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Host: Adam Selene

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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 29148 - 29167 out of 29646 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
29148. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:06:20 AM

Then what does she need to be redeemed from?

29149. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:06:47 AM

Original sin..it is a doctrinal statement about Jesus Christ

29150. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:08:41 AM

PROVE this!

Oh you mean like PROVE Jesus rose from the dead ..that he is True God and True Man?

Because if he is, the Immaculate Conception flows from that if not, not

Can't prove a faith statement...

29151. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:10:21 AM

You mean like a tape recording of the Angel Gabriel???

Something like the Quran is to Muslims? Or the Book of Mormon to Moronis

Sorry the Christian Scriptures aren't that

29152. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:12:16 AM

If she is without sin, why would she need to be redeemed from sin, Jexster? That's nonsensical.

29153. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:12:34 AM

That's like saying that Christ needs to be redeemed.

29154. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:13:26 AM

But if you believe in the Word, and the Word became flesh of the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception is hardly difficult to understand

And has been so understood from the Church's very beginning.

29155. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:15:18 AM

Like I said, the Doctrine isn't about Mary, it is about her Son..he freed her from Original Sin of Eve (mankind) from Before Time because the Word pre-existed creation....

29156. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:15:45 AM

Otherwise she could never have said YES to Gabriel

That's all it says...

29157. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:16:14 AM

Sorry the Christian Scriptures aren't that

There is no scriptural evidence to support Pius' declaration that Mary was without sin. None. Instead of simply honoring her, you all have catapulted her to the level of Christ.

Why isn't Joseph held in the same regard? He was Christ's earthly father. Was he without sin, too? What about Christ's earthly brothers? Uncles? Aunts? Cousins?

29158. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:18:02 AM

It is NOT like saying the Redeemer needed to be Redeemed

That makes no sense

It is saying something about the Redemption itself and because that is a Mystery no human words can capture, all attempts to understand are the very stuff of a life of faith

The Doctrine of the Immaculate conception is about Jesus not about Mary

29159. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:18:10 AM

Your're jumping to faulty conclusions based on emotion. There is absolutely, positively NO scriptural evidence to suggest that Mary was sinless. None.

29160. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:19:22 AM

The Doctrine of the Immaculate conception is about Jesus not about Mary

Baloney! It's about Pius declaring Mary has sinless. and a Virgin till death.

29161. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:19:29 AM

That's what we believe...

You asked

I told you ..I think fairly accurately

I must rest for the Great Depression of George Herbert Hoover Bush consumeth me

29162. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:20:30 AM


This is the kind of scenario Protestants and Catholics have been having for centuries.

I just want Jexster to support the Church's stance with scripture - the primary source of the faith itself, and he cannot.

29163. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:20:52 AM


It is what I said it is...that's not "baloney" ...that is a fact.

You may think the belief itself is "baloney" without warrant in Scripture, the Church believes otherwise

29164. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:21:02 AM


29165. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:21:18 AM

Goodnight Jexster.

29166. Jenerator - 9/22/2008 4:22:04 AM

the Church believes otherwise

There is division within the Church over this!

29167. jexster - 9/22/2008 4:22:07 AM

I just want Jexster to support the Church's stance with scripture - the primary source of the faith itself, and he cannot.

I just did. Jenerator rejects the interpretation of Scripture but that doesn't make it any less Scriptural

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