090. Ms. No - 1/7/2019 3:47:53 AM

Woot! Yay Grandma!

Wabbit -- definitely let me know. The City is close, and I'd love to see you.

I do NOT want to go back to school tomorrow. Most of my break was filled with family support as we said goodbye to Nana - my stepdad's mom -- on Christmas day. She came home for hospice the day I got out of school, passed on Christmas, and then the burial and memorial were on the 2nd and 3rd, so I was mostly down in the East Bay over the break.

It was good to be with family, and I was so glad to be able to help care for her and for those hardest hit by her passing, but now I'm feeling a little stressed over the plans for picking back up with the school year.

Ah well, it'll all work out. Maybe I'll find a movie to show a couple days this week. ;->

29091. bhelpuri - 1/8/2019 2:46:42 PM

Happy New Year, to all the Motards.

Last year was a corker for me, beyond any expectation, but am not at all looking forward to this one as my oldest detaches from the parental ship to head to college in Trumpistan (he was accepted early decision to one of the Ivies). Happy for him, but so inconvenient for me!

Grumpily yrs,


29092. arkymalarky - 1/11/2019 5:29:28 PM

Congratulations and condolences! Fantastic and unsurprising your kiddos are doing so well.

Hard to watch them Move where you don't get to see them often. Thankfully we're doing that in the online age. Mose lived near us and worked with me for three years then when her husband pursued his PhD they were several hours away, and now with his new career they're a whole day away. And I'm just thankful it's not more than a day away. I fully expected them to be on the east or west coast, but one European company with one location in the u.s. recruited him and he went there. But we communicate multiple times everyday.

29093. bhelpuri - 1/29/2019 12:59:35 PM

That's very nice to hear, Arky. For the next decade, my main purpose in life will be to launch the kids to locations many thousands of miles from home, and I do hope they will eventually find their way back, or at least not too far from where they started...

29094. arkymalarky - 5/13/2019 11:16:55 AM

Happy late Mother's Day! Mazie woke me up and now I can't go back to sleep. She's 14 years old now.

In other news, y'all who have been to my house may remember our big lovely oak tree that's the Cornerstone of our front yard.... Stan was taking the trash down to the road, looked over at it, and saw light on the other side. It was split in two almost to the ground. So we got it and the smallish pecan tree close to our house cut because it had lost about half of itself and our yard looks very different now. We kept the trunk and limb stubs of the oak standing so it's actually not as bad as just being completely gone, but I don't know how long it will last like that. At least it's not a menace

29095. alistairconnor - 5/13/2019 11:57:27 AM

Grrrrr. Brexit is really starting to piss me off.

Elder Daughter is just installing her graduation exhibition (photography) at the Glasgow School of Art. I'll be going there at the end of the month, once the election is over (see below), to see her graduate, and party like they do in Glasgow. Also to meet her newish boyfriend, a cute Glaswegian who I suspect is partly responsible for the fact that she intends to stay on another year in Scotland in order to claim permanent residency in the UK. Which brings me back to... Fuck Brexit!

In other news,
I am candidate 77 out of 79, running for the European Parliament for the European Spring alliance. (We're so politically correct we're on another planet. We're running in eight countries, and we'll be lucky to get a handful of MEPs)

In other other news... Secret Agent and I are finally getting married, and finally buying an apartment, after eleven years. (The two are not unrelated -- better interest rate.) She's currently back in Morocco taking care of her parents, and buying rings. Oh shit, I need to measure my ring finger.

All in all, despite the underlying futility of it all, life is fucking great.

I hope and wish the same for all of you.

29096. arkymalarky - 5/14/2019 5:56:16 AM

Alastair! Congratulations on all that good news! 11 years... Wow. Time is just Sailing by

29097. wabbit - 5/14/2019 9:59:13 PM

Thank you for our Mote, AC, and congratulations!

Re: Brexit, I can only imagine your frustration, dealing as we are with the orange fatberg. I'm a wee bit amused at the criticism of Theresa May - wasn't she against Brexit and is now forced to come up with a deal for something she never wanted to see happen? Am I mis-remembering?

29098. wabbit - 7/30/2019 3:24:06 PM

Happy Birthday Arky! Hope it's a fun day!

29099. arkymalarky - 7/30/2019 3:32:40 PM

Thank you dear Wabbit! Up in the mountains about to go higher up in the mountains to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park, so it's going to be a good one. Big 60.

29100. wabbit - 10/7/2019 12:52:26 AM

Ok, I need someone to check me on this...Ford truck commercial with the Little Richard song "Rip It Up". did nobody older than 25 years listen to these lyrics? wtf do they think "ball tonight" means??

Is it just me?

29101. arkymalarky - 10/7/2019 7:46:23 AM

Trying to remember what product it was that their commercial used the song Jerk it Out.

29102. winstonsmith - 10/9/2019 6:45:10 AM

iPod ?

29103. arkymalarky - 11/16/2019 1:56:39 AM

It was. I'd never remembered that in a million years

29104. Ms. No - 11/21/2019 5:50:57 PM

So ready to get out of school and start preparing for the holiday. I've been trying to do a little bit along the way, but I've been so busy and gone so many weekends that I'm just behind.

Fortunately, The Day is not at my house this year, so I don't have to spiff it up for anyone but family, and they won't mind a little mess.

Recently was inspired by my favorite Starbucks barista to resume my artistic endeavors. We chat most mornings and recently started following each other on Instagram. Well, I follow her. Nobody follows me because I never post anything. ;->

She makes really amazing jewelry and has done several memento mori pieces for people using cremains of loved ones. The work I've seen is primarily ceramics and poured or blown glass, but she also draws and paints and does hand-lettering. And just makes stuff. She turned an old suitcase into a really neat cat-bed --- that her cat actually likes to sleep in.

I finally finished the purse I started for my mom nearly four years ago. I'm so lame. Of course, now that I'm finished with it, I like the look of it and she'll be thrilled, but it really just needs to be in a shadowbox because it isn't practical. It's too big and too heavy, and my mom will love it but not use it. But having made this one from a kit-pattern, I know how I want to alter it when I make her a new one. Hopefully this next one won't take so long!

29105. arkymalarky - 11/22/2019 5:36:32 PM

Too cool! You remind me of me about your mother's purse. I've got half a grandson blanket and he's three. Maybe I'll have another grandkid and can crochet him something else. I love crafts in the winter time and that sounds too cool. I'm not on Instagram but I'd love to look to look at her stuff.

My peeps are coming Saturday and my house is not ready so today is going to be whirlwind time.

29106. Ms. No - 11/22/2019 9:07:50 PM

Yeah -- mine arrive tomorrow as well, so I'll be up late tonight and early tomorrow getting stuff ready. I've got my prioritized list:

1. Clean the bathrooms
2. Mop the kitchen floor
3. Put away as much clutter as I can
4. Vacuum and dust

I was trying to post some pics here of the purse I made, but I can't remember how to do that if the pic is posted on a google site. It doesn't show up as a jpg, but some long-ass google content link addy. It's weird. I'll figure it out.

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